Judging Criteria

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Judging Criteria

Book Cover ( /10)
Title ( /10)
Description/Summary ( /10)
Grammar ( /10)
Characters ( /10)
Plot ( /10)
Overall enjoyment ( /10)
Overall book ( /10)
Relevance (-5)
Total score out of 80
Please leave a review/feedback for the author.

^^This is not the judging criteria for graphics, poetry and random. They will have their own judging criteria.

Judging Criteria Explained
Just some questions to ask yourself if you are unsure what to look for.

Book Cover (0/10)
Is the book cover appealing and does it stand out?
Title (0/10)
Does it relate to the story?
Does it give the plot away?
Description/Summary (0/10)
Intriguing, does it make you want to open the book and read more?
Grammar (0/10)
Grammar, punctuation, spelling.
Were there too many mistakes, which makes it hard to read.
Characters (0/10)
Have they described the characters well?
Do you know what they look like?
Do you get a sense of their personality?
Plot (0/10)
Is the plot interesting?
Does it jump from one scene to another abruptly or does the story flow well?
Overall enjoyment (0/10)
Did you enjoy reading the book?
Did the book attract you, that it made you want to read more (page turner)?
Overall book (0/10)
What would you rate the book as a whole, out of 10?
1-3 you didn't really like the book and it needs a lot of editing and improvements.
4-7 the book was okay.
8-10 the book was really good. Well written and a good read.
Relevance (minus 5 points)
Does the book relate to the genre it was entered into?
If not, can you please minus 5 points.
Only minus points if not related to genre. If the book relates to the genre, don't add or minus anything.

Total score out of 80

Please leave a review/feedback for the author. You can talk about what you loved about the book, or what can be improved.

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