Chapter 105

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Seth (POV)
Gajeel and happy come down from above to help us out. Now we're mere feet away from Extalia.
Grey- We're still gonna collide!
Lucy- No!
Erza- Give it all you've got.
Seth- I refuse to for this to end this way! Raaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!
We collide with the side of Extalia but our bodies prevent them from touching as we're pushing with all of our might.
Natsu- Don't give up! We can still push this thing back!
Happy- Aye sir!
Erza- Gajeel? Why are you down here? You should be up there using your magic to turn the others back to normal. Get back up there
Gajeel- If you want to deal with the black cat be my guest.
Grey- We don't have time to worry about the lacrima or the cat just push.
Lucy- We have to stop or everyone from magnolia will be lost forever.
The black cat from above peers over us.
Black cat- Coco what are you doing?
Coco- Lily? Oh good you're still in one piece. I'm glad. Who needs eternal magic power when you can have eternal smiles.
Lily- What kind of nonsense is that? You have to get out of here Coco. These people can't stop Extalia's destruction.
Seth- Like hell we can't. Just watch us. We're fairy tail wizards goddamnit! We defy the impossible on a daily basis!!
Mandy- Oh yeah!
The island keeps pushing up against us.
Lucy- It's getting pretty tight here.
Grey- Just keep pushing guys.
Erza- Use every ounce of power you got left.
Suddenly Carla swoops in time help us.
Happy- Carla it's you.
Carla- I'm not giving up. I've got to protect fairy tail and Extalia. I can't just watch my home be destroyed!
Soon another Exceed joins in.
Mandy- It's Nadi. Why are you here?
Nadi- Because I want to protect my home as well. Ms Carla's courage inspired me.
Soon all of Extalia and Wendy come in to help us.
Natsu- Just keep pushing!!!
Grey- This won't be the end of us.
Erza- Quitting is not an option. Not for fairy tail.
Lucy- We will stop it. No matter the cost.
Wendy- This is it!! Give it your all!!!!
Seth- You won't take my family away from me!!!!
We finally push the lacrima island back and it starts to glow.
Wendy- What now?
It glows brighter and the wind and force pushes me and everyone else off.
Seth- Oh crap.
Mandy- (catches Seth) I got you.
Seth- Thanks Mandy.
The smoke clears and the lacrima is gone.

Erza- The lacrima.....
The actual crater and chain begin to glow and disappear in white dust.
Grey- It disappeared. Does that mean....
Lucy- What happened to all of our friends?
???- Don't worry. They're all safe and sound.

Erza- Mystogan.
Mystogan- Sorry for the delay. Finding an adequate Anima vestige to restore everything took longer than I thought. Without your efforts, I never would've made it in time. You hmu gratitude.
Happy- Everyone's back to normal?
Mystogan- Yes. By passing through the Anima again, the lacrima will return to it's original form in Earthland. It's finally over.
Everyone erupts into cheers and couldn't feel more relieved.
Coco- Great job everybody!
Mystogan- Lily, long ago you saved my life. I'm glad that I could return the favor today.
Lily- Yes and I couldn't begin to thank you my prince.
Coco- Our long lost prince is home at last.
Lucy- He's What?!
Seth- It's good to see you again Mystogan.
Mystogan- Likewise my friend.
Suddenly a blast goes straight through Pantherlily.
Gajeel- No. Not my cat!
Mystogan- Lily!!
We turn to see where the shot came from and it's the Royal Army led by none other than Knightwalker.

Knightwalker- We're not done here!! Destroy every last one of them!!!
Seth- Mandy, you ready to go to war?
Mandy- Oh yeah. Let's take them out.
Seth- Well alrighty then. Let's kick some ass!!!!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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