Chapter 7: An Unsuspecting Friend

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"Hey Rain, where are you going?" I hear a voice behind me ask. I turn my head to see none other than William Hart, the boy who hid. "I'm going to the Common room," I reply skeptically, not sure where this is going. "I'm going there, too!" He replies (fake?) excitedly.  "Great?" I try to speed up a bit. This kid is kind of creeping me out... Alas, he walks a bit faster to catch up with me. "We're, like, totally besties!" He continues, walking at my pace. "That's nice..." I reply, almost at a run now. As I pass by the common room, (I'm way past just hanging out in there by now; I'm going to my dormitory!) I see Guinevere reading in a chair. She smiles at me running away from William Hart and I just wave my hand in a way like "no" behind me in William Hart's general direction. I her smirk right before I dash into the safety of my dormitory.

One week later

"Leave me alone!" I push William Hart away again. "Hey, it's not me who sat next to you on the first day!" He fires back, even though he knows perfectly well that the last seat just happened to be left by the time I got to class was the one right next to him. Ugh, he's so annoying. We're in Potions right now, and Professor Slughorn has, unfortunately, softened a bit so that we had to choose our own seats. The reason that this is so bad is that, well, it's not that I'm impossibly late to classes, but it's not like I'm the first one there, either... what? I have short legs!

"Can you tell me what that says?" William Hart whispers in the middle of Professor Slughorn's lecture. I slide my notes to him (William Hart, not Professor Slughorn. I should hope the professor of Potions wouldn't need my notes!) and continue to take notes on a new piece of parchment. "Thanks," whispers William Hart. "You really can't see, can you?" I whisper back, simultaneously continuing to take notes. "It's fine!" He insists. "I can see fine!" I arch one eyebrow, and he adds "enough." "No, you can't," I object. "Look at you!" William Hart is squinting so hard you can barely see his eyes. I mean seriously, the guy really needs some glasses! He may just be an annoying stalker that I'll avoid at most costs, but William Hart is also extremely intelligent, and I know that that kind of intelligence is not something you should waste.

"Okay class, that's all for today. Have a nice weekend!" Calls Professor Slughorn as the class bustles out of the door to get back to their houses. "Get some glasses," I whisper in William Hart's ear as he leaves the Potions room. He turns his head, but I'm already feet away.

Later in the night, approximately 8 P.M.

"Truth or dare!" Suggests Mandy. "No, no!" Shrieks Gwen. "Yes!" Fights Mandy. "Does it even matter?" Murmurs Kira, lost in her book. "I have nothing to hide," boasts Adrianna Swindon, a jaunty albino second year who seems way too brave for Ravenclaw. I mean, sure, we can be brave, but Ravenclaw is much more well known for book smarts rather than bravery. She's also really smart, though, so it's not like she doesn't belong. And she's the best Seeker that Ravenclaw's ever had; even though she just started Quidditch, she's already won two games for Ravenclaw against our worst competitor: Hufflepuff. We never won the House Cup before, but this year is already looking up! Anyway, back to the story...

"Oh yeah? I bet you have something to hide!" Replies Breeze Calloway, another second year on the Quidditch team that's always got her hand in the air. She's an awesome Chaser who currently has her hands on her hips and has that "challenge me?" death look on her face. "I don't have ANYTHING to hide," I butt in. "Let's do this!"

Three hours and many secrets later, we're all in a huge fit of giggles as Mandy takes one last turn. "Truth or Dare?" Asks Gwen. "Hmm... Dare!" Announces Mandy boldly, getting a collective gasp from everyone... we haven't exactly had any dares today! "I dare you to... Sneak into the boys dormitory" (gasp!) "and... put a frog in Kane Applegate's bed!" "Nooooooooooooooooo!" Screams Mandy, putting a pillow over her face. "He DESPISES frogs, though!" I coax, and Mandy begins to get an evil look on her face. "And we all know how creeped out he'll get..." Gwen joins in. "Imagine the look on his face..." Breeze adds in, cracking Mandy. "Alright, I'll do it," she relents, and we cheer again.

I watch her creep along the beds in the boys dormitory and put the slimy, squishy frog at the end of Kane's bed. She tiptoes out and I run as fast as I can back to my dormitory, exploding into a fitful of laughter. We're all laughing, exploding, as Mandy just sits there looking disturbed. I can't quite blame her...

The next morning

"Who. Put. The. Frog. In. My. Bed?" Asks Kane, putting both hands on the table and staring daggers into each of our eyes. I keep my cool on the outside, but inside, I'm cracking up like mad! "A frog in your bed?" I ask cooly. "Who would bother with getting one of those?" "I don't know," Kane replies solemnly, "But I plan to find out."

"He was so mad!" I giggle. I'm walking down to Charms with my friend Pippin from Hufflepuff. She's just an overall  awesome person. You can't hate Pippin! "I bet he was like 'WHOA!' She replies, and I laugh. "Yeah, probably."

Later, in Potions

"Hey Rain, do you happen to know Kane? Kane Applegate?" William Hart asks me while we're brewing a potion called 'Cure for Boils.' "Yeah, I know him, why?" I ask suspiciously. "Well, I'm pretty good friends with him, he and Guinevere Mitchell are my closest friends from the muggle world, and he's been trying to figure out who put the frog in his bed. He's narrowed it down to you, Gwen, and Mandy Butterfly, and I don't know if it was you who did it, but if it was, I just want to say that that was one of the greatest gags I've seen pulled in my life. The look on his face? I would pay 200 galleons to see that again!" William Hart says, and I'm blown away. "William Hart, that might be the longest thing I've ever heard you say at once in my life!" I comment, and he grins. "I'm not just a silent, brooding Potions Master!" "You are pretty great at Potions, though," I tease, elbowing him. William Hart just nods and concentrates on adding 4 Horned Slugs to the cauldron.

After we have finished our potion, William Hart and I have to wait for a while so everyone else can finish theirs. After about 5 minutes of awkward silence and intense thinking, I finally say something. "You know what?" I announce. "I'm sick of calling you William Hart. I think I'm going to call you Hart." "Okay," Hart answers nonchalantly, continuing to examine his Potions book. 'Yes,' I think. 'That works.'



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