One last song

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"Oh, Luigi! You're finally back, eh? You shouldn't keep an old man waiting, y' know?"

"Haha, very funny, but I got my grandfather and we're coming come"

"Very good, I've been busy down here! This lab is almost fully operational. By the way... you must be getting pretty good at exploring the hotel, am I right?"Luigi nodded.


"Have you been sucking up stuff with the Poltergust's G-00?"

"Yes" Luigi nodded once more.

"Your pockets must be fit to bursting with all the money you've picked up there! Fret not. I have the perfect solution to your cumbersome currency conundrum... Just give it all to me! Drumroll, please! I'm proud to announce..."

E Gadd turned around and opened his computer. He banged on it to open and the screen popped open.

"Professor E. Gadd's Shopping Network is now open for business right here in the lab! Ta-da!!! I've stocked some rather useful items. They're all yours... for a modest fee! Hehehehe!"

"A shopping network?"

"Yes, To celebrate the shop's grand opening, just this once, I'm giving away 2 free Golden Bones. Go on!"

Luigi claimed a golden bone each.


"l've got other items in stock, so feel free to browse! Oh! I almost forgot! I have one other matter to address while you're here. could you turn around for a moment? I need to adjust your Poltergust G-00..."

"Uh... ok?"

He turned around. E. Gadd added something to your Poltergust.

"And done! I just added a new feature to the Poltergust G-00! My research indicates that Boos are hiding out in his hotel. I just added a feature to help you track them down! Don't worry about the details- I'll fill you in later. Well then! That's it from me, youGet back out there and keep exploring the hotel!"

"Ok, stay right here grandpa, I' be right back"

Luigi left the lab. When as he was about to go to the elevator your VB started ringing.

"Hey, it looks like you've stumbled across a Boo already! That's a sign that indicates there's a Boo nearby! Let me explain in more detail...Where are those notecards..." Luigi just rolled your eyes.

"Ah, here they are! You see, since I only installed it in your Poltergust, Gooigi's body is made of a material I've dubbed "Goo". Goo reacts to the frequency emitted by Boos. So if there's a Boo hiding nearby, the Goo will vibrate to indicate this! The closer you get to a Boo's location, the stronger the vibration will be. You'll definitely be able to tell when you're really close!
Did that all make sense, Luigi?"

"Kinda, Professor!"

"Ok! Get out there and catch a lot of Boos! I'll start thinking about the best way to organize them..."

"We'll be sure to catch them! See you later!"

"Well, let's move on! Pup" Luigi went to the elevator and pressed the 4F button.


He stood in silence, luigi grips his hands and Once the doors opened he slowly stepped out first, then music hit my ears. A soft calming melody...

His eyes darted around the area, nothing other than a few paintings and a tuba.

Luigi then furrowed his eyebrows, "is that a piano I can hear?" Gooigi and polterpup then listened in.

"It is...It's sounds like it's playing right in my ears," he followed the sound of the music as that was his main leading point, he then heard the voice coming from the large golden door that was standing in front of him now.

He opened the door and then saw uncle Tony...trapped inside a painting on the big stage.

"UNCLE TON!" A piano was also playing on its own but Luigi didn't care, he immediately rushed over to the stage, Luigi yelled his name but the music became loud.

As soon as he was about to grab the painting the music abruptly stopped as he heard footsteps.

"Huh?" He turns around to see grandpa Mario was right behind him.

"Grandpa? What are you doing? You shouldn't be here"

Suddenly a ghost appeared in front of him with a smile on his face, The musician scoffed and made the stairs to the stage disappear, he then played his piano more harshly and sent the seats flying at the Luigi's.

"I know who you are? You're that little plumber the king warned me about, you came to free your family is that right? Well rest assure you won't survive my music"

Suddenly wolfgiest swung at him, causing my footing to become unstable and fall of the stage.

"Ah!" however polterpup was able to catch him.

a piano screamed at us. Luigi grabs his grandfather Nd immediately scream in fear and scrambled to the middle of the room.

The piano then leaped off the stage and into the now bare room, spotlights shone to where the piano would try and crush him.

After three failed attempts to crush him, Luigi shoves his grandfather hiding him.

"Stay put grandpa"

Amadeus Wolfgiest emerged from it in an angry wild mess, Gooigi then flashed him in the eyes.

"What did you do that for?" Amadeus hissed, gooigi just shrugged innocently as the piano leaped back on the stage and then started spitting bombs at us.

Luckily Luigi grabbed one and shot it into the piano, causing it to explode and stopped moving.

He then noticed a target beneath the piano, but would the suction shot be able to pull something so heavy?

He decided to wing it and used the plunger and then pulled with all his might, and somehow I caused damage to the piano, and making Amadeus come flying out.

He immediately started yelling no stop gibberish and constantly started attacking.

"What are we supposed to do?" Luigi asked worriedly, but then he sees his grandfather getting Amadeus attention.

"Grandpa what are you doing?"

But he sees he was distracting Amadeus, which the elder super Mario turns to Luigi eyeing him to grab the frame with Tony in it.

"Oh right" so Luigi gets up and ran.

Music played as Luigi grabs Tony, the music plays a Dr e gadd tells the tale of Amadeus's life.

A famous music composer and pianist fell in love and married a beautiful singer at a fancy restaurant.

They both had a son named Amadeus Wolfgeist.

When he was 6, Amadeus learned to write his own songs and played them on the piano in his parents' music room.

One day, when he was 12, he played the piano at his school's talent show.

This caught the attention of a teacher of prestigious music school and offered Amadeus a scholarship to which he agreed.

Years went by, and Amadeus became a very famous and handsome pianist.

Many women would swoon over his performance. However, fame has a steep price to pay.

An obsessive fangirl spied on Amadeus, following him wherever he went, and even going through his trash.

Amadeus refused her advances at every chance he got.

Eventually, after his (final) concert, another piano fell on Amadeus, killing him.

He was 30 years old. It was later discovered that the fangirl killed him.

She said that
'if she couldn't have him, then no one could'.

The obsessed fan was arrested but because she was a minor at the age of 16 at the time, she did not qualify for the death penalty, therefore she was instead sentenced for life in prison with no chance of parole.

In an abandoned music hall, Amadeus' ghost would play the piano whenever no one is around.

His playing caught Hellen's attention and she listened to his private performance.

She clapped and caught his attention. She even offered him to perform in her hotel and he'd definitely could not refuse.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luigi ran to Amadeus as he got closer to grabbing his grandfather then he ducked the ghost right in.

He sighs then he quickly place the painting sat in the corner and used the dark light on it, the red uncle Tony then popped out.

"Eeek! Ghosts!" He screech and clung onto Luigi leg.

"It's ok uncle Tony, it's me"

"Oh Luigi's so great to see you again"

"Yeah yeah, listen, We need to get to the elevator," Luigi stated.

They all left and Tony and grandpa went into the elevator to join E gadd in the lab. Little did we know that someone was watching them...

Helen's  stared through her security cameras at the trio of ghost catchers, "go!" She yelled at the two goobs,
"What is he doing to my staff?!" She said through gritted teeth, "he is just a plumber? He shouldn't be that hard to catch" Growling under her breath, with get precious polterkitty by her side.

"No matter...everything will go according to plan...all we need is Luigi gone and king boo will finally have his revenge...bring me: Castle Macfrights"

Luigi entered the elevator quietly and alone but with polterpup, "was I really that good?" He asked awkwardly to his dog who looks up at him.

The polterpup nodded in response, "yeah u guess you're right, come on let's go save the rest of our family" he puts the elevator button in its place.

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