Polterkitty returns

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polterkitty had eaten the elevator button...again, Luigi tried to approach her carefully.

"Ah! Aw no not again, uh n-nice kitty....."

However the polterpup jumped through the wall and saw the cat, eager to play with her, however the polterkitty ignored him and strutted away and left.

"No no no, ugh, ah Great..." he groaned under his breath as he exited the elevator, Polterpup had already wandered off and followed Polterkitty through the walls.

"Oh great here I go again, sure why not, this whole night as been nothing but being chased and chasing ghost"

Gooigi caught up with him as he entered the reception, "I guess we're doing this again?" He said nervously.

They followed the prints to the weight room (idk if that what is called but just go with it).

Polterpup seemed to quickly know where the fleabag was hiding, being inside the punching bag, however as soon as Luigi got close, a large paw with freakishly long claws swiped at him.

"Here kitty kitty-AH! Giant kitty!" He quickly stumbled away and landed on his rear.

"Thank you," he whispered as gooigi helped him up.

The attack scared polterpup as he was now whimpering and lying down on the floor away from the punching bag.

"Pup, Oh you've done it now!" Luigi grabbed the large boxing glove off the floor with his poltergust and shot it at the bag, the cat scrambled out and climbed up onto one of the light before calling for back up.

Four goobs and a slammer came out of the ground and the polterpup sprung up and starting barking at Polterkitty.

He took care of the slammer as Luigi kept the goobs away from him.

Even more goobs arrived but they both took them out quickly.

Unfortunately the kitty left but Polterpup tracked her down and she was playing with a feather toy, Luigi stunned her and she transformed into her beast form.

"Ah ah ah-I shouldn't have done that" he quickly turned around as Luigi backed off slowly.

"Now!" Gooigi heard him shout out and swiftly turned around and flashed,  removed one of her tails.

She then went through the floor into the big catch.

So they descended to F12, navigated to the large room with the ship and took another tail, she then left for the twisted suites and polterpup followed.

"Quickly boy after her....follow that cat"

"Let's go back to the elevator then..." gooigi heavily sighed as they walked to the elevator.

Luigi then started to fiddle with his fingers, "something on your mind Luigi?"

"Yeah just worried about Sophia"

"What about her?"

"She's in the room alone by herself, in labor, about to give birth and we're in the middle of a dangerous situation with the deadly king of ghost king boo...let's just catch this cat..."

They quickly entered the elevator and when they got around halfway to the twisted suites the elevator suddenly stopped and the lights went out.

"Hey what gives?" Luigi yelled as he began to panicked.

Three goobs then approached them however they were quickly taken out and the lights quickly came back on and the elevator began running again.

When they arrived at the twisted suites Polterpup guided them towards polterkitty.

she seemed to be inside the saw box on the stage. "Ok I'll flash her"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

with their suction shot and exposed her, luigi quickly flashed and she transformed, breaking the box and leaping onto the rim of the stage.

Luigi ran to an open spot and turned his back, as the cat approached him and then readied to attack, gooigi shouted, however as soon as Luigi turned and flash she quickly ran behind him and mauled him, flung him into the air.


Polterpup growls at polterkitty for attacking his friend, they wrestled and hissed and growled at each other before Luigi regained consciousness.

"Ow, huh? Hang on polterpup" he flashed her and finally caught her, the button flung out of his poltergust.

His hair sticking out in places and he was covered in scratches.

They head back to the elevator when Dr E Gadd called, "oh, hello"


"Oh hey Dr gadd"

"You need to come back, we got a problem"

"Oh what's wrong"

"It's Daisy" but the way Dr e gadd sounded worried, had Luigi concerned.

Luigi made his way down to the Professor E. Gadd's lab to check on him and Daisy, not knowing what was currently going on.

Upon approaching the lab, he knocked on the door.
"Come on in," E. Gadd answered.

"Hello, Professor E. Gadd. Where's Daisy? What happened to her" Luigi asked as he entered the lab and looked around.

"Oh, she went to check on your sister and the rest of your family. However, I haven't heard a word from them for a while now. Can't help but wonder why."

"Mamma Mia, I'll go check on them." With that, Luigi left the lab and took the elevator to the RIP Suites.

"I should have never left her by herself"

Approaching Sophia's hotel room, he heard his family talking amongst each other.

However, upon carefully opening the door, he was surprised to see Morty talking with the Mario family, looking worried.

"How are we going to tell Luigi about Daisy? He'll freak!" Aunt Marie cried out.

"Are you sure what you saw was true, Director Morty?" Mama Mario asked.

"Yes! I saw everything with my own eyes!" Morty exclaimed.

Running out of patience, Luigi barged in to the room. "Saw what?! What's going on?!"

Everyone was surprised to see Luigi coming in and yelling at them.

"Luigi, something has happened to Daisy! Morty, tell him!" Sophia yelled.

Morty floated to Luigi as he said, "I had just finished making my movie about you and I went looking for you when I noticed the elevator going downstairs so I phased through the floors, so I went after it to see where it went, and..."


Morty stopped to see the elevator had stopped on the basement when he saw Hellen Gravely coming out of the elevator with Polterkitty.

Morty quickly hid and watched what was going on. They all saw Daisy coming out of the door to the parking lot.

"Here she comes, go Polterkitty," Hellen whispered to her cat as she hid, the ghost cat lying down, pretending to be hurt and letting out a soft meow.

"Huh?" She went to investigate when she saw Polterkitty lying on the floor looking helpless, letting a soft meow once more.

"Aww, you poor kitty." Daisy quickly went over to Polterkitty, not noticing an evil presence behind her.

"Are you okay, kitty?" But then, Polterkitty showed an evil smug face, catching Daisy off guard.

She turned around and to her (and Morty's) shock...

"Hello, Princess Daisy." Hellen greeted before proceeding the ghosts to grab Daisy, covering her mouth before she could scream.

"My precious, it seems that Luigi had succeeded in getting another elevator button. You know what to do."

Nodding with a meow, Polterkitty proceeded to go upstairs. Turning to the captured princess, Hellen smirked.

"Oh, don't you worry, Princess. You'll reunite with your hubby soon enough..."

With that, Hellen and the ghosts entered the elevator and went to her floor.

Morty quickly came out of his hiding place and quickly went to the Master Suite.

Upon arriving there, Morty hid and watched as Hellen and the ghosts as they took Daisy to the lounge of the 15 floor, where King Boo was waiting.

"Hello, Princess Daisy, a pleasure of finally meeting each other face to face," King Boo said in a false greeting.

"Just you two wait, King Boo and Hellen Gravely. Luigi will save me and his brother Mario and take you both down," Daisy growled.

"We'll see about that." King Boo ties her up in ghostly chains.

"NO! Let me go" Daisy screamed as King Boo and Hellen laughed.

Morty gasped and backed up, but accidentally knocked over the potted plant on the table.

It shattered on the floor, catching King Boo and Hellen's attention.

"Morty!" Hellen yelled before turning to the other ghosts.

"Get that traitor!"

Morty quickly phased down through the floors before the ghosts could catch him.

"Wait!" King Boo ordered.

"What?" Hellen asked.

"Let him be. I've got a backup plan just in case Luigi manages to somehow defeat you and save his stupid brother. Don't you forget our agreement."

"Yes, my King. Anything for you!" Hellen nodded eagerly.

With Morty, he ended up on 5 floor and went in to a random room, not knowing it was occupied.

"Phew." Morty wiped his forehead. But then he heard a few gasps.

He turned to see Sophia and the Mario family, looking shocked and frightened to see a ghost in the room.

With a nervous yet friendly smile, Morty waved. "Hello."

Suddenly, Mama Mario and Aunt Marie pulled out their purses, ready to swing.

Papa Mario, Uncle Arthur and Uncle Tony grabbed a few closet hangers and Gabby and Grandpa Mario grabbed lamps.

"Not another ghost!" Uncle Tony screamed.

"Who are you?! Who sent you?!" Uncle Arthur demanded.

"No, wait! I can explain!" Morty protested, holding his hands up to see he wasn't armed and meant no harm.

"You've got 15 minutes," Mama Mario said.

"What?" Papa Mario asked.


"Okay, allow me to explain..."

(Flashback ends)

"...and the rest, as they say, is history." Morty finished as a shocked and distraught look etched on Luigi's face.

"I'm so sorry, Luigi. If only I've done something more..."

"No, it was all my fault!" Luigi cut Morty off, shocking Sophia and the rest of the family.

Luigi took off his Poltergust-00, placing it on the floor as he sat on the bed next to Sophia.

She placed her hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"Luigi, don't you dare say that..."

"Yes it is!" Luigi looked at everyone in the room in despair, tears flowing from his eyes.

"If only I had not accept that stupid invitation and tossed it in the trash instead, then I wouldn't have gotten all of us in to this mess! Oh, what would my father-in-law say?! What would Donkey Kong say?! And I've also let Princess Peach, all of the Toads and the Mushroom Kingdom down! I've let Mario down! They're gonna hate me forever! I'm such an idiot! I should've just researched the Last Resort before inviting all of us here! I really am nothing but a disappointment! A good-for-nothing plumber! A coward and a chicken! Not good enough for anyone! And..."

Without warning, Grandpa Mario grabbed Luigi by the shoulder and turned him to face himself with a stern look.

"(Italian language) Luigi, listen to me, and listen to me good, my boy!"

Everyone was shocked surprised to see Grandpa Mario so serious.

As Luigi wiped away his tears, Grandpa took a deep breath and continued.

"Luigi, you've got pull yourself together. Nobody is perfect. Perfection is just too hard to achieve. But no matter what, everyone is good enough in their own unique ways. In case you have forgotten, you and Mario had defeated that evil turtle monster..."

"Bowser." Sophia corrected.

"Yes, Bowser, like four of five times you and Mario took him down. You saved Sophia like four or five times too. You even took down the ghost king twice, and we know you can do it once again. In addition, you would have given up when you had the chance, but you never took it because of Mario and Sophia. You've always looked up to your big brother because he's brave, fearless, determined, never turned his back on you and your sister when you both were in need of help. You and Mario never gave up on Sophia when she was in trouble. Even though Bowser is bigger, stronger and tougher than the both of you, you still never gave up. And you succeeded in not only saving Sophia and taking down Bowser, but you both proved yourselves that you both are more than ordinary plumbers. And not only you're a great plumber, you're a great ghost hunter. No offense, Morty and Puppy."

Morty and Polterpup showed no offense at all as they, Luigi and everyone else smiled at Grandpa's words as he continued.

"And look around, you've come so far. You only have more floor left until you take down that King Floating Marshmallow and Hellen Snake and save Mario and Daisy once and for all. But here's the million dollar question, are you going to save your brother and wife and take down those evil ghosts?"

Looking at the 14F elevator button in his right hand, Luigi answered with determination.

"Yes, I'm going to take down King Boo and Hellen Gravely! And I'm going to save Mario and Daisy too!" Luigi announced.

Everyone cheered.

"That's our boy!" Mama Mario cried with tears of joy.

"Definitely our boy!" Papa Mario agreed.

"And Luigi. I believe this belongs to you." Morty handed the Poltergust-00 to Luigi.

"Thanks, Morty." Luigi took the Poltergust and put it on.

"Come on, Polterpup." The ghost dog didn't hesitate to follow his owner.

"You're ready, Gooigi?"

"Yes, I'm ready."

Turning to his family and new ghost friend, he said, "Wish us luck!"

"Good luck, Luigi!" Everyone said.

"Make all of us proud!" Sophia added.

"I need you all to get out of here, get to the van, I'll be back with Mario and Daisy"

Heading to the elevator, Luigi said, "Hang in there, Mario and Daisy. We're a coming."

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