Chapter 38

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Ri: Because Sid only did this to me

Ari: What? No it's not possible. Bhai can never do this and that too with you? No Riza he love you so much how can he and why?

Ri: I saw some poor girl. Priya was feeding her and the girl was playing with a teddy bear and she is a grown up girl. So I laughed at her and asked Sid who is she and why she is at his home. Now you tell me I did wrong? How can he bring a girl at his home without my permission?

Ari: What the heck is that Priya doing here😤😤😤😤😤😤

Ri: Ugh Ari you both hate each other but still she is yours and Sid sister

Ari: No she is not. She is not a bit like me. Always helping those poor beggars and orphans. Has no fashion sense. Doesn't even wear expensive clothes like us. If I stop her from wasting money on those beggars she always fight with me. I so hate her. Don't you dare call her my sister

Ri: Whatever. Don't change the topic. You tell me what was my mistake that Sid did this?

Ari: Nothing. You didn't do anything wrong and lemme see that Priya

She went in Pri's room but couldn't find her. She was in Sid's room. Avu was still hugging her.

Ari: Priyaaaa

Pri: Oh so you are also here

Ari: Shut the fuck up you bi....

Pri: (cuts her) Noooo swearing

Ari: Oh seriously look who is saying me not to swear

Pri: I am saying no swearing in front of her *pointing to Avu*

Ari: Oh so she is that poor beggar Riza is talking about

Pri: Just shut up and get lost. Be in your limits Ari. Not a word

She pushed Ari out of the room.

Ari: (in mind) This bitch I swear I won't leave her. I will take my revenge. Don't worry. *Smirk* And who the heck is that girl for whom they are so concerned

In the evening, Sid came home. Ri and Ari were sitting in hall. Sid gave a disgusting look to Ri. Ari was about to ask about Avu but he left.

He entered in his room and saw Pri and Avu sleeping hugging each other. He smiled seeing them. He went to get fresh. After sometime, he came out.

Sid: Wake up princesses

Pri: 5 minutes bhayia

Avu stirred a little but again slept. Sid chuckled at both.

Sid: Wake up and have your dinner

No response.

Sid: Ok no chocolates for 1 month

Both woke up with a jerk. Sid was laughing at them.

Pri: Bhayia😤😤😤😤😤

Pri and Avu threw a pillow at him and they start pillow fight. After few minutes, all 3 ended up lying on floor. Sid was in middle hugging them. Three were laughing. Sid kissed their forheads. They cleaned the room.

Sid: Let's go and have dinner

They went out and sat on dinning table. Ari and Riza also sat there.

Ari: Bhayia who is she and why is she at your home? *in a cold voice pointing her finger towards Avu*

Avu was looking here and there because she couldn't understand.

Sid: What do you mean Ari? This is my home and I can bring anyone

Ari:(shouts) But not without your to be wife's permission

Sid choked on his food. Pri was rubbing his back. She made him drink water.


To be continued

So finally Sid and Riza will know the truth. What will be the reaction?😉😉😉😉😉😉

Stay tuned for next chapter

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