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Apollo Lovegood

In the world of magic, certain Muggle disabilities are incurable and most are unheard of. The simple ones are mainly physical, such as paralysis where the body is unable to move, the victim has a inability to act. Most Paralysis people are the ones who can't move from the waist down, others have their limbs cut off for it is no use to them. Another Physical ailment is Deafness, where the victim is unable to hear what goes around them, with such a ailment, the other senses are heightened twice the average Muggle, witch, or wizard. In such cases, Magic folk understood the disability, they are able to raise their child right, even with the weaknesses of being deaf, paralyzed, mute, or even blind.

However, Mental illnesses were a whole different story. To magic folk, these people were crazy, off their rocker. No one thought that they could simply be suffering from a illness because they never truly understood such a thing. Perhaps this was the reason why Xenophilius could not understand his youngest child, no matter how much he tried, he simply couldn't grasp the concept of his child's behavior. It started when the boy was around two years old, he had begun to have a odd fixation to the yarn his mother used while knitting. Multiple times, either he, Luna, or Pandora herself had to stop the child from wrapping himself completely in yarn. When Luna suggested to buy him a toy, they found the boy simply opening and closing his wardrobe door and when asked why he didn't play with his toy, they were meant with silence as if he was preoccupied with his current task to pay them any sort of mind.

It wasn't until the accident that caused Pandora's death that things really took a turn for the worst. With Luna distraught and softly crying, she turned her focus on her younger brother who wasn't doing anything to indicate he was shocked, not even a sob escaped his mouth, instead, he let his lips curve into a simple frown and finally turned to look at his sister with narrowed eyes.


He had been saying the word a lot now, whenever it was night time and Pandora would pick up a story from the shelves, Apollo would suddenly chirp, 'Sleeping', but he wasn't smiling or even giggling, he simply kept saying it. When Pandora tried to show him to say another word, the boy had thrown a fit that involved screaming for the past two hours before he collapsed from exhaustion.

The second incident was where things began escalating. Apollo usually was a early riser so Luna wasn't that worried when she would hear the boy climbing up and down the stairs six times but when he plopped himself on the edge of the staircase, her stomach twisted at the loud snap sound. When she had gone to check, the boy had a rubber band around his wrist and was constantly snapping it against his skin causing it go from pale to a irritating red that was oozing with blood. At first, she grew to think of it as a nightmarish dream but as the sounds continued to happen day after day, Luna began to lose sleep.

There's blood stains on the ground everyday now. No matter how much their father tried to keep him in bed, he got out anyways and the snap sound returned over and over. By now, Apollo had covered the entirety of his arms in red welts that were sore and caused him to let out noises of discomfort but with the lack of sleep, Nine year old Luna could only scowl every time she found him back on the stair case edge, hadn't he had enough? It was hurting him but he still kept at it for whatever reason.

Once again, early in the morning, Luna could hear her brother walking up and down the stairs and when she didn't hear any more steps, the nine year old leaped from her bed and slowly made her way downstairs, finding her brother there as always, snapping that rubber band against his skin and causing the welts to either pop or become blistered. Fed up with the boy's constant behavior, Luna had snatched the rubber band away as quick as she could manage before he tried to snap it again causing a sound of confusion to leave his lips.

It seemed that after that day, Apollo had somewhat stopped the repetitive behavior and had seemed relatively normal for the rest of the week, of course this was before Luna had to leave for Hogwarts. While her father hugged her goodbye, Apollo was fixated on the buttons on his shirt, they were all different colors and it seemed to interest the boy far more than his sister leaving for Hogwarts. Pressing her lips into a thin line, Luna coughed to try and get his attention but once again, Apollo ignored all sound until Luna was forced to call out his middle name.


It took a few minutes for Apollo to look up from his interesting activity. He stared at his sister with droopy eyes, lips pulled open to cause a bit of drool to leak out. It took five more minutes before he spoke, voice small and almost raspy.

"Luna is going to skool?"

"School. It's called School, Argus."

"Huh...Bye Bye?"

Luna slumped her shoulders, despite Apollo having learned how to talk and form sentences as well as paragraphs that formed some sense, he still didn't know how to talk properly to anyone, not that he ever did talk to anyone. Not wanting to come home to Apollo biting his skin off, Luna gave a bright grin and nodded happily, ruffling the boy's messy hair.

"Bye Bye, Argus."

Slowly backing away, Luna stumbled on the train watching out the window as their father managed to get Apollo to wave at the train as it started to leave the station, a grin formed on her face even if her thoughts were contradicting her feelings. She knew that in just one year, Apollo would be joining her on the train and that simple thought was enough to have her fear running through her veins. So, as she turned to sit properly, Luna decided that from now on, she would make sure that she was herself, that she was as dreamy and confusing as her brother. After all, he didn't need to be the only outcast in a sea of confusing creatures.

The year had passed by like a blur and as Apollo boarded the train for his first year, He had a strange feeling blooming in his chest, a feeling that the year would be filled with much more than just lessons in magic. Shrugging it off, Apollo slowly slid open a compartment door to notice a blonde haired boy sitting in the corner. There was no one else in so he walked inside just as the boy looked up from his book about magical plants with wide eyes.

"Who're you?"


The blonde boy nodded, a shy smile on his face as he closed his book and shifted just a bit. Brushing a hand through his hair, the boy breathed in deeply as he noticed Apollo staring at him.

"I'm Neville Longbottom."

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