Chapter 5

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They reached the hospital. Sid picked her up in arms and took her inside. He laid her down on stretcher. They took her in room.

Dr. checked her and came out in few minutes.

AU: How is she?

Dr.: Don't worry Mr. Nadra. Wounds are not deep and someone also tied clothes on her wounds on time so not much blood was lost

AU and Sid were relieved.

Dr.: Mr. Nadra I wanna have a word with you

AU: (worried) Sure

They left. Sid looked at Avu from outside.

Sid's P.O.V.

What was she doing middle of road? Her behavior was lil wierd.

Whatever she is so cute. I don't know I feel a connection with her.

Anyways I am feeling so bad. It's all my fault. Thank God she is safe. I would have never forgiven myself if anything would have happened to you.

P.O.V. ends

A tear escaped his eye.

With dr. and AU

AU: Yes dr.

Dr.:(lil angrily) Mr. Nadra you very well know she is a special child and needs special care. How can you be so careless? She is already having such a deep brain injury. Anything could have happened today. Thank God her head didn't hit on ground. You guys were on time. We could have lost her today. Please be careful from next time

AU sadly nodded.

Dr.: You can take her home tomorrow evening if everything is alright. We need to keep her in observation

AU: Ok. Thank you

AU came out of dr's ward. He was in tears.

AU's P.O.V.

It's all my fault. I should have paid more attention to her. I am sorry Sonia I couldn't take care of our daughter. I don't deserve to be a father.

P.O.V. ends

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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