Chapter 12

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Dedicated to:DarK_Fairy96

Children from the upper section assembled into the school garden with tools and stuff.  Flowers with vibrant colours were hanging from the top of the gliricidia trees which added a mesmerizing beauty to the whole school garden. Chillies and brinjals were glowing in the sunlight. The mouth watering incense of the baby mango fruits attracted small insects and birds. At night bats settled around the mango trees to suck it's essence wildly.  It was like a paradise but there was an underlying gloom in it and this old building happens to accelerate the creepiness.

Boys were busy digging the ground and girls were planting and watering them. According to the school curriculum students were assigned to engage in gardening in a separate period.
No wonder that St Norman's College gained fame as a private school because it has the most picturesque garden out of all schools in the country and it's rules are unique and systematic.
Olivia planted a small baby rose plant on the hole digged by Ashvin. They both smiled but he felt that she was hiding something behind that smile. After the gardening period was finished Olivia's class teacher took them to their new class prepared on the top floor of this spooky builduing.

"Ayo... the top floor? Now do we have to climb all the way up there? Ayo ayooo what kind of a sin have we done? Just imagine if we have to go to the washroom we have to climb all those stairs again what the hell" Anne uttered pissfully with Olivia.

Mrs Anastasia turned towards her with a laugh because she heard what Anne had said to Olivia.
"Don't be lazy Anne. Climbing these stairs will help you to reduce your weight a bit more. Ah now don't worry about going to the washroom there's a set of washrooms but be careful they are too old and might be lacking proper functionality." Anne awfully looked at Mrs Anastasia  as she passed them with a tiny laugh.

"I've heard that Cinderella's step sisters are rude and stupid as hell but today only I confirmed it" Anne uttered in dismay.  Both Ashvin and Olivia took some time to process her utterance and then they both began to laugh.

"Hush Anne what if she hears you? We only have to be here for about a week or two. Most of the time we go for different periods and we won't remain here right. So let's bare it." Ashvin said by suppressing his laughter.

"Tell me did I say anything wrong? She's telling that there's an old set of washrooms in the old building and that they would lack functionality. If they lack functionality how can we.... ahhhh I won't say anything about that but just think dude how can we climb this daily " Anne was totally  devastated.😫😫😫

They entered into the so called old building. All the students were super excited for this was their first time entering into this building.😯 Cob webs were hanging everywhere.This definitely took the shape of an abandoned hospital. On the far end there was a room in which old rusting cupboards and bed frames were kept in. One labourer came in and closed that room by putting a padlock.

There was an old wooden staircase which was not used for years ridden with dust and dirt. Some parts were painted in blue.

"Ah magnificent. Actually it's in vain to let this building just decay like this." uttered the intelligent one.

"Ah but I heard that they are going to renovate this but I am not sure" uttered another.
No one could even imagine that such a building with old architectural values could exist in an urbanized settlement.
"Ideal place to film a horror movie" uttered Ashvin. Olivia too kept on observing the carvings on the walls and the staircase.
She placed her hand on the rough torn walls while she was climbing up the stairs. At once she felt a sudden pressure on her hand as if something had hit her hand. She quickly took her hand away and went on further.
Ashvin followed her and now they both were so close to each other.
"Oli what do you think about this place?" Ashvin asked.
Olivia  gave an innocent smile. "Ah bit creepy" she uttered.

Ashvin was just making way to reach to a conversation regarding the day of the seminar.
"Olivia why did you really go out from the institution and who  sent you lot of messages that day?" Ashvin didn't want to make her feel like he was interfereing into  her private life but he was too curious and worried about her.
Olivia looked at him and smiled without any hesitation.
"I really forgot to switch off my phone.  Lots of whatsapp messages from my old school  friends and certain relatives ah you know they all got blocked together that's why" Olivia uttered. Ashvin stopped questioning her further but he couldn't evade from asking her about the bracelet which he gave her on that day.  Finally after climbing five floors they reached the fifth floor. There was a long passageway and it frightened almost everyone due to the way it was scratched and bits of solidified old paint fallen on the ground.

Mrs Anastasia took them carefully through the passageway. There were lot of rooms which were closed tightly and in the far end there was a classroom arranged for them.

"Woow too creepy. How does it feel to live in my dream?" Anne whispered to Dilan in an utter humiliation.🙄 All the students occupied their places. Broken tubelights were hanging down and it was sweating inside the classroom. Mrs Anastasia opened the windows actually no need to open all of them because the glasses of some windows were already broken.
Anne nudged Ashvin.

"Hey does this make any sense? In our earlier classroom only the roof and the floor was there to be repaired but now see this one it's more worse than the earlier one. I think this old man(The principal 😂) is out of his mind" Anne was always garrulous and spoke the truth baldly. She was not scared of anything except ghosts. 👻

At once a satisfying  fresh air entered into the classroom and it dried the perspiration on them. 
"Children let's endure the difficulties somehow. We have to stay here only for another three weeks." Mrs Anastasia said by blowing away the dust which got sticked into her hand.

There was a kind of a deception at the first glance of the school because it looks like a fantastic paradise but deeper it was dark.
Anybody can enter into the backyard of the school secretly by passing the bare land which was situated next to the school.
Few robbers broke into the yard two three years ago but they only managed to sneak into the old building and take away certain old wooden cupboards and broken computer parts.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  *

"Fingerprint reports are 100% matching sir" said the sergeant.

The inspector's face lit up with an instant happiness. "Perfect now we  have to confirm who's the owner of this pendant"   This police inspector Vishal was newly appointed to investigate in  this case. He is so keen and  dedicated to his work.

Inspector Vishal went for each and every place where people were abducted. During the investigations regarding the abduction of a girl from St Norman's College named Soniya he got to know some important news about a  stranger who had visited her uncle's bakery on the day she got kidnapped.

"Sir normally strangers come to my bakery but I felt something really queer about this young man. His eyes were like a vultures and he had a scar over his face. He didn't eat but gulped the food just like a wild animal.Then Soniya came to the bakery and this stranger put on his mask in a hurry and moved away. I suspect him sir." He uttered.

The inspector became more zealous. "Sir can you give us the permission to check your surveillance please ?"

"Sir I am so unfortunate to say that my CCTV cameras are on repair" uttered the man in a defeated tone. The inspector's mood became gloomy.

"Alright. Can you atleast remember his face?" Asked the sergeant.

"Yes yes of course I can because I've never seen such an evil face except in thriller movies"

"Ok then come with us to the police station and you can tell us his features so that we can take a sketch of his image."

Inspector Vishal's crew was  running behind these cases more attentively and this new piece of information is going to become another huge turning point.

*  *  *  *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *

"Today was the day that the dancing  competitions were to be held" uttered Anne desperately. No one paid much attention to her utterance.
All the students in the class had no any enthusiasm over life and they smiled and laughed mechanically. Some just nodded their heads. They felt as if they were transmigrated from the garden of eden into a horrible mental asylum.

Olivia was fallen into a world of thoughts while she was standing on the balcony.  Greenish thickets down there were waving too and fro due to the wind.Her nature has changed a bit. She seems to feel some sort of attraction towards the gloom in this place.

Both Ashvin and Anne were observing her curiously.
"Ashvin I didn't ask much about the things happened on that day." said Anne.

"Yeah don't ask. Anne I feel like something is troubling Olivia. She's trying to hide something from us." Ashvin uttered by scratching his brow.

"Yeah I also felt it but we can't ask from her you know. I  feel strange about the way she acted on that day. She even receive messages frequently. Can you remember the day she fainted on the ground? On that day we were having a chat but suddenly her phone began to vibrate and I told her to check them." She said.

"Ok what happened then" asked Ashvin.

"Oli went pale and she began to sweat. She excused us and ran into the washroom. Idk what kind of  a  message it was to make her frightened."

Ashvin's face furrowed. He wondered whether what's going on with her.
"Didn't you ask from her?"

"Yeah I asked but then she said it was nothing" Replied Anne.

Olivia was in a journey where she must find out the answers for all these problems by herself. What happened to Ryan? Was he really a victim of abuse? Does the girl in the book actually relates to her? Her head was about to explode. She even had a confusion regarding the revelation of the shop keeper regarding a horrible scene which he saw near Ryan's house. Olivia  went inside and got ready for the next period. On the way back she  remembered that she had left one of the essential books in the classroom because she was in a huge tension.

"Anne I'll go back and bring the geometry book. I forgot to bring it" Olivia uttered.

"Oh eh we have to climb up again? Then we'll get late" Anne said with a frown.

"Anne I'll go and bring it you don't need to come"

Anne sucked in her breath. "Are you going to climb up that all alone. No way, I'll come with you" said Anne.

Olivia just ignored Anne and ran back. She held  her fear back to enter alone into the building because getting punished by the gemoetry teacher was far more worse. The whole area was tranquil and quiet.Only the sound of her foot steps were heard. It literally sounded as if she was the only person living in a different universe.

She went inside the classroom and not even a few seconds passed the iron door was slammed close. Olivia was shooked. She ran towards the door and tried to push it and she thudded onto it. Her silky hands couldn't resist the force. So her hands turned red like a cherry blossom.

"Open the door. Please I am inside. Open it up." Olivia shouted out loudly. She saw a figure moving on the other side of the door. So she kept on calling someone to help her.
"Can anybody hear me. Please open this" She gave a loud cry.
She couldn't even give a call to someone because her phone is with Anne. "What the hell? Shit"  Olivia wondered whether who had closed the door in such a hurry while she was inside. Half broken windows swayed in the wind. A sudden fear overcame her for she was locked inside this lonely building. She tried to break the lock but it was strong. She beat the door several times with a chair but it was useless.
She finally gave up and waited till someone comes and open the door.

Olivia walked all over the classroom and touched the dirty walls. There was something very rough behind the walls. That place was kinda embossed so she paid a special attention on it. It was the edge of a DOOR!!!!

🦋  🦋  🦋  🦋  🦋   🦋   🦋
Thank you guys for reading my work and hope you all are enjoying it. I'll update all the chapters as soon as possible.

               - Tharushi Ranasinghe -

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