Present Date/The rumors of the Super Mutant

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A/N: Previously, on "The Super Mutant Shape-Shifter of Union..."

N. Cortex: Of course, All for One! I also studied that Union City is a hot spot for villainy. In fact, I would like all villains to help me to bring my super weapon to life! Think about it, we have an ultimate weapon capable of crushing mountains, demolishing entire cities and destroying the existence of heroes!

Uka Uka: And wiping our arch enemies off the face of the universe forever!

The villains cheered for Uka Uka and Cortex's new plan for universal domination, starting with it's first target, The mojo temple from Wumpa Island and their main target, Union City!

N. Cortex: Prepare yourself, and get ready to face our wrath Union & Crash Bandicoot! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Years later...

Present date: 20XX...

We see a planet called Earth and on the planet, there's a city where many fantasies and dreams were brought to life. They call it Union City, a place where various characters from many worlds lived and only one place for them to get together and achieve their goal, Union Academy. The only way to enter the academy if you have inherited a semblance, aura, quirk, sacred gear, magic, haki, chakra, scroll, Zanpakuto, stands, you name it. However, there's been a battle between people who were powerful and who were powerless. The population percentage of those who were inherited with powers is 80%, while the 20% of the population were identified powerless. To make matters worse, Different races of humans, faunus, or any other kind of race began to hate each other and started a war with no one ending it. All is not equal, I'm afraid.

The only ones to protect Union are the ones who attend Union Academy, a massive university for those who ever dreamed to protect their friends, families, and homes. It was a special place, but ever since some students attended the academy and were powerless, they were looked down on, bullied, harassed and no one to help them. Fortunately, there were several students who helped the people who were bullied and harassed because they see them as future guardians of Union.

Lately, there've been rumors of strange scary monsters called mutants that terrorize the streets, plazas, and famous landmarks of Union. Their heroes were struggling to battle the mutants while they protect the city, it's not really easy. No one knows who made them or where did they come from and why are they here. However, someone or something began to kill the mutants along with criminals, villains, including those who discriminate and mistreat people.

Flashback #1:

It began one night where a woman with bleach blonde hair, orange hazel eyes, a blue diamond on her forehead, wearing a tan sleeveless shirt with a green overcoat tied up with a blue slash, blue-ish gray pants, sandals and a heavenly voluptuous body with a bust the size of watermelons bigger than her head (T-Cup, 106cm bust) that makes any woman jealous and any man attracted. She was known as Tsunade Senju. When the 5th Hokage decided to spend peace & quiet walking down the streets.

Tsunade: *sigh* Ya know, I just don't feel like drinking tonight ever since these "mutants" showed up a wrecking havoc. Still, someone's hunting them down and started killing them, along with villains. Union will become a ghost town if these keep going.

As she continued walking, she was interrupted by a gang of thugs and she wasn't taking a liking to them.

Thug 1: Well, the 5th Hokage. Aren't you quite stunning?

Thug 2: Man, look at her! She must be smoking hot!

Thug 3: No kidding! Her boobs are huge!

Tsunade: What do you shameless perverts want?

Thug 4: Hokage-sama, we were just wondering if you're interested in having "fun" with you.

Thug 5: We ain't taking no for an answer!

Tsunade: Thanks, but no thanks. Now get lost!

Thug 1: Come on, Hokage-sama. We're just asking nicely.

Thug 2: Besides, we want to have a good time with you.

Tsunade: *Getting irritated* I said, I'm not interested!

Apparently she was outnumbered and had no chance of escaping. Before they could make their move, they heard growling noises, deep growling noises.

Thug 4: What was that?

Thug 3: Probably just a stray dog...

Thug 2: I don't think a dog would make that sound...

Thug 1: Then what made that sound?

Just as the dreaded growling noises closed in, a monster-shaped silhouette with glowing red eyes jumped from the rooftop landed nearby the thugs.

Thug 5: B-b-b-b-b-boss... *scared*

Thug 1: What is it...? *Looked at the silhouette* What the-

The creature who attacked their leader was known as the Spike! 

He began attacking them with no mercy while the hokage stood and watched the creature kill the thugs. Knowing before this would be her chance, the last tug grabbed hokage and warned the mutant to stay away from her. 

Thug 5: *Grabbing Tsunade hostage while getting scared*: Alright, stand back! One more step and she gets it!

????: *Eyes glowing blood red and growled*... *ROAR!!!*

Little did the thug know, the creature used his powers to attack him by surprise and began to unleash Spike's Surprise! The perverted thugs were history, and as the hokage opened her eyes, she survived the spike surprise attack. Tsunade looked at the mutant and the mutant did the same. She waited for the attack and ambush from him, but to her surprise, he didn't. He fled into the darkness leaving Tsunade in a state of shock and confusion.

Tsunade: Who... was... that...?

Flashback #2:

Later, at Union Academy, there've been recent activities of Voyeurs roaming in the school grounds. If you think it would be the perverted male students in Union, then you guessed it. The female students, teachers, and staff have heavenly voluptuous figured bodies with busty, bouncy, well-rounded, buxoms that men could never resist. They thought they could get away with all of the beautiful angels of Union, but they were wrong. There've been rumors of someone catching or trying to kill the perverts with no mercy.

First, the self-proclaimed harem king, Issei Hyoudou and his group tried to peek in the Women's locker room. They were about to save lots of pictures for their scrapbook.

Issei: My fellow brothers, we're to commit the biggest accomplishment for the future!

Minoru: I always love doing this, especially looking at all the babes with big chests!

Kazuharu: This will be the greatest day in history for us!!!

Before they could commit their twisted acts, they smell something foul...

Matsuda: *sniffing the stink* Phew! What is that smell?!

Motohama: *sniffing the stink* Yuck! I can tell it wasn't me!

Denki: Might be something like a...

Minoru: Like someone above us? *Pointing up and shivered*

Perverts: Huh...?

And before they could think about it,


The cheese was cut and the perverted gang was covered in foul stink and to make their problems worse, the women in the locker room can smell the stench and as they found the source, they chased after them in rage and fury while the bird-like skunk know as the Stench watched with it's emerald green eyes shining as the perverts run away from furious women. He felt pleased because they'll be clean and hopefully never do that again. 

????: *Smirked & snickered in triumph*

Flashback #3:

A group of busty girls from Class 1-A were taking a stroll in the academy when a bunch of perverts decided to show up and ruin their time. Before they could make their move, they were lifted and then all of a sudden they were thrown far away from the busty group. They don't know what happened, but they're glad that the perverts are gone because little did they know that there's the spherical silhouette known as the TK. The weird-looking mutant was the one who threw the perverts away by using the power of his mind. 

Flashback #4:

Outside the academy grounds, we see a beautiful feminine rabbit faunus with long brown hair, a pair of rabbit ears, and a chest the size of wrecking balls (V-Cup, 110cm bust) by the name of Velvet Scarlatina.

Velvet: *feeling bothered* Hmm... As much as my chest feeling uncomfortable, people in this city are still fighting for their own rights. The mutants have invaded the city and everyone is still afraid to fight them. I've also heard that there's someone who kills villains and those who discriminate, but who is it?

As she walked in the city streets where everything was peaceful, a group of discriminators appeared and scolded her to keep off their property.

Discriminator 1: Yo, lady. You're trespassing on our anti-faunus property! Keep out!

Discriminator 2: Woah, Dude! Check out her body! Her chest is huge!

Discriminator 3: She's so hot, it must be illegal!

Velvet: *Feeling uncomfortable* Is that any way to talk to a lady!? And I don't enjoy being ogled, so go away!

Discriminator 4: Look, babe, you be a filthy animal, but how about we make a deal?

Discriminator 5: Yeah, if you give us all the "fun," we'll let you slide.

Velvet: I prefer not, now please leave me alone!

Discriminator 1: You've heard her boys! Get her!

Before the discriminators could start harassing her, the first thug was shot straight in the back by a razor sharp feather. They saw what happened and they didn't see the silhouette of a fox known as the Snipe. He found his voyeur prey right where he wanted them. 

Discriminator 2: What was that?

Unaware of their surroundings the next target shot was shot straight in the heart, third one was shot on top of the head, fourth has his eyes shot by two sharp feathers. There was one more standing, he began to freak out and before he could run away, a pair of sharp claws grabbed him and finished him off for good. The rabbit faunus looked to see what happened and apparently it wasn't a good sight. She looked around and saw the murderer of the discriminators. She looked at the Snipe and he looked at her back.

Velvet: *Scared* Y-Y-You're not gonna kill me, are you?

????: *Chirps*

With the Snipe finally finished killing his prey, he ran off into the dark leaving Velvet in a state of shock and confusion.

Velvet: ...Thank you...

The news spread through the academy and reached the headmasters, some believing the mysterious mutant could be a vigilante to the city, while others believe the mutant is still a monster, same reaction to the students and staff while others are to believe of finding him as once a regular person. The question is on their lips; What or who made him this way and why?

We now take a deep inside look at the classroom of Glynda Goodwitch teaching her students how to handle grimm and mutants. Teams RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, CRDL, SSSN, and NDGO, were discussing the "mysterious super mutant" roaming around. The reason why the people call the vigilante "the super mutant."

Ruby: I wonder what the super mutant will look like, He must've been super cool taking out the grimm like they were nothing!

Yang: Well, sis, I'm sure he won't be a challenge for me! Besides, he also took many other crooks and mutants.

Weiss: Well, I believe the "super mutant" could be a threat to the entire city and it could be affront to nature and society!

Blake: Hmm... Well, in my modest opinion, the super mutant has been fighting for not only for faunus' rights, but also other people's rights.

Jane: *nervous* I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda scared when I think about the super mutant.

Pyrrha: Don't worry, Jane. I don't think super mutant's evil.

Rin: Everyone in is curious about the super mutant. Although, I'm not sure who made him this way.

Nora: Well, if he hurts either me or my friends, I will break his legs!

Rin: That's if you could catch him, Nora, but I don't that's possible.

Star: I wonder where the mutant is anyway, this calls for detective work!

Neptune: In my theory the super mutant appears only at and if a beautiful maiden is in distress.

Scarla: Is that even true? The super mutant appears every time that happens?

Salvia: Yeah! It's true, Scarla! He does appear if someone tries to harass women or commits a crime!

Danielle: Dude! The super mutant is like a villain's worst nightmare! I've just heard in news articles and magazines.

Next to RWBY, SSSN & JNPR, Teams CFVY, CRDL, & NDGO were discussing the super mutant as well. As they're talking, Coco and Caroline noticed something that's bothering Velvet.

Coco: Something wrong, Vel?

Caroline: Yeah. Something bother ya, Honey Bunny?

Velvet: Did I tell you girls about me encountering the super mutant?

Vixen: Yeah. You told us about that guy killing those racist idiots and spared you.

Rachel: You know, I don't think he's compared to the other mutants we've encountered.

Yasuka: As a matter a fact, I've heard on the news saying he's been scaring members of the White Fang instead of killing them.

Nebula: Don't forget, the news about him is all over the world.

Dew: Well, what do you guys think of what the super mutant will look like without those mutant forms?

Gwen: I believe he could be a human because he's still a mutant.

Octavia: Do you think we'll get a mission to find him?

Before they could think about it...

Speaker: "Teams RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, SSSN, NDGO and CRDL please report to the headmasters' office. Again; Teams RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, SSSN, NDGO and CRDL please report to the headmasters' office. Thank you."

Glynda: Students, Professor Ozpin just called about meeting someone in the headmaster's office. I'll be present in the meantime.

With no time to waste, the six teams and Professor Goodwitch walked to the headmaster's office.

Meanwhile in Classroom 1-A, the students and their classroom neighbors, Class 1-B were discussing the same topic from Professor Goodwitch's class. The girl with green hair and chest of the size of zeppelins (Z-Cup, 110cm) is known as Izumi Midoriya. She's a hero training to make her dream come true, despite her chest is bigger than head.


When she was young, she was identified as quirkless and became an easy target for bullying. However, she remembered someone that defended her from the bullies of her past.

Young ????: You jerks leave her alone!

Bully 1: Or what?

Bully 2: Yeah! You're powerless like her and the rest of the population!

After saying that, the bullies mercilessly beat up the poor boy. After a few minutes, the parents of the bullies saw what happened and Young Izumi explained the whole situation and the bullies' parents punished them for beating up the boy and discriminating against Izumi. When the bullies left, Young Izumi checked to see if the boy's okay.

Young Izumi: Oh my gosh! Are you okay?

Young ????: *groans in pain* Yeah, I'm okay. I've been through worse. Thanks for helping me. I gotta go. Bye! *Runs off*

Young Izumi: Wait! I didn't get your name!

The young boy ran so far away, he couldn't hear Izumi. She wishes to see him again, but he was never heard from ever since.

*Flashback end*

Tenya: Midoriya-san, is there something wrong?

Izumi: Oh. It's nothing. I had the same dream again last night.

Ocacho: You mean the same dream where the Super Mutant ambushed the villains before they do?

Izumi: How did you now?

Ocacho: It was on the news last night. A bunch of villains broke into an orphanage and started to abduct innocent children!

Tsuyu: Before they could escape they heard a loud shriek like a bat, and it turned out to be a battler.

Ocacho: A battler?

Shota: A mutated bat with kung-fu razor claw combos and the power of explosive cyclones.

Tenya: I questioned how did the Super Mutant find them and what did he do to the villains?

Tsuyu: I'm note sure, but the battler sliced the villains in half with his sharp wings and he killed the gang's leader with his powerful Cyclone Storm.

Ocacho: Wow! The Super Mutant seems scary! But, he did save the orphanage from the villains.

Tenya: Did the monster murdered the children as well?

Ocacho: The orphans though he would, but he didn't. He just left the orphanage just to let the orphans live in peace.

Izumi: ...I wish I could see the Super Mutant. I wonder what his quirk is.

????: Do you have a death wish already, Deku?

That voice belonged to the blonde girl with a large bust (K-Cup, 90cm) and with an explosive attitude and quirk. Her name was Katsumi Bakugou. Her goal was to be the top hero of Union, but when mutants invaded the city, there was a law stating that powers against mutants is prohibited. To Katsumi's point of view, she fought several mutants, and she was stubborn enough to face the Super Mutant.

Katsumi: You do realize your own quirk won't save you from that dumb mutant. You heard that he'll kill anyone who tries to stop him, but I'll show Union he's no match for me!

Eijira: No offense, Bakugou, but the Super Mutant is smarter and tougher than you think. He can smell the fear of his prey. I believe he's a manly mutant hero!

Hanta: Unlike the villains he faced, he just scared the pants off of them.

Mina: What did he do?

Eijira: There was one time in the news, they said that a group of thugs kidnapped many women to use them as play toys.

Momo: That's just unacceptable! But what does this have anything to do with the Super Mutant?

Hanta: As they finished loading up the truck, they heard a strange noise.

Eijira: As one of them checked the area, there was green stuff that melted the truck's tires. The thugs checked and the area was clear, but it wasn't.

Mina: Then what happened?

Eijira: Something arose out of the toxic ooze and thugs peed their pants as they saw... the Sludge!

Denshi: The Sludge?

Mina: Yeah! A mutant that is like the Common Cold brought to life!

Momo: *Groaned in disgust* Ew! That's disgusting!

Katsumi: Big Deal!

Eijira: Anyway, the men pulled out their weapons and fired at the Sludge, but to no avail. The Super Mutant stretched out his gooey arms and grabbed one of the thugs and totally ate him!

Hanta: Seriously?!

Katsumi: *Unamused* Hmph!

Mina: That's not it, the Sludge did the Gooey Louie on two of them and clapped his on the bouncer thug. He mercilessly murdered all the thugs and the only one standing is their leader.

Denshi: What did he do?

Hanta: He did the Toxic Vomit, puking poison acids and the leader was history along with his gang.

Mina: ...I don't know whether I'm amused or disgusted by that...

Momo: Probably both... By the way, what about the female hostages? Did he kill them as well?

Eijira: They thought he was going to, but instead, he cut the ropes they were gagged at and they were free at last.

Hanta: I must say, I think the Super Mutant really respect women. After that, the Sludge fled and the women who were held hostage wanted to thank him, but they were too late. He was their hero!

Momo: ...I'll be honest. He may be a monster to the villains, but he did save those hostages from being sexually assaulted.

Katsumi: I don't get it! Why did he save those defenseless trash instead of killing them?! He's a monster!!! He's a villain to me!

Denshi: You may think he's a monster and so is my brother, but they're grateful for him! 

Minorou: My brother along with Denshi's got covered in Stench stink for peeping on girls during their physical breast measurements. Serves them right!

Mina: Man, I wish I could see their reactions! That would've been hilarious!

Koji: I heard that he saved an animal shelter from vandalizers.

Toru: He can somehow get to the villains' crime scene in a flash!

Kyoka: I wonder how he does it...

In a matter of seconds, the homeroom teacher of Class 1-A is the pro-heroine, Shouta Aizawa, known in the hero world as Eraserhead appeared and began to make an announcement.

Eraserhead: Listen up. Nezu announced that everyone in this classroom please report to the headmaster's office for an urgent meeting with a mysterious guest. He believed that that guest would put an end to this mutant mayhem for Union.

The entire class of 1-A were shocked and confused about the headmaster Nezu reported their class to the headmaster's office and the mysterious office. The students were still confused about this while Bakugou was still in her "normal" mood and Izumi and still thinking about the Super Mutant and the boy from her past.

The next classroom we see is the famous classroom from the Hidden Leaf of Konoha. Inside is the most famous team, the Konoha 11. Like the previous classes, the eleven ninjas were discussing the tales of the Super Mutant in Union. As we get a closer look, there's one femenine ninja who is the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, Kurama. She's Naruko Uzumaki, daughter of the Fourth Hokage, Minako Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki. She has blond twin pigtail hair, whisker birthmarks on her cheeks and her massive chest (U-Cup, 105cm). She had many other friends from in and of the leaf village, but now she had something stuck in her mind. She has a past with someone, she couldn't remember how.

Hinata: Naruko-chan. Are you okay?

Naruko: Hm? Oh! Yeah! I'm fine, Hinata-san.

Hinata: Something bothering you?

Naruko: ...I've noticed something. For the past years, I've noticed that Kurama has another host of him. I feel like I'm not the only one holding the Nine-Tails.

Sakura: What do you mean by that?

Sasuki: She means that the Nine-Tails is assisting another one jinchuriki outside of Union.

Ino: Is that true? How could a tailed beast do that?

Naruko: ...Hmmm. Your guess is as good as mine, dattebayo.

Rock Lee: Well, have you all heard of the Super Mutant? In my opinion, he's a mystery to all Heroes & Villains!

Kira: Do you think Kanna-Sensei, Kurenai-Sensei, Guy-Sensei, Asuna-Sensei and Iruka-Sensei will give us all a mission of finding the Super Mutant?

Akamaru: *Whimpering thinking about the Super Mutant*

Hinata: I don't think Akamaru wants to see him, Kira-san.

Shino: Everyone is unaware of what he's capable of. Everytime when villains make their move on him, he instantly kills them in a minute.

Hinata: Really?

Neji: Lady Hinata, I'd advise that you avoid the Super Mutant at all costs!

Sai: She can take care of herself, Neji. Perhaps the hunt of the Super Mutant is a suicide mission, an X-Rank Mission for highly trained warriors of Union.

Temari: Everyone in Union is concerned about the Super Mutant. The headmasters will give every student a mission of searching for him.

Choji: *Eating his sneaks* Did you think he'll kill us all?

Shikamari: I don't believe so. He usually spares the lives of women, but not the villains. What a drag.

Rock Lee: He must have the heart of a mysterious hero! We must have the chances of finding him!

Naruko: I agree with Lee dattebayo!

And Lee would've called it, as Chunin Exam host and kunoichi, Anko Mitarashi appeared in the classroom and began to make an announcement.

Anko: Oi! Listen up! Tsunade is hosting a meeting, the hokages from different lands will be intending. The headmasters want all of you in this room to be present, every last one of you! I heard you were talking about the Super Mutant. I believe this will be your day to see him.

As everybody in the classroom heard of what Anko said , half of the class were scared of the Super Mutant and the other half were full of energy to challenge, including Naruko.


With all the energy she has, the outburst was loud enough for the entire academy to hear it. And so, Anko escorted the students to the headmasters office. And now you may be asking, "When are we going to see the Super Mutant?"

To be Continued...

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