Chapter 4: Catching Some Waves

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Deli's POV:

Once I've taken it in, I set by bag and case on the bed and start unpacking. I'm almost done when I hear talking next door in Belly's room. From the voices it's here and I'm going to guess Jeremiah since Steven would never just go to talk to her and Conrad isn't the chatty type.

They talk for a few minutes and then I assume he leaves because there's silence. A few minutes later I hear Belly leave her room. I wonder where she's going? I walk out of my room and see her turning the corner down the stairs in her swimsuit. My heart sinks slightly.

She's going swimming? Is that what Jeremiah wanted? The three of us always go to the beach the first day of summer together. Sighing I decide to work on the song I plan on playing for the moms and Belly tonight before the movie. Then I get to thinking.

Kai asked me to that bonfire tonight. Maybe I should go. I smile slightly and go to grab my song book from my bag when I hear laughing coming from outside. I go to stand by the window and see Jeremiah and Belly laughing as they walk towards the beach. My heart aches at the sight.

I really thought everything would be different now that I look different, but I should have known that Jeremiah doesn't care about looks. He never has. It's another thing I love about him. Shaking my head I grab my song book and toss it on my bed as I take my guitar out of my case.

I quickly tune it and go over some chords before strumming the song I'm planning on playing tonight while also humming how the words will go to make sure it sounds good. I do this a few times all the way through before I even think about showing it to someone.

The amount of times I've done this and then decided that the way the chords go doesn't sound good with how the lyrics are being said before scrapping the entire song is insane. I'm about halfway through when there is a knock on my door. I stop playing. "Come in."

In my mind I hope it's Jeremiah. I always preview songs for him in the summer and I have one I've been working on. When the door opens and Conrad steps through I smile kindly at him, even though there is a part of me that is a bit disappointed. "Hey."

"Hey, what are you doing up here all by yourself? I saw Jere and Belly head down to the beach a little bit ago." I shrug, looking down. "I wasn't invited and I didn't want to intrude." I explain, looking back up. He just rolls his eyes.

"There is no intruding in this house Deli. You should know that by now." He says, chucking a pillow at my hand. I chuckle and throw it back. "You're right. It's ok though. I needed to work on the song I'm gonna play tonight." I tell him, gripping my guitar every so slightly tighter.

"Oh come on, I bet you've been practicing for the last week. You can't tell me you're not itching to at least go catch one wave." He's not wrong. I love surfing. It's so freeing and I've been obsessed since Conrad taught me when I was ten.

I guess me thinking was taking too long because I he takes my guitar from my hands, not without a little fight from me, and places it beside me before hauling me off the bed. "Get changed go have fun. It's summer." He reminds me. "And what will you be doing?"

He just shrugs. "Don't worry about it. Just...don't let them not inviting you making you feel like you can't go." I sigh. He's right. "Thanks. I won't." He nods before quickly exiting the room. I sigh. Out of all the boys, I've always had the best relationship with Conrad.

When I was eight he told me that I was his little sister and I had no say in the matter. I can tell there's a darker aura around him this summer, but I'm glad that didn't stop him from trying to be normal with me. When we were growing up it was always the best friends in groups.

The boys, Belly and Jere, and then me and Conrad. Just the way it should be. I would hate to lose my best friend because something is bothering him. I just hope he knows he can talk to me about it. He can talk to me about anything.

Taking his advice, as soon as the door closes behind him, I grab my swim suit and quickly change into it. I eye myself over once in the mirror before taking a deep breath and exiting my room. On my way out I grab a towel and some sunscreen.

I quickly find the storage shed and grab my wetsuit and surfboard before heading down the path to the beach. I spot Belly and Jeremiah almost instantly. They's just having fun, playing in the waves.

Taking a deep breath I walk over and quickly do sunscreen and all that fun stuff before pulling on my wetsuit. Once it's on I tie my hair up, attach my ankle strap, and head out into the water. As soon as I catch my first wave, all thoughts of the pair escape my mind and finally I let loose.

I surf for maybe an hour before I hear Belly call out to me. I paddle over to shore before jogging up to the meet the two of them. "Hey." I say, grinning. "I thought you were gonna what to go surfing with me tomorrow like we always do." Jeremiah says. I shrug.

"Well, Conrad found me cooped up in my room a little after the two of you left and convinced me to not hole up in my room with my guitar for the rest of the day." I chuckle. Neither laugh with me. Jere's jaw clenches and Belly just looks confused?

"Really?" Belly asks, a hint of jealousy in her voice. I don't know why. She knows I wouldn't go against A) Girl Code B) Sister Code and C) Our Deal. I decide to ease her fears. "Yeah, came in asking where the two of you went and then suggested I get some practice in." I explain.

Belly visibly relax, but Jere doesn't. "Come on, go put your board down and hang out with us." Jere suggests. I think about it before nodding. "Sure, why not. Give me a second." I rush back to my towel and set my board down before unzipping my wetsuit.

Once It's off I turn back to my friends and rush over to them. When I reach them Jere stops to stare for a second. Belly notices and smirks at me. "Come on you two, it's getting late and the moms will call us in soon." I grin. "Race ya."

With that I take off, the other two chasing after me, all of us laughing along the way.

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