Chapter 7

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During this havoc Olivia forgot the fact that it was Ryan's birthday yesterday. She got upset as she suddenly remembered the way how she couldn't stay to celebrate his birthday as she went on a trip with her aunt that day last year.The day before the trip was the day when they met for the last time but she never thought that it would be their last meeting. Early in the morning before attending to school Olivia went to the graveyard. She sighed amidst the alien yard. There were few people scattered in the graveyard including Olivia. she offered the flower bouquet and lit a candle.
"I am sorry Ryan. I forgot you for a moment" she muttered silently by looking at the grave stone. She heard the sound of twigs breaking. Olivia looked behind but no one was there. Again she sensed as if someone was followig her. A huge fear surged into her mind. So she quickly took her steps to her school.  The candle blew away as the subtle wind barged into the grave yard.

As the dancing competitons were nearing the dance group took even the school hours for practices but some teachers like Mrs Gloria were thoroughly against it. Olivia met Mrs Gloria near the staff room and there she began to insult her infront of another few teachers for she was a main dancer in the group.

"You all are just performing that nonsense. Olivia you've got low marks for all the subjects this time in your monthly test Remember this very clearly you'll fail the main exam if you go on like this. If you keep on getting low marks I'll have to inform your aunt. You scored good marks earlier. Quit these. I am thoroughly dissapointed. I am not going to allow you to take a single period from my subject for practices."

Olivia felt hurt and ashamed. She had never been scolded by any teacher in her school. She feared even more thinking that Mrs Gloria would tell her aunt about her low marks this time. Mrs Gloria was really heartless. With a huge effort Olivia controlled her tears without letting them burst out. 😣😢 She walked away silently. How could Mrs Olivia understand her mentality which was wholly intricated? According to Mrs Olivia the dance competition is the only reason for Olivia's low marks but those anonymous phone calls and that mysterious book seems to have affected more on Olivia's attention and consciousness in studies.

Today Nithin was absent but it was not a big matter because he normally used to get absent but still Nimanthra's absence and his loss became controversial within the classroom.

"Hey be careful. These days people are really suffocated and they  commit horrible crimes. See lot of people were reported missing. One small girl who was lost was found dead inside a canal in  Dompe. It is said that she was raped. How pathetic."
Said Yamini.

"Yes so pathetic poor girl. The police had caught the accuse. Do you know who the accuse is? It's her uncle. A bloody dog. He must be cursed." Anne paused for a moment and began to speak.
" Eh lot of people were reported to be missing around Colombo   area right? Even still they haven't find an accuse for any of these cases. Eventhough Nimanthra is big headed all the time I feel pity for him now."

"Will they find Nimanthra?" asked Dilan. "Who knows. I hope that he'd be safe" Anne replied by moving to the side where Olivia was seated.
"Come let's go to the main hall" Anne said but she remained still like a passive animal. "Olivia what's wrong? Are you ok?" Anne asked. Olivia suddenly shooked as she heard Anne's voice and looked at her.
"Did you call me now?" Olivia asked like a person who had woke up from her sleep. "Yes Oli I talked to you know. You were gone a long distance in your day dreams. Am I right?" Asked Anne. Olivia avoided answering.
"Ah let's go. Let's go" Olivia said.

The evening sky was lit with a magenta ray of light scattered all over the sky. Olivia was seated in her maths class till all the other students come. For the moment that stranger had stopped stalking her but this problem is a burden for her. Whenever she wanted to tell this to her aunt  she remembered the fact how that unknown person sent pictures of her aunt that night by sneaking secretly into her house and the way that person  threatened her through messages saying that he'd harm her if she expose this. Few girls and boys entered into the class and another familiar face appeared it was Ashvin. He smiled warmly with her.😊 That smile sent a cool feeling all over her body by mitigating her troubled self. He got seated beside her.
"Ashvin are you coming to this class?" Olivia asked.
"Yes I joined today" He said by removing his bag with an attractive movement. Girls in the back row started to use their flirting skills on the handsome new boy but it doesn't seem to work for his attention was lying only on Olivia.
"Oh I see. Sir Shen is really good. Even Ryan used to come to this class" Olivia's heart ached as she remembered him for he was the one who was normally used to sit beside her in this class. His nerdish freakish behavior was always criticized even in this class but the tution master was a bit kind to him. Ashvin felt worried as her mood began to change so he diverted her feelings. "Olivia can you give me your tute please?"

"Oh yeah sure" she felt a bit restless as he asked for her tute and at once her bag slipped and fell. It was a bit embarrassing😶
"Oh wait I'll get it" said Ashvin.
"No no I'll get it" They both bend down to take the bag and accidentally their heads bumped on each other. It gave a small pain but Ashvin didn't realize it as a pain. They looked at each other and chuckled.
"Sorry did it hurt?" asked Olivia.
Ashvin smirked in a kind of a romantic manner and reached closer to her to offer  the bag. Olivia felt something spinning inside her heart.❤ "No not at all" His eyes were firmly fixed on her. She quickly  looked away shyly for there were some students inside the class. "The tute. You can reffer it" Olivia reminded Ashvin. He moved aside and smiled. During the session Ashvin slowly turned his head to observe her pretty Olive coloured cheeks and those rosy lips formed gorgeously as if to express the beauty of a mixed raced girl. Her  hair  which took the colour of copper was tighed to a ponytail and it rested on her lap. It was like a dream for Ashvin to imagine that this beautiful girl was her dance partner. Olivia's heart started to thump fast as she felt him looking at her. She tried not to look at him and focus on the lesson.

After the class ended they both walked out. It was 5.30p.m. Her aunt has not come yet to take Olivia. "Olivia your aunt is coming  to take you right?" Asked Ashvin.
"Yes she will come soon. I'll stay inside until she comes" she replied. Ashvin hesitated to leave her. "Ah I'll wait until your aunt comes. Is it ok?"Olivia too wanted him to stay but she questioned herself why she wants him to stay.
"No it's ok. you'll get late if you stay" she said. Ashvin came near her again with that charming smile but this time she felt extremely shy so that her cheeks turned red. "I won't leave you till your aunt comes" Olivia felt really  interested in this guy. His smooth dance movements were enchanting.

Olivia phoned her aunt and she informed her that she'll take about another half an hour because of the huge traffic jam and she told her to stay inside the class. This class was somewhat safe because this whole institute is held in sir Shen's four storied house. There were still some night classes going on. "Ashvin it's getting late for you.  There are some students in the canteen so I'll stay there" Olivia uttered.
"Oli It's not a big issue. My house is only a few miles. I can walk home quickly" Olivia felt a slight happiness. It was 5.45pm still her aunt was stuck in the traffic jam. They both sat by facing each other. Ashvin felt this moment to be priceless. He wanted to confess his likeness, now it was not a mere likeness or a crush but it was truly a blooming love. 💘

"Olivia I have something to tell  you" Olivia could hear her heart beat rising more and more.
"What is it Ashvin?" She asked without paying much notice on his handsome face. "I was willing to tell this since a long time. I...I... really like you" he uttered uneasily. Olivia could hear her own heart screaming but at the same time she felt backward with his sudden confession.
"Wh..what?" she asked.
This time Ashvin couldn't help seeing her enlarged blue eyes. He forgot everything around him and he touched her soft hand. Olivia wanted to pull it away but her heart said no. "I love you Olivia." The words which she was hearing right now was like a  dream. A romantic dream. Her phone began to interrupt the best part of the conversation. She quickly choosed the phone call as a mode to escape her shyness over hearing his confession.
"Ok ok I'll come to the entrance punchi" Olivia said. Ashvin gazed at her. "Ashvin my aunt has come. I have to go now." said Olivia. "Ok let's go" Ashvin was a bit upset for he couldn't stay a bit longer with her.

Olivia's aunt thanked Ashvin for staying with her until she comes. He once again showed his fascinating smile. "Ok then Olivia. I'll take my leave. Bye. Bye aunty" He said. Olivia turned back before he leave. "Be careful Ashvin." Those word meant a whole world for him. Olivia's aunt who was unaware of the confession of love too began to advice him. "Yes son. These days are very bad. See the way how some people are found missing. I really feel bad for you because you are getting late because of us." Ashvin smiled and waved goodbye to them. Olivia was looking at him till he
disappear. "He is a good boy Olivia. But did you both stay alone?" Her aunt asked in a corked mood.
"No no we both stayed in the canteen. There were some children and the woman who does the canteen" She replied dreamily. Her aunt sensed another difference in Olivia. But this time it meant to be joyful and happy.

It was about 7.00p.m. again they got caught in the traffic. People inside the bus consisted of squeezed faces. The bus driver was cursing and the conductor was going hither and thither all over the bus by pushing people side ways. 
"Shit I got late from work today. Next day I'll definitely come on time. See this traffic. Affff" Joel uttered by wiping away her sweat. Olivia placed her elbow onto the small silver pole near the window and got tumbled in her own world. She couldn't believe that Ashvin had confessed love to her. "Now how can I look at his face directly and talk. OMG I can't relate my feelings. Did he really say that?" She thought. Her phone vibrated and collapsed her dreamy world. Again a slight fear overcame her. It was that number again.

"I am always watching you."

The same message began to appear about a 1000 times. She covered her mouth but when she realized that her aunt was near her she pretended there was nothing. She calmed herself and tried to ignore it. At once an image of Olivia seated on her seat was sent to her. She began to perspire. She felt almost dizzy. She quickly looked back to see anyone suspicious. Joel tapped on Olivia's shoulder.
"Oli what are you looking at?"
She shooked and gave a fake smile. "No nothing I saw a person who is bit similar to one of my friends" she fabricated a lie instantly. Joel looked forward. Again she turned her head slowly and then she could see a person covered fully in black looking at her continously by standing near the door step of the bus. But she couldn't see his  face for he was wearing a black mask.

A chill was sent along her spine. No one in the bus paid any attention to that man except Olivia. Her aunt was dozing off and the bus was still not in motion due to the huge traffic. She quickly turned her head and breathed heavily. A message appeared on her phone. The fear in her eyes grew more rapid at the moment when she read the message.

"You saw me just now."

She began to perspire. She slowly turned back and she could see that person still staring at her. He pulled out a small black rose from his pocket without making it noticebale to the others in the bus and showed it to her. There was something trembling in those eyes which was a bit tough to understand. He sniffed it and dropped it inside the bus and after another long stare he got down. Olivia gasped and she was shivering. Joel droopyly got up.
"Oli I fell into a little instant sleep. Oh the vehicles are moving a bit now" she said by yawning. Olivia was silent and had gone pale. She clinged to her aunt. Joel looked at her in a huge concern by getting rid of her sleepiness and circled her arms around Olivia. "We'll reach home   in another half an hour. My poor kid feels tired right?" Olivia just nodded as if to agree and placed her head on Joel's shoulder. How could she say what she saw just now? How could she? If she said it to her aunt she might have sent that creepy stranger to another dimension with one kick but she feared thinking that he'd harm Joel.

          - Tharushi Ranasinghe -

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