Chapter Four

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Throughout the next day, Sam's mind kept wandering to the story he'd started. He knew if he didn't come up with some kind of answer for Natasha in the story, he'd never hear the end of it. So, he racked his brain over the course of the day, thankful they didn't have a mission. He was in no shape to focus on that. Yet, when Sam heard the tell-tale sound of the team and the children coming into the living room, Sam still hadn't thought of a thing.

"Guess I'm gonna have to wing it," he whispered to himself as the others got in their places. "Wait for me!"your youngest daughter cried and she ran in and climbed onto Bucky's lap. Once she was settled, she smoothed her skirt with a look of pure determination on her face. Then she nodded. "Alright, Wilson. Hit us with it. What happens next?" Tony demanded, earning a glare from Sam and an elbow to the ribs from Pepper. "Be nice, Tony." Everyone else laughed as Sam cleared his throat and began.

Back in the invaded kingdom, Tony sighed heavily. He was bored again. "Would you stop sighing? It's not helping anything," Natasha snapped at him before turning her attention back to the court jester, Sam, not that she knew his name. "Just find the jewel and...while you're at it find the girl that you let escape." Tony had to stop himself from sighing again. Natasha looked back at Tony and, with a smirk, she said, "Why don't you start acting like Bucky and do something?" With that, she rose from her seat and walked over to Sam.

Tony watched from his stolen throne and frowned. "She really gets a kick out of that jester, doesn't she, Clint?" Clint stifled a laugh and replied, "Yeah." Tony shook his head and got his thoughts back in order. He couldn't wait to be rid of Bucky. That would prove to Natasha that he deserved her. Still, Tony wasn't one to linger on a thought for long. His boredom won over in the end as it always did. "You know what, Clint? We need a distraction until that annoying princess gets back with Barnes. I know! Let's throw a party! A ball!"

"A ball, sire?" Tony grinned and nodded before standing and announcing to everyone in the room that he was going to throw a ball and everyone was required to attend. Well, everyone left in the conquered kingdom. Natasha smiled. "Wonderful! We'll go work on a new act," she said, taking Sam by the arm and leading him from the room. Clint frowned as he watched them go. He couldn't believe that Tony didn't see it.

"See what, Sam?" your son asked. As the middle child, he wasn't quiet old enough to understand what Sam meant. Sam's eyes widened and he gazed at you. You bit back a giggle and shook your head. "You'll understand when you're older. Just listen to the story or it'll take Sam a year to get to the end of it." The boy seemed to be satisfied and turned his attention back to Sam. "What happened next?"

The ball. Tony wasted no time in getting the castle ready for the party. After all, there was nothing he could do about the "missing" jewel and princess until you returned. Once the castle was ready, he let all the prisoners out of the dungeon. A party wasn't a party without guests. Unfortunately, no one seemed to be having any fun. Tony couldn't fight the frown in his lips. Why weren't they celebrating?

He got up and, in a loud voice that reverberated through the room, he stated, "This isn't very fun. Is it?" Everyone muttered something about it being a great time, but their attitudes said differently. "Now come on. Be honest. How would you describe this ball?" Your parents exchanged a glance. "In poor taste." Tony nodded. "Okay, What else?" It continued that way until it was something of a game. Soon, people were actually laughing, even at Tony's expense. Not that he minded. Until he did.

"How about me? What can you say about me?" Your father immediately piped up. "Pompous." Tony nodded. "It's true." Another woman shouted, "The stupidest king in all the land." Tony wagged a finger playfully at her and laughed. The game ended the very next sentence. "He'd have to be blind not to know his wife his getting it on with the jester!"

The noise suddenly died down. Tony's gaze shifted to the thrones. Natasha's was now empty. She and Sam were nowhere to be seen. The silence in the room was deafening as Tony cleared his throat. "Party's over. Take them back to the dungeon. Oh and Clint? Kill him," he ordered, pointing at the man who had dared to shatter Tony's fantasy of his marriage.

"What does 'getting it on' mean'?" Sam groaned. He hadn't meant to phrase it that way. Your oldest daughter glanced at her brother and rolled her eyes. The youngest answered innocently, "It's like when we're playing a game and Mommy says 'It's on like Donkey Kong' to Daddy or the others." That seemed to pacify the kids and the adults all laughed. "Now what, Uncle Sam? What about Bucky and Princess Y/N?" Sam nodded and began again.

Meanwhile, in Steve's village, Sarah had prepared an impromptu engagement party for you and Steve. While Steve was trying to convince his mother that it wasn't a good idea, you and Bucky were having a conversation of your own. "You can't seriously continue this charade. It's Steve!" You shrugged. "I'm helping a friend! That's what heroes do!" The door opened and a sheepish looking Steve stepped in. "I'm so sorry about this." You smiled at him and gave him a hug. "It's alright, Steve. It's only for tonight. Tomorrow we'll be back on our journey." You left the room pulling Steve behind you.

Your words stuck with Bucky for the rest of the day, even as he was serving the party. His gaze kept wandering to you and Steve. You looked comfortable while Steve wore an expression of fear. He desperately wanted to get out of there and Bucky could tell. Feeling the need to rescue Steve, Bucky came over and whispered to him. "Might I see you for a moment...sir?" Steve practically tripped over himself trying to get out of his seat. "I'll be right back."

"I'm really sorry, Bucky." Bucky smiled. "It's alright. I understand. I know I'm not the easiest person to work for. I don't show you that I appreciate you or your skills. So, if that means I need to pretend to be your squire, then I will. But you know what I think?" Steve shook his head, his eyes traveling back to where you were sitting with his mother. "I think you're a great squire. Better than I could ever be. That's why I chose you as my squire. You were yourself. Sure you're really small and you get sick easily...I mean really easily, but you never complain."

Steve glared half-heartedly, but let Bucky continue. "I think that being yourself is one of the bravest things a man could do. It's what makes a true hero." Steve smiled. "But that means being yourself with everyone." Steve's grin fell and he sighed deeply. "I know." Bucky clapped Steve gently on the back and urged him back toward his mother. A moment later, you got up and joined Bucky. You were both too far away to hear what was said, but Sarah wore a soft smile.

Steve had approached his mother and asked you to excuse them. Once you were gone, Steve turned back to Sarah. "Mother...there's something I need to tell you." Sarah waited patiently for her son to continue, the smile never leaving her face. "I'm not a knight. I'm a squire. Bucky's squire. And I'm not engaged to Princess Y/N." He said it so quickly that Sarah almost missed it. Almost.

"I know, Steve." Steve took a deep breath, prepared to defend himself but he stopped when he realized what she said. "Y-You do?" Sarah nodded and her smile widened. "I'm your mother. You think I can't tell when my son is lying to me? Besides, I saw the way the princess looks at Bucky and I see the way he looks at her. I don't even think they realize it." Steve glanced back at you and Bucky. The two of you were laughing together. Steve immediately understood what Sarah meant.

"Oooooooh! Does Bucky love the princess now?" you eldest asked. Her excitement at the thought of romance was obvious. Sam chuckled. "I guess we'll have to wait and see." The girl groaned dramatically. There were times you'd swear she was more like Tony than she was you or Bucky. You glanced up at the clock."Come on, guys. Dinner time. We can hear more another day." Sam looked so grateful that you hadn't said "tomorrow". It would give him more time to think about where the story would go. Now that he had started, Sam was just as eager to know what would happen as his captive audience was.    

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