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"Welcome back to your monthly broadcast brought to you by the Supernatural Enhancements Facility. Making a brighter future for both human and mutant. Today's special topic is the new add in the facility is putting in. The gym."

"Now as useless as it sounds the government states that the workers and doctors noticed the mutants acting up, fighting each other and are restless. They think that this gym shall give them a chance to exert their energy into something good. And not on each other."

"The gym will be split to keep the dangerous mutants from hurting the weaker ones. We believe if we keep them safe, they will feel safe."

"This has been your monthly broadcast."

I fell backward onto the floor with a thud, knocking the air out of my lungs and making my vision go out for a split second as my head cracked on the hard glossy wood floor. Tom stood above me grinning like normal, arms crossed and chest puffed out. He looked proud of himself despite the fact that he cheated. I shot him a glare and went to get up, only to have his foot on my chest, hard. My head hit the floor again, making me see black spots in my vision.

"Come on baby, you could've done better than that," Tom cooed. I growled at the nickname, trying to twist my body to throw him off balance or hit at his ankle to make him move. Nothing was working. Tom started calling me 'baby' after a month of knowing me because I was younger and shorter than them both. Tom being 19, and Jordan being 20. Jordan still called me by my name which I appreciated.

Tom let out a squawk as Jordan came up behind him and grabbed his collar, yanking him off me and onto the floor. He then held out a hand for me to use, giving me a sympathetic look. Dr. Soro had given us all leather gloves which allowed us to touch. Tom used it to poke and prod Jordan for attention, while I used it to hit Tom if he touched me. The only downside was that we could only use the gloves in the gym, and we were given our normal fingerless gloves when going back to our cells. Guess they still didn't want us interacting too much.

I got up and brushed some non-existent dirt off me. Jordan moved to land a roundhouse kick to Tom's head but he ducked and tripped Jordan's leg from under him. I rolled my eyes and walked to where a yellow glass wall separated the two gyms. The dangerous were on one and the 'normal mutants' on the other. I could see they meant well but I know some of us weren't going to hurt them. Well, me and those two. I didn't know about the others.

Both sides were fairly large, each side having at least half of a track field. Various punching bags lined the back wall while a type of grassy area was inside the track circle. When we're allowed in the gym we hang out in the grassy area, sometimes Tom convinces us to practice fighting skills. He boasts that he was a black belt but Jordan just shakes his head each time. Near the ceiling, is an overhang where I can sometimes catch doctors staring down at us. I still can't tell if they can hear us talking or are just curious about what we can do. I have yet to see a guard in the gym, maybe they don't fully care about our protection.

I watched the other side for a few minutes, seeing no one in sight. I could see my 'friends' fighting behind me in the glass' reflection; Jordan landing some punches and missing some. I hated fighting, but Tom always talked me into it. Saying it'll help when we break out, if we break out. He talks but never follows through. I'm beginning to think he's just a compulsive liar. Last week he had me believing that he robbed a bank and got away with it. Jordan had to tell me that it wasn't the case. Jordan. He's alright. He doesn't talk a lot about his past; or talk in general. It's either to shut Tom up or inform me if Tom is lying.

Just as I was about to turn around, I saw one person walk in, wrapping their hands in some bandages. Jordan does that as well, to protect the hands from minor injuries. They had brown hair... Their mouth moving as if talking to themselves. I realized it was Ty. His eyes went up and locked into mine, a wave of emotion seemed to flash over his face in seconds. Relief, fear, and confusion. He walked straight to where I was, opening his mouth to speak but stopping suddenly, panic in his eyes. I realized he was looking past me, at Jordan and Tom.

"They're ok," I spoke up quickly, getting him to look relieved. I guess he could hear me.

"It's been forever. I thought they sent you to be... removed," his voice dropped to a whisper at the last word, looking around and seeing no one else. I nodded, rubbing my arm sheepishly.

"Well. I'm dangerous now. Dr. Soro said I had this touch power- is Jason ok," I cut myself off, feeling guilt rise up. Ty gave a small smile and nodded, making that sudden weight disappear as quickly as it came.

"He's forgiven you. Jason isn't the type to hold a grudge. Are you ok?" He changed the subject as fast as I did, glancing once again at the two behind me. Something was bothering Ty, and it had to do with my newfound 'friends'.

"Yeah. I've been in the... 'dungeon' due to Soro not trusting me yet. He's mentioned moving me," I explained using air quotes, I didn't know the proper term for it yet. Ty seemed to understand anyway, giving me a small nod.

"Well be careful. I've been hearing rumors of this trio causing trouble for all 'dangerous' mutants. They're spirit mutants," he added at the end, nodding at his own information as if confirming it himself.

I thought back to the snake, fox, and bear trio I saw on my first day in that lunchroom. They didn't look dangerous, then again I never spoke to them. I'd have to ask Jordan about them. I wouldn't be able to get any information from Tom.

"We'll be careful," I reassured Ty again, "Tom and Jordan have been telling me about this place."

Ty once again glanced at the two, continuing to nod his head. He started to look spaced out, like something else was on his mind. A bell sounded over our heads, meaning that my time was up. Ty gave me one more smile before turning and walking away, heading towards the punching bags. I stared a little longer, wanting to know what was on his mind but a hand on my shoulder pull me from my trance. Jordan had come over to me, a look of concern on his face.

"The bell rang. I don't want your 'good streak' to be broken," he talked in a hushed voice, looking over his shoulder. I nodded my head and moved away from the glass, seeing Tom running through the exit. I still felt Jordan's hand on my shoulder but I didn't mind. The two always did that when I wasn't present mentally. Jordan pointed out that I always looked deep in thought, and that I'd stop whatever I was doing and just stare. I'm glad they're looking out for me, I guess.

We dropped our gloves to the guards that stayed outside of the gym. I slipped my normal ones on, making a fist then relaxing my hand. The two waited for me then we all walked down the hallway. Dr. Soro waited at the end, clipboard in hand and making notes. He looked up and gave us a smile, tucking the clipboard to his chest.

"You three are getting along exceedingly well. I'm surprised," Soro commented, "two guards will lead you both to your room Tom and Jordan."

I gave the two a glance, seeing them both frown slightly. Tom immediately went back to his Cheshire grin, giving Soro a begging look along with lacing his fingers together in a begging motion. It looked terrible, it even got me to smile a little.

"Oh but Dr. Soro we've been so good! I've been good for a whole month! And you know how rare that is!" Tom protested, smiling even more, "Can we please please please have more time in the gym? I promise not to dislocate Taylor's arm like last time!"

Dr. Soro glanced between us three, seeming to consider Tom's offer. He pulled out his clipboard and flipped the first page over, looking over at whatever was written. It was a few moments of silence but it felt like forever. Finally, he looked back up and nodded, raising a finger to tell us to wait a moment before getting excited since Tom had almost started running back to the gym.

"Tomorrow you'll get an extra hour. As of now it's almost lights out and I don't want higher up knowing about this," Soro explained. Tom let out a groan and dropped his shoulder, looking upset but didn't argue. I gave Soro a nod since I thought this was a fair deal. Two guards came around the corner, most likely there for Tom and Jordan. I waved bye at them as they went off the guards, turning the corner and going out of sight. Soro waited until I was ready and lead me to the 'dungeon'.

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