Chapter 18

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Sid went abroad for some buismess meetings. Avu was missing him so much. She didn't talk much with her dad. She used to go to school but wasn't talking with anyone. Sid couldn't talk much with her own phone because he was busy.

AU's P.O.V.

Should I give Avu's responsibility to Sid? The way he takes care of her, never discriminate her because of her condition. He loves her so much without thinking of society even once. But what if he misused her after my death? But he never did anything with her. Even Avu is so attatched to him. She never gets attatched to anyone so easily. I can see her how sad she is that he is not there. Should I trust him? If I don't whom will I give her responsibility. There is no one except him whom she knows and is comfortable with her. But I am so confused.

P.O.V. ends

A week passed. AU was confused in his thoughts.

Next morning, sm1 rang the doorbell. AU opens and saw Sid. He touched his feet.

AU: You were coming after 2 days, right?

He said coming inside.

Sid: Na. I just wanted to give surprise to Avu

AU: Ok. Go

He went and saw her sleeping like a baby covered with her blanket with messy hair. A smile came on his face as soon as he saw her. He went near her and sat beside her. He carressed her hair and kissed her forhead. Her eyes were still closed. She kept her head in his lap.

Avu: Dad Sid promised me he will come soon. But he hadn't come. I won't talk to him now

Sid chuckled.

Sid: Wakey wakey princess

He was caressing her hair.

Avu: No 5 more minutes

Sid: No wake up now. You will be late

She opened her eyes and saw Sid smiling at her.

Avu: Siddddddd

Sid: Yups. I thought to surprise you

Avu jumped onto him and hugged him.

Avu: Thank you. I love you

Sid: Hehe. Love you too

He kissed her cheeks.

Sid: Ok now go and get ready. You will be late for school

Avu: Noooo. You came after so many days. I don't wanna go. Let's enjoy

Sid: We will enjoy once you come back from school. Ok?

She shocked her head.

Sid: Ok then I won't talk with you

Avu frowned.

Avu: Ok I will go. But with you only

Sid: Ok I will drop you. Now go and get ready

He placed a kiss on her forhead. She got ready. Sid fed her breakfast.

AU: Sid I wanna talk to you

Sid: Avu wants me to drop her to school

AU: Ok. After that?

Sid: Sure. I am on leave today anyways so will come back after dropping her

AU: Sure

Sid went and dropped Avu and came back.


To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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