Chapter 6: Crazier

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Deli's POV:

After the deb proposition dinner goes on like normal and soon it's over. Conrad goes out of the backyard while Jere and Steven go upstairs to shower. They always find something else to do, but I always play my song after dinner, before Belly's late night swims and movie night.

Once dinner has totally wrapped and the boys are long gone, I go to my room and go over the song I'm gonna play tonight. Once I have it I  drag my song book and guitar down the stairs and once it's set up everyone is ready. "So, who's this one about?" Susannah asks, a grin on her lips.

I smile back, blushing. "No one, besides, you've bee asking me that question for years and the answer is always the same." She scoffs. "Because I know you're lying, but one day, I will find out. I have a way with people and your mother could never keep a secret from me." She says.

I grin as I sit with my guitar. She always says that when I dodge her questions. With one last deep breath, I start to play.


I've never gone with the wind,
Just let it flow

Let it take me where it wants to go

'Til you opened the door,
There's so much more

I'd never seen it before

I was trying to fly
But I could find wings

But you came along
And you changed everything

You lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around

You make me crazier


Feels like I'm falling
And I am lost in your eyes

You make me crazier



I've watched from a distance,
As you made life your own

Every sky was your own kind of blue

And I wanted to to know,
How that would feel

And you made it so real

You showed me something
That I couldn't see

You opened my eyes
And you made me believe

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around

You make me crazier


Feels like I'm falling
And I am lost in your eyes

You make me crazier



Baby, you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore


You life my feet off the ground
You spin me around

You make me crazier


Feels like I'm falling
And I am lost in your eyes

You make me crazier





As the song comes to an end I look up to see everyone smiling at me. "Deli that was beautiful." Susannah says, standing and coming to sit next to me and hugging me tightly. I love Susannah's hugs. They're the best.

"Thanks. It was just something that come to my head. Something I've been wanting to write on for a while and it just came to me one day. Something sparked I guess." I explain, shrugging slightly with a blush on my face. "That's wonderful Deli." Laurel says. I yawn.

"You know, I'm pretty tired. I'm sorry, but I think I'm gonna have to miss movie night tonight. I'm sorry. But I promise I'll make it up to you all." I assure. Susannah smiles at me. "Don't worry about it sweetie. Go get some rest." She tells me. I nod, smiling.

I stand and hug Susannah and Laurel. Belly walks upstairs with me. "Are you going to that bonfire?" I ask her, already feeling guilty about lying to Laurel and Susannah. I hate it. "I want to, but I don't think they guys will let me." I roll my eyes.

"Then don't ask their permission. It'll take me a bit to get ready so you can do your night swim and then we can go down together." She grins and hugs me. "You're the best Lynn." "I'll come get you when I'm ready." I nod and she rushes off while I walk into my room.

I grin as I hear Steven and Jere singing loudly from the bathroom. Once I'm in my room I close the door and lock it so no one comes in before walking over to my closet. Why did I have to bring so many clothes here this weekend? I'll never be able to decide what to wear.

I hear talking outside and see everyone gathered by the swimming pool. I guess the boys are about to leave. From the look on Belly's face she does not look to happy about what they're saying. Jere looks up as the boys are headed out and catches my eye.

I smile at him and he grins and winks at me before all the boys walk off. I hear a car leave a few minutes later so I'm guessing they're gone. I rifle through my closet for a while before giving up and calling Taylor.

It takes her all of ten seconds to pick out an outfit for me to wear tonight. She then hangs up because Belly is calling her. Taking her advice I grab tank top and shorts and slip them on. I smile at my reflection and set to work pulling a couple strands of my hair back and out of my face.

Once I'm done with that I do bare minimum makeup and by the time I'm finished with that I hear a knock on my door. It's soft. "Come in." I call, knowing it's Belly. My eyes widen when I see her. "Taylor seriously lent you her secret weapon?" I ask, shocked.

I asked to borrow it once and she nearly ripped my head off. "Yep, now come on. We need to go before the moms notice." I nod and grab my phone and a sweater before follow Belly quietly down the stairs. We tip toe pst Laurel and Susannah curled up on the couch together.

My heart is racing until we're out the door. "Come on, I think it's down on this side of the beach." I say. She nods and together set off down the road towards our first bonfire. Why do I get the feeling like tonight isn't going to be as amazing as we both hope?

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