Traveling the dinosaur dino-mension

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They looked around the strange place, "where do you think we are Mario, it's looks just like Brooklyn but with dinosaurs" Luigi was bewildered.

"I don't know but we better find out doubles that has Sophia and daisy"


"Help me!"


He sees daisy being grabbed by the two copycats and the around one was Sophia in a body bag thrown over his shoulders.

"Daisy! I'm coming!" Luigi ran and Mario chased after him.


"Get off of me!"

"Excuse me" Luigi and Mario pushed through the crowd.

"Pardon us" Mario says.

"You better not hurt her" Luigi threatens them.

"Excuse me. Sorry, excuse me"

Shuttle to Koopa Union is cancelled. Passengers transferring to the Square...

"Get outta my way!"

"Where the heck are we?" Mario asked.

"This is crazy. We're under the river, but this can't be Manhattan or the mushroom kingdom" Luigi says.

"Where is this place?"

"I don't know. I ain't been to Manhattan in a couple of weeks"

"Must've been a bad couple of weeks. Because I know this isn't the mushroom kingdom"

"No!" Luigi hears daisy's screams they look down to see the two doppelgänger pushing daisy and Sophia in a dinosaur style taxi car.

"There she is! Daisy!"

Daisy heard his voice she sees him, "Luigi?" She was relived to see him.

"Daisy!" Luigi called for her.

"Luigi! Mario!"


"Don't you mean we're coming"

"What's what I said: We're coming. You better not hurt her, Come on, somebody, do something, Somebody stop them! Daisy!"

"Are you a cop, or what?" Mario sees a cop pushing them away.

"Move on. Come on, let's go" but it was a raptor hybrid cop.

They lean on the rails with fungus then they fell swing on a fungi.

"Agh!" And landed in a pile of fungus.

"Are you OK?" Luigi asked.

"I'm OK, yeah. You're the one without the padding"

"Hey, well, you're the old one"

Then they see two tiny dinosaur fighting over some fungi.

"Ugh"Luigi was disgusted.

"Oh, my God! Look at that. Watch out!

"Ugh! Let's go"

"Excuse me"

"It's all sticky. Yuck!"

"Smell this! Smells really good!"

They see a women waking with a carriage and in the carriage was an egg, poachers try to steal it.

"Get away from my baby! Get away from my baby!"

"What is this place?"

"I don't know. This is crazy" they get in an alleyway holding on to each other.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know. Maybe-" but he looks up and gasped.

"What is it Luigi?"

"I think you might wanna see this" he points up looking terrified and shaking.


"Look who's back form the dead"

Mario looks up and is shocked to see advertisements of bowser as the king of this land.

"No, it can't be, bowser's....back"

"He can't be back, we saw that he got incinerated remember"

"I know but if he's alive then he must behind all this"

"Well, whatever the case is Mario, I got a feeling he's planning something big"

"Yeah, like trying to marry our sister"

"But what does he need daisy for"

"Don't know Where you goin'? Hey!"

Mario follows Luigi when hiding behind them was a new goon of bowser.

Meanwhile in bowser's castle fortress empire skyscraper, he Was taking a tar bath, it was good for his skin.

"Look at this place. Pathetic! It gets worse every day" he looks outside the window.

"It's disgusting" a beautiful red hair women who is part Pterodactyl human hybrid in a purple gown.

Her name was Ursula, voiced by Angelina Jolie she was bowser's secretary and she wanted power, she thinks getting closer to him in a relationship would have her be his queen but bowser took no liking in her.

"And it's wonder, The humans on the other side have a world full of resources. Ready for the taking"

"I know"

"Imagine it. An endless supply of food, clean air, water, And what are we stuck with? This... pit hole of germs everywhere, fungus, I worked so hard to, all I need know is my queen"

"Mind in I join you" she began to take her clothes off and bowser was weirded out.

"Ugh, go ahead I'm getting out" he snapped his fingers and Kamek puts a rope over him, but Ursula was frustrated.

"While mammals roam free in the other dimension. Well, not for long"

"When you get your rock" Ursula walks with him to the living room.

"When I get the princess and Sophia"

"Princess? Sophia?" Ursula twitched

"I need the rock, and the Sophia will be the key to my queen, our family will finally rule the universe, It's everything I've hoped for, everything I worked for, for my children"

Then he sees jr looking an an portrait of Sophia, he frowns and bowser joins his side grabbing his shoulders.

"I know you miss her son, so do I"

"I remember her singing, she smiles, her voice" then he stares an an wedding dress.

"She wore that on our first wedding day" bowser smiled.

"Why did she had to abandon me"

"She didn't abandon you, you know what happened"

"I know, she was taken by Mario and Luigi"

"I promise Jr, I'm gonna bring your mother back"

Jr. looks up at him and smiled, "Thanks dad" then jr. rushed off.

"You know I could be a mother to jr" Ursula tries to seduce bowser.

"Ursula let me get one thing clear, you're just a secretary and that's all you'll ever be, I have no relationship with you and never will" he enters his office, Ursula was furious then the two doppelgängers arrived.

"Excuse me, sir" the round one says.

"Hello, morons" Ursula growls.

"Hello! Hello!"

"Hello, wario and waluigi" bowser looks outside.

"I captured the girl. She's in the cell with the others" wario says.

"But I took her through the gateway. I recognised her" waluigi says but bowser was already wagging his tail in excitement.

"He couldn't tell one mammal from another" wario nudges him.

"Good. Now, where's the rock?"

But wario and waluigi exchanged looks with confusion.

"Rock, sir? Rock?"

"The meteorite piece that the princess wears around her neck and I told you not to forget it" he gets furious.

They both jumped in terrified and hold on to each other.

"I need it to emerge my true queen, so Where is it?"

"The plumbers took it"

"Plumbers?" Suddenly bowser realized what they have done.

"Ugh, you idiots, you lead Mario and Luigi to my world, they are gonna destroy everything I build for, Plumber alert. SOUND THE PLUMBER ALERT URSULA!" He shouts at her.

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