Dr E gadd's lab

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The trio made it to the garage only to see Steward carelessly placing luggage anywhere, that was until he saw Daisy, Luigi and E Gadd.

Luigi scream as Daisy just stayed silent, Luigi was shaking and E Gadd had run towards a different part of the garage, and the purple barricades dropped.

Steward picked up a heavy luggage bag and threw it at Daisy and Luigi, but he quickly pushed Daisy out of the way as Luigi ran to the left.

Steward went to slowly pick up another bag and smirked.

Steward threw the bag and missed, "AH!!" He went as fast as he could and somehow threw it over the barriers, he went to grab another however Luigi panicked and stunned him and immediately began sucking him up with no mercy.

In one go Luigi had captured Steward, looking down at the ground and adrenaline rushing through his veins, shaking. "Daisy...?"

"I'm fine Luigi, I'm fine." She calmly stated then she saw two buttons.

"Oh what's that?" Luigi asked as she picks them up.

"Ho ho! Those are definitely the elevator buttons!
I never would've guessed a ghost had taken them!" Says Dr E gadd. "But...there are only two. Maybe there are other ghosts out there with the rest of the buttons?"

"Think we can find them?" Luigi asked.

"No matter. Let's go to my car. I've got something very interesting that I want to show you!"

Luigi puts the buttons away, but akes daisy's hand and they followed E Gadd to the car, Daisy by his side looks up at him as Luigi look determined and smiled.

Polterpup appeared and barked happily almost knocking Luigi off his feet as he wanted attention.

"Ah! Hey" he laughed.

Daisy stroked him and giggled and noticed E Gadd grabbing something out of another opening of the car, it was a weird dome looking thing.

"What is that?" Luigi question his hand moving towards the invention.

Immediately E Gadd pulled back.

"No touching Luigi!" E Gadd scolded him as if he was a child, Luigi rubbed his neck and watched as E Gadd walked towards the open space and placed the invention down.

Daisy and Luigi study him as they watched it glow and transform into a lab! Polterpup barked and followed e Gadd to the entrance.

Luigi'a jaw dropped as he stud there in shock and amazement.

"This is something that I've been working on Luigi"

Luigi gave a small nod as they walked towards the entrance and followed E Gadd, Polterpup also wanted to come in. Luigi also walked in and looked around the lab.

"Welcome to my lab, I knew that I would need it someday so it's a good thing I brought it with me."

Luigi then cleared his throat, "so what are you doing here? I thought you were doing research in evershade valley."

"Well it's a long story but to put it in short...I was tricked!" E Gadd exclaimed, "I got an invitation from someone claiming to own this hotel and said they had a whole collection of ghosts, so I couldn't pass that down...but it was all just a ruse."

"So that's why you were in a painting?" Daisy asked. E Gadd quickly nodded.

"Not only that they took all the ghosts i captured before. Even King boo, that really got under my skin, he's my favourite."

"Ummm yeah about that..." Luigi fiddled with his thumbs, "they've released him."

"What?! They've released him! Ugh that Hotel owner, what has she done?!" E Gadd grumbled an angry look on his face.

"You are our only hope, get my ghost collection back, oh and deposit the ghost you have caught already."

Luigi walked towards the ghost canister and one by one the ghost were deposited.

E Gadd then set up the gallery, he then turned back to the two, "I'm I forgetting something?"

"Everyone else, like Mario are still captured," Luigi's says.

E Gadd then let out a small, "oh!"

"I forgot about saving your family, totally forgot!" E Gadd then pulled something out, "regardless you need to catch those ghosts to save your friends, I'll give you this VB, virtual boo, it will slow me to contact you if needed it also has the map of each floor.

Luigi took the VB and, somehow, put it in his pockets.

"And here is an elevator tracker I need you to install it in the elevator." Luigi quickly took it.

"Now head for the elevator!"

"Don't worry Dr E gadd I won't you go" Luigi heads out the lab with Daisy following him.

"I'm coming with to you" she says.

"What? No way Daisy I need you to stay here with Dr E gadd at least you'll be safe" he grabs her shoulders while facing here.

"No way I'm going with you and that's that"

"No Daisy it's too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt"

"I can't you face this alone Luigi, I go where you go"

"Dang it Daisy I'm not gonna lose you too, I made a promise to your dad that I would protect you that I would keep you safe"

"And I made a promise on our wedding day on our vows that I would stand by you no matter what" she cups his face.

"I have to do this alone Daisy" Luigi takes her hand and holds it.

"But-" before Daisy could protest any longer, Dr E gadd touched her shoulders.

"It's for the best child, Luigi knows what he's doing, he's a super Mario brother after all"

Daisy sighs and lets go, "ok just promise me you'll be careful"

"I'll be back as soon as you know it" Luigi's gives her an assured smile.

Then he kisses her, "I love you"

"I love you too"

They hold each other hands then he lets go slowly Daisy feeling his hand as he walks away looking back at her before leaving.

"Come on polterpup let's go" Luigi pats for his dog.

As polterpup followed him the two exit the lab with Daisy looking back.

"Be careful Luigi" she whispered.

"Alright Mario...I'm a coming"

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