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Ok I am continously getting death threats to post, so here it is😛😛😛😛

A man making a small girl ready for school. He was doing her hair.

Man: My princess is looking so cute

He kissed her cheeks.

Girl: I love you dad

Man: I love you my baby

A lady shouted from outside.

Lady: Aman have you made Avu ready

AU: Ya Sonia

SA: Then come down and have breakfast

AU: Coming

He picked up Avu.

AU: Let's go

They went outside. SA kissed her cheeks. They had breakfast.

Avu: Mumma Papa

AU: Yes princess

Avu:(sadly) Actually my all friends have a brother or sister but I am alone

AU and SA smiled at her.

AU: Don't worry princess. We will give you a brother or sister

Avu: (happily) Sachi😀😀😀😀

SA: Yes baby. Now let's go or you will be late

Avu: Yes

Avu went to take her bag.

AU: She is so cute na

SA: Yes. She is our life

AU: So?

SA: So what?

AU: She want a sibling. We will complete her wish

SA: Of course we will. Have we ever denied our princess? It's late will talk about it later

AU: Ok

AU left for office and SA went to drop Avu to play school.

SA: Bye baby. Take care. Mumma will pick you up

SA kissed her cheeks.

Avu: Bye mommy

Avu left. At school.

Avu: Hi Krupa

Kru: Hi Avi. You look so happy today

Avu: Yes my mom dad are giving me a brother or sister soon

Kru: Oh. Congo Avi

Avu told all her friends and teacher. Her mom came to pick her up. Avu ran to her. SA picked her in arms and kissed her forhead and cheeks.

SA: How was your day?

Avu: Very nice

She made her sit in the passenger seat and herself sat on driver seat. Avu kept telling about her day. Suddenly a dog came in front. She tried to save him. Her car went on side of the road and turned upside down and blasted. Some people took them to hospital. AU reached the hospital in tension.

AU: How are they sir?

Dr.: Mr. Nadra I am sorry we couldn't save your wife. There was so much blood loss. We lost her

AU's heart broke. Tears roll down his eyes.

AU: A..and A..av..avneet

Dr.: I won't lie you Mr. Nadra. She is alive but...

AU: But what?

Dr.: She has a very deep brain injury. And she might suffer from Intellectual Disability. It is a mental disorder in which person's brain doesn't develop with age. She might suffer problem in breathing at times

AU cried his heart out. In just single day, his whole life changed. In the morning, they were thinking of having second child. And now, he lost his wife and his daughter would suffer so much.

Stay tuned for more😊😊😊

Please give your reviews. Hope you guys understood the reason why there is no romance in this story. But ya there will be love, care and cute moments. Hope you guys like it.

Are you guys excited?

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