chapter 3

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The next two days the Blood Brothers have been planning of what to do on this heist on the casino YN decide to choose a aggressive way just fight fight their way to the vault and steal everything thing in it and get out of the casino

Right now Jason Floyd Slade and Mason were getting on their gear and checking their weapons getting ready for the heist

Floyd: any of you still thinking this is good Idea of doing this heist

Jason: it'll be fine Floyd

Floyd: let's hope those scumbags don't fuck it up

Mason: what scumbags

Floyd: thank hired a heist crew of six to join us I said it was a bad idea

Slade: let's hope they don't fuck this up

Lester walks in the living room and he was dressed nicely wearing a black leather jacket a white t-shirt and Grey pants

Jason: ooh ooh ohh looking good Lest

Lester: what I you know what one more word and I'm gonna put you on a terror watch list I swear to God

Mason: Lester got a girlfriend

Lester: Jason would get to dope to clean a toilets

Jason: he'll do that after the heist

Lester: come on let's do this thing

Jason Floyd Slade Mason and Lester took the elevator down to the batcave and they go to the meeting room and they see YN wearing his gear as he was siting on a couch and laying his legs on the side of the couch and the heist crew was there that YN hired

Lester: time to crack that diamond baby that casino would clear anyone of us out leave us poor and destitute well today their luck is gonna run out

YN and Jason did a fist bump

Lester: cause if there is one thing that I just love screwing more than a casino it is a private equity a-hole come on yeah

Everyone nodded

Lester: now we have planned we have a prepped and we are ready to go

Huang come down from the elevator

Huang: exciting day

Lester: is um Georgina going to be joining us

Huang: regrettably miss Cheng was called back to the mainland I will be representing the holding company's interests

Lester: yes that is um that is regrettable

Huang: if everything is in order shall we continue

Lester: yes there's a few more decisions to be made but then we can proceed if uh YN if you wanna do the honors that's that's good that's

YN: alright I'll tell how the plans seven of us we'll go through the main door and make sure no one leaves the building two guys will go on the roof and disable the alarm so the cops won't get on time then three guys will go down to the vault and take of the crash once that done we get to our getaway cars and drive off Everyone gets a 25% of the crash then we'll go our separate ways but remember this very carefully no killing innocent civilians got it

Everyone nodded

Lester: alright we're ready to roll

Huang: you better pull this off Georgina made a big personal risk making this happen

Lester: we won't let her down

YN: alright let's go people

The Blood Brothers and the heist crew grab duffel bags to put the crash in Everyone were outside and they got in two vans the Blood Brothers went in and the heist crew went in the other one and they started to drive to the Diamond casino and resort to rob it

Floyd: YN still don't get it why you hired this heist crew to join it could better with just us

YN: I didn't hired them to join us I hired them so they could be easy disposable evidence they are just pawns

Jason: what should we do with them

YN: I told one of them I'll give him a higher cut if he kills the guy who disabled the alarm once two us at rhe vault kill him then take the crash once we get of the crash we kill the last two

Mason: I know you won't this stupid YN

YN: why would we work with a heist crew as we kill criminals you all know me

The Blood Brothers and the heist crew made it to the Diamond casino and resort they got out of the vans as they headed inside of the casino

Inside the diamond casino innocent civilians were having a great time by drinking talking and gambling then a group of four girls were seen by the bar they were Blackpink a famous K-pop girl group

They were at the bar but they were just drinking a non alcohol drinks since they didn't won't to get drunk today

Lisa: finally we can have break from all of the practicing

Jisoo: me too but Rose why did you choose this casino I'm not a fan of gambling

Rose: oh I know that Unnie and why would we want to gambling when we already have a lot of money

Jennie: I do agree with Rose but it good to relax and talk

Then a man and woman walk over to Blackpink

Woman: oh my god are you all Blackpink

Lisa: yes we are

Woman: it's a pleasure to meet you all

Guy: yeah she's a really big fan of you all huh even I like your music

Jisoo: thank you

Woman: can we get a photo

Rose: sure

The woman gives her phone to the Valet guy and they get ready for the photo

Valet guy: okay ready

Jennie: yup

Woman: okay one two three

Woman&Guy: Cheese and Crackers

Then all of a sudden the door to the casino was kick open and it was the Blood Brothers and the heist crew running in as YN fire his rifle and someone scream and Blackpink saw them

Heist member: alright everybody hands up heads down

YN grabbed aimed his rifle at Blackpink as the girls put their hands up because they didn't want to get shot

YN: get on the ground and don't do anything stupid

The two heist members were on the roof of the casino as one of them was disabling the silent alarm as the heist member behind him grabbed his gun

Heist members 2: here come the silent alarm and there it goes

The Blood Brothers and the heist crew were holding down the civilians hostage making sure they don't do anything stupid

Jason: heads down

Floyd: don't do anything stupid

YN and Slade were putting grenades in the civilians hands and pulling the pin well they were actually fake grenades but the civilians didn't know that back with the heist members on the roof the one who disabled the Silent alarm realize something

Heist member 2: that's funny it didn't dial to 112 it was trying to reach a private number

Heist member 3: is it a problem

Heist member 2: no I'm done here

The heist member shot him in the back the head killing him and he runs down the stairs entering the casino as rhe Blood Brothers and heist crew continued to hold the civilians hostage and YN continued pulling fake grenades in the civilians hands

Slade: stay down now

Mason: I said stay down

YN looks at Floyd

YN: Deadshot head to the vault

Floyd: on it

YN: Redhood go join Deadshot

Redhood: got it

YN: Deathstroke go check the mini vault and grab today's taking

Deathstroke: yes sir

YN: Specter go to the roof and make sure no one enters the casino

Mason: Roger that

Floyd runs to the stars and he runs downstairs to the vault along with Jason Slade goes to the mini vault to grab any little crash inside Mason hoes to the roof making sure nobody enters the casino and YN continued to put fake grenades in the civilians hands

Heist member: obviously we don't want you doing anything with your hands other than holding in for dear life

YN walks over to Blackpink he grabbed Rose hands and he place a fake grenade in her hand while pulling the pin as he did the same with Lisa Jisoo and Jennie

The third heist member made it to the vault and he started to drill through the vault breaking the lock and a fourth heist member knocked out a security guard

Heist member 4: on the ground stay on the ground nobody make a move nobody stay down

All of a sudden a Shotgun blast hit him in the back and it was Thoenton Duggan holding a Shotgun he fired at YN but he got in cover Thoenton fired his Shotgun again as YN moved to avoid the shots and kept on moving into cover as Thoenton continued firing his Shotgun

Thoenton: you have any idea who you're stealing from you and your friends are dead

Heist member: he's out right

YN nodded the heist member goes to shoot but Thoenton fired as the heist member goes back in cover Thoenton cock his Shotgun but realized he was out of ammo giving YN the chance to shoot him with his SMG and Thoenton falls to the ground

Heist member: where did you learn to count

Floyd made it the vault as he deal with any security guards

Heist member 3: they wired this thing with like 5000 volts what kind of casino does that

Floyd: a mob casino where's the alarm guy

Heist member 3: your boss told me when the guy was done I should take him out one less share right

He started opening the vault door

Floyd: funny he told me something similar

Heist member 3: what wait NO NO

Floyd shot him with his pistol killing him and Jason walk inside the room

Jason: just two left

Floyd: yeah let's get the crash

Jason and Floyd opened the vault door and they started grabbing the money putting it in their duffel bags

Jason brought the rest of the money and he placed the last duffel bag filled with money with the other duffel bags YN was keeping on a eye on the civilians while he looks at Blackpink for some reason

Heist member: that's a lot of money hope you have a big car

Jason: we do don't worry

Jason heard sound of a gun and he saw the heist member aiming his pistol at him

Heist member: I'm betting your boss told you to kill me as soon we loaded the crash

Jason check his watch

Jason: no no no no no I killed a bus driver who had drugs on him and was a pedophile

Heist member: bus driver

Jason looks at him

Heist member: what bus drive-

A school bus drive through the front door of the casino hitting the heist member and the final heist member got out of the school bus

Final heist member: school out time to go that guy not getting up is he

Jason: nope

Jason grabbed the duffel bags at the final heist member as he throws them in the school bus

Final heist member: that's a lot of money

Jason throws him the last duffel bag filled with money as he throw in the school bus

Final heist member: what happened to the reat of the guys

Jason shot him killing him and the Blood Brothers meet up again as they heard police sirens outside

SWAT leader: weapons on the ground we have you surrounded

YN: let's go

YN got in the driver seat Jason Floyd Slade and Mason sit down in the seats of the school bus than YN speed off he break through the police road block and he drives off and he stops at a parking lot with their armored cars there

YN: load your cars with the bags and we're out of here

They nodded YN Jason Floyd Slade and Mason grabbed the duffel bags filled with money and they throw them in their cars as the police were on their way

YN: let's go

The Blood Brothers got in their armored cars and they speed off it was a full on police chase the Blood Brothers were on a freeway driving in free speed the police were behind them then a police helicopter started firing at the Blood Brothers good thing they have armored and bulletproof windows

Jason: (Radio) YN you better think of something because we're ain't gonna lose them this easy

YN starts to think of how lose the police then he saw a opening on the freeway

YN: (Radio) everyone follow me

They speed up and they all saw the opening in the freeway and they drive off the freeway on to a different road the police helicopter was still on them thr Blood Brothers drive in a tunnel but YN hired getaway divers the Blood Brothers saw the trucks and they drive in the back of the trucks as the backs closed then the police were confused of how they lost them and the Blood Brothers escape

To be continue

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