cant update this week DX

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I'm sooo sorry! I ended up having to break my promise...

I know I'm just making excuses, but I realy want to spend the limited time I have with my baby sister before I fly 1000 miles away. I wont get to see her for another 3 months and shes just a little baby... I'm scared she'll forget me like my other sister... that I'm visiting this summer.

I realy wish they just lived closer... but you can't have everything in life.

On the bright side, where I'm going is a lot more fun then the small town I live in. They got beaches, amusement parks, weird foods, and so much more! I want to try squid again~


... but if I had a choose weather to stay in a small town with both sides of my family. I would.


Nothing, and I mean nothing, is worth more then them.

So in conclusion... I wont be able to update in another week or so. I'm sorry but I would give away my phone, computer, TV, or anything to spend time with them.

Hehe sorry I'm kinda sappy, but hey. Even if my family isn't perfect, I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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