Chapter 13: Cami Gives Me Some Advice

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Deli's POV:

When we reach my room we quickly eat before discussing what I'm going to wear. I don't even notice the bag in her hand until she plops it on my bed in front of me. "What's that?" I ask. "A few of my performance outfits.

I thought, seeing as you had no intention of performing this summer, that you could use some." She begins emptying and organizing the contents of the bag on my bed. My eyes widen at some of the options. "These are beautiful Camille, but aren't these a little too much?" I ask.

"Not at the right gigs, but I agree, tonight is more casual. Tryyyyy, this." She beams as she pulls a few pieces from the bed and holding them out to me. I like them. Not too flashy, but cute. Casual. More closely aligned with with Cami is currently wearing. "Perfect."

She grins and shoves the clothing into my hands. "I know." She beams. "Now, go, change and hurry it up, we don't have all night. We're meeting everyone in an hour." She insists, shoving me out of my room and into the shared hall bathroom.

I chuckle and eye my plain reflection in the mirror. Tonights the night. I quickly change into the outfit and grin at my appearance. I look hot. Like, actually hot. I exit the bathroom and Cami squeals at the sight of me. The thing is, she's not the only one in the hallway.

"Whoa." Jere says, eyes widening at my appearance. "Deli, why are you dressed like that?" He asks. "Uh, I agreed to play a gig with everyone down at The Shack tonight. Cami over here is helping me get ready." I say, pointing behind him at her.

She wiggles her fingers at me with a teasing smile. "You're playing a gig? Since when?" "Since this morning. I know it's fast, but we sound amazing together. You and everyone should come tonight." I tell him.

"What's going on with you Deli? Playing gigs with complete strangers? This isn't like you." He tells me. I cross my arms, my eyes narrowing. "Well maybe I've changed." "You don't change though. You never have." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not doing this with you right now. I have to get ready for tonight. With that I push past him and into my room. Once the door is closed Cami raises an eyebrow at me. "What was all that about?" She asks. "Don't even ask me. I don't know. This summer has just been weird with him."

"Ok, so how long have you liked him?" I'm shocked at her question. "W-what?" "How long have you liked him and and long has he liked someone else?" "How could you possibly know I like him and he likes someone else?"

"Oh please, I'm very observant." She scoffs, sitting back on my bed. I sigh. "Since I met him." I say, plopping down next to her. "And he likes someone close to you?" "My sister." I mumble, turning over onto my stomach.

"Damn. That's rough. Well, I meant when I said earlier. There's no too fast, but there is too slow. If you've liked this guy for this long and he only has eyes for your sister, drop him. Besides, I've seen the way you and Kai look at each other." I blush at this.

"It's been two days and I can already hear wedding bells." I roll my eyes at her overdramatic statement. "And don't tell me that what happened in his car didn't happen." Now my blush is darker. I can just tell since the room is getting hotter.

"So what do you want me to do? How do you suggest I completely lose feelings for a guy I've been in love with my whole life? I don't think that's how it works. Besides, I've tried getting over him. Nothing has worked." I tell her.

"No. You never truly forget your first love. All I'm saying is that someone else seeing you, shouldn't be the reason he finally does. Put yourself first Deli. If he falls in line, great, but if he doesn't, Kai is an amazing guy." I nod. He is really great.

"Give that a chance because as his best friend, I can tell you I've never heard him talk about someone the way he talks about you and you two just met. If that's not something, then I don't know what is." I nod.

"You're right. I need to put myself first. I need to put Jeremiah on the back burner." "Atta girl. Now, I have to say, you look amazing. Now come over here and sit. I want to do your hair and makeup." I nod and do as I am told, sitting on my chair, in front of her.

She makes quick work of my hair, simply curling it, before moving onto my makeup. I eye the dark red lipstick in her hand. "Don't worry, this'll look amazing on you. Trust the process." She insists. I'm hesitant, but allow her to put it on me.

Once she's done she steps back to admire her handy work. "Yep, I'm amazing. It's official. I snort out a laugh at this before standing and looking at myself in my full length mirror. "Whoa." I breath.

"Whoa indeed my dear Deli. Now, we have to go. We have to meet the others in fifteen minutes." She tells me. I nod, grabbing my phone and slipping on some shoes. As I follow her to her car I text everyone about the gig, inviting them to show up if they want to.

With that I climb into Cami's car and we're taking off down to road towards The Shack. I smile as we drive. This is actually happening. I'm actually performing with a band. I never thought I would be doing something like this.

I've always been more of a solo artist, but the way we played together all today gives me hope that maybe there's something more there, and I couldn't be more excited.

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