A mother's rescue

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(3rd person pov)

It has been a year and a half since the death of w/n and d/n and the disappearance of y/n, ever since y/n disappeared an unknown figure calls himself the "punisher"emerges from the shadows and has become a major threat to anyone who gets in his way be it human or demon...to him...they're no different.

(In the taimanin academy)

in the taimanin academy, asagi was pacing back and forth trying to figure out this "punisher" character, she then heard a knock on the door as yukikaze and rinko walked in, asagi looked at them with a smile.

Asagi: yukikaze, rinko...how can I help you.

Yukikaze: I have some news...someone gave us a tip on my mother's location, they said she's located in yomihara.

Asagi: anything about the person who sent you this?

Rinko: that's the thing...it just say DD in red.

Asagi: that could be the vigilante... but they use that skull, so it's not them.

Rinko: they also said that they might know something about the vigilante.

Asagi: then I'll have to ask b/n, he's got connections all over the world so he might know something, in the meantime you will go to yomihara along with sakura and murasaki while I go get some answers from b/n.

(A/n: b/n is brother name)

Yukikaze / rinko: got it! / yes ma'am!

The three of them then left the office.

(Later, with asagi)

Asagi have reached out to b/n as they agreed to meet at a cafe, asagi was waiting for him to show himself, eventually he shows himself, he appeared to walk using a cane while wearing RED glasses as he sat in front of asagi.

B/n: miss asagi igawa...it's a pleasure meeting you after all this time.

Asagi: likewise mr l/n.

B/n: please b/n is enough, now let's get straight to business, you've been searching for my brother, well after what happened to him, he just disappeared, but I've heard from asuka that he was last seen in yomihara.

Asagi: asuka?! You know her?!

B/n: I do...she's an interesting girl to say the least, anyway the last I've "seen" him...well by the sound of his voice you can easily tell that he's broken...poor guy.

Asagi: yeah...it has been a year and a half since I've last seen him, curse that oboro.

B/n: anyway...about the punisher...I've received an info about him, he currently in yomihara as well.

Asagi: then we can find both him and y/n!

B/n: but you need to make haste because he doesn't stay in one place.

Asagi: alright thank you for your time b/n.

B/n: a friend of y/n is a friend of mine.

With a smile on their faces both asagi and b/n left the cafe.

(With yukikaze)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The taimanin squad minus asagi (obviously) have arrived to yomihara as they disguised themselves as prostitues to avoid suspicion, they have searched for almost 2 hours but nothing so far.

Yukikaze: the tip said she's here...do you think it's a trap?

Murasaki: don't give up yet...we've been here for an hour...besides miss asagi just informed me that y/n is here...one more thing...the vigilante is here too.


Murasaki: I don't know...so we have three objectives...we find shiranui, y/n and the punisher.

Suddenly they got surrounded by horny people and demons trying to sexually harass them, trying their best not to blow their cover they gently pushed them away, then the street lights turned off leaving only one light on, the people looked at the spotlight as they saw a man wearing a black combat suit and a bulletproof vest with a SKULL on it as he stood there...menacingly...he then pulled out two handguns and pointed them at the group of people.

Without a warning he began shooting at the group killing them one by one leaving the taimanin group untouched, he then put the guns in their holsters as murasaki decided to confront him, but before she could say anything she took a closer look at him which made her shocked to her core from the new discovery.

Murasaki: y-y/n...?

Sakura: Y/N?!!!

Rinko: oh my god...

Yukikaze: what're you doing here?

Y/n: same reason why you're here...so you better stay out of my way.

He then walked away leaving them in the dark street, wasting no time murasaki contacted asagi.

Murasaki: miss asagi can you hear me!, I have some urgent news!

Asagi: what is it?

Murasaki: you're not going to believe this but y/n is the punisher!

Asagi: are you certain?!

Murasaki: all of us have seen him with our own eyes! We were surrounded by a bunch of pigs and he just appeared out of nowhere and killed all of them and left.

Asagi: alright...I'm on my way...I'll be there in a few minutes, try to relocate him...he can't have gone far.

Murasaki: got it.

Murasaki then ended the conversation and looked at the others.

Murasaki: alright everyone! We are to find y/n.

Yukikaze: what about my mom?!

Rinko: don't worry yukikaze...we'll find her.

?: actually he's heading there himself.

They looked at the direction of the voice and saw a man wearing a red costume sitting on a lamppost.

Murasaki: who are you?!

?: my name is not important...all you need to know is that I'm on your side.

He then jumped from the lamppost and landed in front of them.

?: I've already informed asagi that I'll lend you my aid.

Sakura: so where is she now?

?: she's in under eden...follow me...we must get there before he does...

Rinko: but why? We all have the same mission.

?: I try to keep the body count to a minimum...now get changed and let's move out.


Y/n was standing in front of under eden with his mg42 machine gun and m16 rifle in both hands, with that he walked in the club and was met with a large orc, before the orc could say anything he got shot in the face, he then walked past the dead orc and heard moaning and screaming as he entered each and every room and began killing the unholy creatures leaving the women, after that he reached the VIP section and saw shiranui working the stripper pole, y/n pulled out a flash grenade and threw it at them.


The guests including shiranui covered their eyes as y/n unloaded the machine gun at the guests killing them, a group of armed ogres barged in and pointed their shotguns at him as he turned at them with a lifeless eyes.

Y/n: die...

He then pulled out the m16 and began shooting them with both weapons ignoring the powerful recoil, after he killed them he turned to shiranui and walked towards her, as she regained her sight she looked at him and saw the soulless pits that are his eyes and she was shocked beyond belief.

Shiranui: y-y/n...y-you're the punisher?

Y/n: you're coming with me.

?: I believe that you are wrong ... "punisher"

He took a small glance behind him and saw two of the most disgusting people ever...people who he was targeting before the death of his wife and daughter, muneichi and toshiji (real) yazaki...the yazaki brothers.

Muneichi: you have quite the reputation...but we're not afraid of you...

Real: indeed...we've seen people who are much more dangerous than you...like Edwin black for example.

Y/n sighed and pulled out a desert eagle and shot both of them in their heads killing them instantly, he then turned his head towards shiranui and stared at her.

?: MOM!!

He turned around and saw the taimanin group including asagi and the man in red.

Y/n: daredevil...

Daredevil: punisher...so you decided to show yourself.

Asagi: why are you doing all of this y/n...?

Y/n: do you really have to ask...? Anyway that's your mother yukikaze...now stay out of my way...

Sakura: y/n wait!

Y/n: if you think you can help me...save your energy...I'm beyond saving at this point.

Daredevil: but I really have to ask you this do you really have to use excessive force? You're run around this city like it's your own damn shooting gallery!

Y/n: and that's the difference between you and I...you hit them and they get back up...I hit them and they stay down.

Y/n turned around and reached a broken window and looked at them.

Y/n: you better stay out of my way...b/n...I won't repeat myself.

He then jumped out the window and disappeared into the shadows, yukikaze ran at her mother and hugged her tightly.

Yukikaze: mom!! I can't believe we found you!

Shiranui: I'm here yuki...no need to worry anymore.


Inside the tallest skyscraper of the business district a silver haired man wearing a business suit and long black coat and red scarf was walking towards his office along with two women, one had a pinkish red hair in a bob cut and red eyes wearing a red leotard, the other is a mocha skinned woman with pink hair and amber eyes wearing a black business suit and a black skirt, that man being the vampire "king" (yeah right) Edwin black, the creator of the punisher oboro, and the hell knight ingrid.

Ingrid: the under eden club has been hit my lord.

Oboro: well he's trying to gain our attention...as if he's calling us out.

Black: and we will answer...he's becoming a thorn on our side for a while now...oboro?

Oboro: yes my love?

Black: go and finish him off.

Oboro: I thought you never ask...consider it done dear.

She then walked away from the two as she called an army of orcs and ogres.

Oboro: alright now listen up! Edwin black commanded me to finish the punisher off! So we will not return nor rest until he's dead got it?!!

The unholy army roared in unison as oboro grew a devilish smile on her face.

Oboro: let's get this done!

They left the building and began their hunt.

To be continued


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