Chapter 15: First Kiss

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Deli's POV:

Once I had done my final bows, I jogged back to my place off stage to listen to the rest of the band's set. Around 30 minutes later they were done and the lights in the room come on as the guests all leave.

Walking back onto the stage, I rush down the stairs to hug Susanna and Laurel tightly. Susanna had rushed the stage as soon as she saw me heading back onto the stage and she had dragged Laurel with her. "That was amazing! You fit so naturally up there Deli." 

She pulls away and stares at me with a reminiscent look. "You look so much like her." Her words make me smile even more as I hug the two of them once again. Pulling away from the moms Belly slams into me, hugging me even tighter than Laurel and Susanna did. 

"Look at you, superstar!" She squeals, pulling away. "I knew you could writing, play, and sing, but Lynn I didn't know you could perform like that. You're a natural performer." She grins. I chuckle. "I wouldn't say that Bells, but I'll take the compliment. She grins. 

"You better, because now that I know, I'm not going to let it go until you perform again." "Alright Belly, stop hogging her." Steven jokes as he side hugs me. Conrad is next. His hug is light, but present. A perfect representation of our friendship. 

When we pull away I stare past him eat Jeremiah who's standing behind everyone. There's no smile like the rest of my family's faces. His jaw is set and he's looking at someone behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I see Kai talking with the rest of the band. 

As I look over, he glances towards me, grinning. "Jere, didn't you like the show?" Susanna asks, obviously noticing something is wrong with her normally cheery son. That seems to snap him out of his own thoughts as his clenched jaw is soon replaces with a fake smile. I know it's fake.

It's Jeremiah. He's easy to read. He walks over and hugs me. "You were great Del. Who knew you had that much star power in you." He teases. I chuckle, pulling back. "Well, I can't take all the credit. I wouldn't have a song or a show with out the others." I turn towards the band. 

"Hey guys, come here for a second." Upon hearing my call, all five of them rush over, wide grins on all of their faces. Kai jumps the stairs, landing right next to me. This causes Jeremiah to take a step back just so they don't run into each other. His arm is instantly around my shoulders.

Susanna beams up at them. "You guys were amazing!" She tells them once we're all in front of her. "Thank you so much. Honestly, I think Lilah here pulls us together." Cami tells them with a kind smile on her face. "Now that I can agree with, but I have a bias." She jokes. 

"So, this is my adoptive mom, Laurel, and my brother and sister, Belly and Steven." After they say they're 'hellos', I move onto the Fishers. "And this is Susanna and her sons, Conrad and Jeremiah." Instead of just saying hello, Susanna hugs all of them. 

"Guys this is Kai Anderson, Brooks Morrison, Camille Jackson, Sawyer Grey, and Hazel Timmons. I met Kai at the gas station on the way into town and he introduced me to everyone else." I explain. 

"Well, it's loving to meet all of you. Deli, don't stay out too late, but we're gonna head back home." Laurel tells me. I nod and hug them one more time before they exit the building. "Your family seems so cool." Cami tells me. 

"They really are." "Come on guys, wrap it up, I need to close up." Benny calls over to us. "You got it!" Kai calls over. Everyone jumps into action to take down the set except Kai. "I can give yo a ride home if Cami hasn't already offered. Then again, if she has, I can still take you." He grins.

I chuckle. "That'd be great. I'll wait by the door." "Awesome. Shouldn't take me long." Turning on his heel he rushes to start putting everything away. Once everything is taken down, the band exits the building, walking to the only remaining cars in the parking lot. 

"You ready Lilah?" Cami asks, opening the driver's side door of her car. I go to speak when Kai cuts me off. "I've got her Cam." Cami smirks at me, sending me a wink before climbing into her car and driving off. 

I climb in to Kai's car and soon he's pulling away, driving towards the beach house. The first few minutes of the drive is silent until Kai breaks it. "You were...phenomenal tonight Lilah." I blush at the compliment. 

"We were great Kai. This whole this isn't a solo act you know." I tell him, trying to diffuse the tension. "I'm talking about the song. I'm talking about you. You, Delilah Lynn Montgomery, are phenomenal." As he speaks, I feel the weight of his words. 

They make me realize that no one has ever said something like that to me. No one. I try to shake off the way my stomach swirls. I can't be feeling things like this. "You've only known me for like two days." He glances over at me, reaching one of his hands over and taking one of mine.

I hadn't even noticed that I had been fidgeting. "And it didn't even take me that long to know how special you are." Damn there goes the stomach swirls again. I look down as he pulls up in front of the house. I feel a hand under my chin as Kai lifts my face to look at him. 

He stares me dead in the eyes. "I like you Lilah. I really like you." "You barely know me." I shake my head, making him release his gentle grip on my chin. "Then let me get to know you. Give me a chance." "What? Like a date?" I look back up at him. He grins at me. 

"Delilah Montgomery, will you go on a date with me?" I grin, smiling at the cheesiness of the whole situation, but also matching the grin Kai is now wearing. I don't trust my voice so I nod, my smile never faltering. His eyes glances down from my own to my lips then back up. 

My heart rate picks up as I remember our almost kiss this afternoon. Slowly I start to lean in, feeling bold for the first time in my life. He starts to lean in as well until our lips meet. It wasn't like how I expected my first kiss. No fictional fireworks or butterflies swarming in my stomach.

No theatrical music playing in the background. Just the two of us, in this moment.'s perfect.

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