Welcome to The last resort

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On a one open road outside the city, a pair of birds were pecking the road when all of a sudden.

A coach was passing by scaring the pigeons to fly away, it was the Mario family, they were taking a family vacation.

It was grandfather Mario who driving, but his driving skills was a bit rusty and caused the coach to tumble over and disturbing everyone.


"Ok whose idea was it to let grandpa drive" Mario asked who was sitting next to Sophia.

"Pretty sure it was dad" Sophia says.

"What? Why not? Sure he's a but rusty but might as well let someone take the wheel" their dad says who was sitting next to their mom.

The entire family was there: super Mario parents, uncle Arthur and Toby who were sitting next to each other, Marie (Uncle Arthur's wife) voiced by Jessica DiCicco next to Tara Strong as Mario and Luigi's Niece (presumably Arthur and Marie's daughter, let's call her Gabriella, or Gabby for short) and the driver Jack Nicholson as Mario and Luigi's Grandfather.

(Another thanks to elizabethwong1998 )

But in Mario's seat, he turns to Sophia who was rubbing her stomach, it seemed she was pregnant again but now 37 weeks pregnant, like the right time to give birth but not yet.

"You sure you're gonna be ok sis, what with the baby and all" Mario placed his hand on her stomach to feel the baby.

"It's gonna be ok big bro, I'll be fine" Sophia assured him.

"Ok I just don't want you to be stressed out by this vacation" Mario says.

"Don't worry what can happen besides the baby isn't coming yet"

Then they turned to see their mom and dad placing their hands on her stomach.

"oh Sophia, im so happy for you" their mom cried.

"I can't wait to meet my new granddaughter" their dad says.

"It was so nice for Luigi to win this free trip for us" uncle Arthur says.

"Yeah we should thank him" says uncle Tony.

In the back seat was Luigi who was passed out and asleep.

It had been a long journey and along with Luigi, was daisy who was watching him sleep.

"He's so adorable when he is sleeping" she is seen wearing brown long boots, yellow shorts and a long sleeve buttoned shirt.

Luigi got an invite to this luxurious hotel a few days ago. So he decided to bring Mario, Sophia and their family.

Daisy sat next to Luigi, reaching out to holding his hand as he was asleep, his luggage was on the ground in front of her, as the coach took another horrible turn, it caused Luigi to immediately wake up.

"AH! Couldn't someone else drive?" He mumbled.

"It's ok Luigi" daisy assured him.

He was about to go back to sleep until Polterpup fazed through daisy's chair.

And there was something in his mouth, Luigi pulled it out and saw it was the invitation to the hotel, "I can't believe how lucky i am to get this invitation! I really need this vacation" Luigi says.

"You had that nightmare again didn't you?" Daisy puts just hand on top of his.

"Sorry Daisy I can't help but wonder if king boi is after me again"

"Relax sweetie just try to enjoy this vacation, it'll do good for both of us" she slides her finger on his lap making him stutter.

then polterpup starts licking Luigi's face, "ah! Ok down boy" he started to get comfy on her lap as Luigi stroked him.

Daisy let out a small chuckled and leaned her head on Luigi's shoulder.

"I wish I had that much attention to you"

There was a comfortable silence for a moment until Polterpup let out a small bark as he looked out of the window, they followed his gaze to see this beautiful golden hotel, shining as the sunlight hit it.

"Wow..." Daisy muttered, lost for words.

"Looks like we're here" Mario says.

The coach was then parked as everyone hopped off. Everyone quickly grabbed their luggage bag and stepped out of the coach with Luigi Daisy and Polterpup.

Mario steps out first then he takes Sophia's hand to help her down.

"Here allow me sis"

"Thanks Mario" he helps her.

"Whoa, wowie zowie" Luigi says.

As they entered the large building they saw beautiful swan statues near the entrance and the whole area shone in all its pride, the chandelier hung above, lighting up the room.

"This place is amazing"

"So beautiful"

"Just fabulous"

"Not bad Luigi"

Major gabs a piece of cake but it gets eaten when his head was turned by polterpup.

"Hey, oh you" Mario and Sophia laughed.

"What's up bro" Mario waves to Luigi.

"This hotel is so big, Luigi! It's gorgeously decorated too! We're so lucky to have gotten an invitation to come here! Hee hee!"

"Yeah, lucky me, ya"

However Luigi noticed something strange, the staff seemed to be wearing robes and masks, which made him uncomfortable.

"I'm guessing you're seeing what I'm seeing," Daisy asked, looking into his eyes,

"Yeah it's creepy and weird, " his eyes scanned the faces of the others, no one else seemed to noticed.

He tried to brush it off and walked towards the reception to check in.

He lightly tapped the bell as the figure flinched in surprise, "welcome to the last resort Luigi, are you ready to check in?"

"...how do you know my name?" then his eyes widened.

However his thoughts were cut off as a newcomer could be heard from above.

"Guests welcome to the last resort!" A female voice called, "my name is Helen gravely, and I'm the owner of this hotel!"

They look up to see a mysterious woman.

There was something about her that seemed off to Luigi, he stared at her and Mario patted him on the back which caused him to pull his eyes away from her.

Then were then whispering to each other with everyone gaping by the owner's beauty, making aroused faces while getting scolded by the women.

"What a women" Arthur smiled.

"Hey!" His wife smacked him in the back of the head.

"Ow what, what I do!"

Helen walked, or more or less floated, down the stairs and faced Luigi.

"You must be all very tired, come! Allow me to show you to your rooms. Don't worry about your luggage, our staff will take care of it!"

everyone's luggage was being pulled away as Steward wiped his face, Helen then leans closer to Luigi as she put her makeup on, "your VIP guests after all, your rooms are filled with the trapping of luxury, shall we get going?"

Luigi sneezed from all the makeup powder as Helen gravely backed away and walked towards the elevator.

"bless you," Sophia mumbled to Luigi who nodded back in thanks.

"For a women that is an awful lot of make up" Luigi coughs.

He took daisy's hand as the both of them followed everyone else to the elevator.

Daisy felt Luigi's gaze pierce into her as the group all stood in the elevator. Once out on the F5 everyone left the elevator to see two hallways on each side.

Luigi, Mario, Sophia, your rooms are over there," Helen said, "and we've also prepared rooms for you family!"

"T-thank you Helen," Luigi mumbled, slowly walking to the right hallway (their right, to us it's left in the game), The mario brothers and Sophia followed suit.

"I hope you enjoy your stay! I dare say you'll enjoy it for the rest of your lives!" Helen called laughing to herself and everyone left to their rooms.

"Weird..." Luigi mumbled as he slowly opened the door to his room, he saw his luggage already set on the bed.

So everyone said good night to each other, and Mario decided to stay with his sister Sophia.

"You don't really have your Mario"

"It's ok sis it's ok trouble at all, it's what big brothers do after all"

After going in the room, Daisy crashed on the bed as Luigi opens his luggage.

But she noticed he was distracted, "what's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing just been thinking about a lot of things recently how I'm the new king of Sarasaland, it's just so stressful and especially being a plumber and there's Sophia with her new baby coming up, after this vacation it's back home"

"Well soon it'll just be the both of us Just think... a couple more days, and we'll be back home And maybe perhaps some day we'll hear l the pitter-patter of little feet on the floor...?"

"Yeah...polterpup does love to wonder a lot"

"Actually Luigi if I may, do you ever think about...having kids"

"What? Whoa" the question startled Luigi causing him to fall off the bed.

"Whoa Daisy I don't think I can't be ready for that step yet, I'm just not sure if I'm great with kids" he gets back up.

"What about your sister?"

"Well yeah I took very good care of little Sophia but a baby of my own, not sure if I'm ready"

Then Daisy had a sad frown on her face, "well it was just a question that's all, well we should get some sleep but luging do you ever wonder about having kids of your own....Luigi?"

She and polterpup were surprised to find him fast asleep.

"Yeah, I live you too Luigi" she kissed his cheeks, nuzzled close to him, placed her hand on his chest and sleep quickly, polterpup sleeps between them.

catching up to them from the long journey, then everything went black...

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