Chapter 43

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Ari called sm1. Ok let her do whatever she wants.

Back to Sidriya

Sid was sitting on sofa with his head in his hands. Pri kept her hand on his arm.

Pri: Bhayia

Sid: I never thought my Ari will do something like this. I never thought I would have to shout on my princess. You know you both mean world to me

Pri cupped his face.

Pri: It's not your fault bhayia

He got tears in his eyes. She hugged him tightly. He broke the hug and kept his head in her lap and she was caressing his hair.

Avu: (from inside) Siddooooooo

Sid got up from her lap and went in his room. He saw Avu sitting on bed crying. He sat beside her. She hugged.

Avu: Th..they will kill me😭😭😭😭😭

Sid was caressing her back and kissed her hair.

Sid: No one will kill you bachha. You must have seen a dream

She calmed down after sometime. She looked at him without breaking the hug.

Avu: Why did you left me?

Sid: Sorry bachha I won't. You sleep now

Avu shook her head.

Avu: No you will again leave me

Sid cupped her face and kissed her forhead.

Sid: I won't. I promise

Avu: Pinky promise?

She showed her finger. He smiled at her cuteness and interwined his finger with her and kissed her finger.

Sid: Now sleep. No wait eat something before that. I will bring

Avu: No don't leave me

Sid: Ok. You also come

He picked her in bridal style and took her to kitchen. He made her sit on slab and kissed her cheeks. He brought food for her. He took a bite and forwarded it towards her. She took it. Then she put some butter his nose and giggled. She cupped his face and kissed his nose. Sid smiled at her. She took a bite and forwarded it towards him.

Avu: You also eat

Sid smiled and ate. They feed each other putting food on each other's face and kissing each other. Then Sid took her to washroom. He took a wet towel and cleaned her face and then his. He made her do the brush and took her to bed.

Avu: Don't leave me

Sid: I promised na I won't

Avu kept her head in his lap and he carressed her hair. He sang a song to her like everyday and she slept. Then he made her sleep on bed and laid beside her. He kissed her forhead and hugged her and slept.

Next morning, Sid woke up and smiled at his angel. He did his morning chores.

Sid's P.O.V.

Finally it's a Sunday. I will get time for my Avu and Priyu. But I am still feeling bad about Ari and Ri. Anyways.

P.O.V. ends

Sid was lost in his thoughts when he saw Avu sitting on bed rubbing her eyes with back of her hand.

Avu: Good morning (with cutest smile)

Sid: Good morning cutiepie

He kissed her cheeks.

Sid: Is my princess alright now?

He asked with a concern. She nodded. He kissed her forhead. She did her morning chores. They went out and greeted Pri. They were doing breakfast. Suddenly bell rang.

Pri:(irritatingly) Who the hell is there at this time?

Sid: Priyu will you please see?

He said smirking. Pri rolled her eyes.

Pri: Idiot😒😒😒😒

Sid: Please

Pri: Hnn hnn going. *muttering* No one does any work in this home. I only have to do all the work. I have to leave my breakfast. Useless fellows. And who the hell is this asshole at time of breakfast

Sid: Arre jaegi bhi

Pri: Ya ya going

Pri went to open the door.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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