Welcome to the Swiftly Writing Community

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I am thrilled to announce the launch of a new book promotion community aimed at helping authors gain attention for their works.

My community will offer authors the opportunity to showcase their books, receive reads, shout-outs votes, constructive criticism, and reviews
and be able to connect with other writers on here.

The ultimate goal is to help readers make informed decisions about whether or not to read the book.

If you would like me to review your book, please fill out a complete form on the application chapter and I will do my best to provide you with a thorough and thoughtful review.

I am excited to share more details about this community and look forward to working together to support authors in their writing journey

All genres of books will be accepted .

1.) The only thing I ask for you to do is shout-out my book on your message board with the link included and you will be immediately accepted

2.) Please add this book to your public and private library so that you will be kept up to date with updates and many events coming soon

Please fill out a form on the next page

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