Chapter 18:- Brother & Ilm

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Darcy froze in his place, "What did she say?" Miska asked.

 There was a surprised and angered expression on Snow's face. He rubbed his frailed hands through his beard and asked, "Perhaps I heard something else, would you mind repeating?".

 "DARCY MIDDLETON!" she said as her chest pumped with air. The crowd started muttering again. 

"Darcy Middleton has no sister you foul-mouthed, insolent-" Snow tried to control his anger realising that he was amidst people.

He coughed a bit and said again in his malicious, cunning yet sweet tone "I am afraid not even god can fulfil your wishes." he took and break and continued, 

"Darcy Middleton, son of Isabeau Middleton along with his Witch mother was exiled in the Forest of Fraternity." Snow said without even an ounce of sympathy on his face.

 Darcy's hand twitched a bit when he heard that the word 'Murderer' was associated with his innocent mother. 

"Isabeau Middleton was convicted on the charges of practising witchcraft to earn money and fame in the neighbouring town of Selkmens along with her husband. We found out about all this when they tried to harass a poor, helpless lady in their house premises." Darcy started moving back towards the ritual place, his head held down, drops of tears streamed helplessly from his eyes as he walked. 

"Darcy, no!" Miska said but all in vain. 

"Upon finding that she was going to get caught, Isabeau Middleton killed her husband, possibly-" Snow took a break and continued putting on a dark grin, 

"Possibly because she wanted all their possessions for herself, or she had found another man to comfort herself-" 

"Snow, you son of a bitch!" Darcy yelled and punched a blow right into his guts. 

"Don't you dare speak of my mother, you geriatric, old timer, MORON!" He said and launched a kick straight into his face breaking his nose. 

"How dare you attack and insult lord Snow!" some of the men yelled from the crowd and advanced towards him. Darcy turned to face them, blood dripping from his fists, but suddenly felt a tingling sensation at the back of his neck. 

"No, Not again!" Darcy said and collapsed on the ground moaning in pain. 

The people who were coming towards him were shocked to see the Man who just punched there Leader growling in pain on the floor. 

"It's just an act!" One of them suggested as Miska stood beside Darcy helpless. 

"Yeah Kill him!" They said and started screaming in Unison, 

"KILL! KILL! KILL!", as the humaneness from their faces had vanished. 

"Don't!" Darcy yelled as his voice shifted from normal to Hoarse as he lowered his head. Christina Tolstoy grinned a bit. 

"You wouldn't like your wives to get widowed, would you?" Darcy said in a devilish voice, with an evil grin on his face. 

His expressions suddenly changed and he said again, 

"Run for your lives if you wish to be alive!" in a pleading tone. 

Some of them backed of, while the others held themselves still. 

"He's just mocking us!" Snow said as he got up and spit some blood. 

"I will take care of h-" Before snow could complete, Darcy advanced towards him. Snow began to run into the forest but was caught by his hand. 

"Yes?" Darcy asked and dislocated his arm from its joint with his bare hands. 

Snow screamed in pain as the crowd now ran for their lives all over the town taking shelter wherever possible. 

"Repeat!" he demanded, got a hold of his other arm and fractured it as well. Miska stood there watching all of this, 

"Nooo!" she yelled. 

Darcy turned to face her, "You better keep your pretty snout shut."

 He said and grabbed Snow by his long beard, 

"You aren't Darcy!" Miska demanded as he advanced towards her. 

"Took you sometime to figure out!" he said in a mocking tone. 

"You will kill him, you dunghead! He can be useful" said Christina in an angered tone.

 "Not yet!" Darcy replied and dragged Snow's body towards the fire. 

"Quick, untie my knot! I have to stop that idiot." Tolstoy ordered Miska. 

"How can I?" Miska asked as Darcy dragged him towards the fire. 

Snow on the other hand was unconscious due to the sudden breaking of his bones. "Do something!" Christina cried as she saw a sense of fear growing on her face.

 Miska had to come up with something, she didn't exactly understand what was happening, who was Christina and why was Darcy behaving as if he was possessed. Darcy by now was half way towards the fire, she raced towards him without thinking anything and tried to break his rhythm by pouncing on him. But before she could even touch him, Darcy caught her by her neck without even looking at her, 

"You know what? You really piss me off." Darcy said, looking towards his feet, and threw her so hard backwards that she crashed into the wooden pole Christina was tied to. 

The pole cracked due to the impact while Miska felt as if someone had thrown a dozen of wooden logs on her chest and fainted. Darcy was about to throw Snow into the same fire which engulfed the 4 supposed witches. He lifted him up by his neck and found out that he was still unconscious. 

"I am about to sacrifice you, You son of a bitch! Wake up, Coward!" Darcy said and crashed his body to the ground. 

"Wake up! Wake up!" He kept shouting and kicked the frail body into the face. 

After disfiguring his entire face he bent down to his beard when something strange happened. He tried to grab him but his body wouldn't move, 

"WOMAN!!!" He cried in rage and tried to turn back, but all in vain. 

Just behind him, Christina Tolstoy stood with a dark wand in her left hand. 

"Circum!" she shouted and Darcy's body started turning towards her as if she was controlling him like a puppet. 

"Odihnă," she said. 

He started feeling a funny tingle right from his brain reaching to his colon.

 "You have not changed a bit BrannKonge Ilm" She said as Darcy fainted.

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