Tag #3

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I got tagged by CordeliaWolf //sigh// Here I go again!!

1) Are you proud of your grades right now?

I'm not in school or college at the moment, so I don't have any grade that I'm proud of right now.

2) What's your worst fear?

There are actually three things I'm afraid of.

My first one is probably anybody's fear but I'm deathly afraid of spiders (They freak me out!).

My second fear is losing anybody who is really close to me (Like any friend or family member).

My third fear is being alone. I know it might seem strange and I usually don't mind being by myself but there are times when I'm alone, I tend to feel extremely lonely and just want somebody to talk to and hang out with. 

3) What's your favorite food?

Hmm, my favorite sweet foods are pumpkin pie, any kind of white chocolate candy, and I love any kind of cookies n' cream flavored snacks.

My favorite regular foods are bacon, sweet potatoes, and garlic bread.

4) What's an embarrassing moment that you had?

Ok here is an embarrassing moment I had when I was in karate a few years ago. I was at a belt graduation sitting in line on the floor with some other kids, listening to the head instructor talk to our families for like twenty minutes. After sitting there for so long, my entire left foot was asleep. After he finished talking, one of the other instructors asks me and the other kids to stand up but the thing was my entire foot was still asleep all the way up my knee. As I was almost standing up and tried to stand on it I rolled my ankle and fell back down on the floor in front of pretty much everybody.

I thought that was one of the most embarrassing things that have ever happened to me, just by hurting myself and falling in front of a hundred other people. 

5) What's a proud moment that you had?

A proud moment that I've had would be me finally before my birthday passing my drivers license and I was lucky too because if I didn't pass it my permit would've expired and I would've had to start all the way from the beginning. So, I thought that was one of my proudest moments.

6) What's your favorite place in the country you're staying at?

That would be in my room at my dad's shop but in an hour I will be in the gym at work.

7) What's in your bag?

In my bag, I have a small hand notebook, some napkins, receipts,  a bag of Subway cookies, my wallet and a broken pair of pink sunglasses.

8) Will you die without WiFi?

No, I will not die without wifi. I mean yes it sucks to not have it because you don't have good internet but it's not going to kill me. There are plenty of other things I can do than just have a screen in my face all day.

9) Introvert or Extrovert?

I'm a little bit of both. When I'm hanging out in a large group of people, I sometimes tend to get overwhelmed be introverted but if I'm in a small group I tend to be more extroverted. You can say though I'm more introverted.

10) Who's your crush?

O///O I do not have a crush on anyone at the moment!!

Yay, I'm all done.

Now for the tags, I'm going to be tagging a few people:


I know I'm evil, I'm sorry please don't kill me!! *Quickly runs and hides behind a tree*

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