Chapter 13

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Seth (POV)
All of us are currently running to a pyramid Lucy says that's in the middle of this island.
Lucy- He seriously wants to fight that demon?
Seth- I guess so.
Grey- Even back when we were kids, Lyon's always dreamed of surpassing Ur's magic ability. But since she's gone and he can't challenge her directly, he's decided it's up to him to kill deliora cause it's the one thing she couldn't do.
Lucy- Well yeah. I guess that'd be the only way to challenge someone who's dead.
Happy- Aye.
Grey- Listen, there's something—something I never got to tell him. I kept it secret. Ur made me promise to never let him know. But I have to. Ur may not be with us, but she's still alive.
Seth- No way.
Erza- What do you mean?
Grey- It's been ten years.
Grey went on to tell us his past.
We keep on walking until we see the pyramid in the distance.
Lucy- Hey guys? Is it just me or does that temple look a little crooked right now?
Happy- What happened to it?
Seth- My guess is Natsu.
Erza- Mine as well.
Grey- I don't know how he managed to pull it off but he's the only one who'd do something that crazy. It's a pretty great idea if he did it on purpose. Since the temple is tilted like that, the moonlight won't hit deliora.
Lucy- You mean his habit of destroying stuff actually came in useful for once?
There's some rustling in the bushes and ninja stars fly out. I shove both Lucy and happy out of the way and dodge the stars.
Erza- Who's there?!
These robed people wearing masks step out

Robed person- We've tracked you down fairy tail!
Grey- Not these guys.
Erza- Lyon's minions?
Lucy- They're all around us!
Seth- Finally! A chance for me to relieve some stress!
Erza- I can handle this by myself. I'll take care of them. You go and settle things with Lyon.
Seth- The hell you are! You ain't cheating me out of this. I'm staying. The rest of y'all go.
Grey, Lucy, Happy, and Mandy go leaving me and Erza to deal with these guys.
Erza- I told you to leave Seth.
Seth- I ain't going nowhere. You ain't the boss of me. You already took out the pirates, now I get to have fun taking out these morons.
Erza *mind*- You're lucky you're adorable.
Erza conjures a sword while I activate my Holy Dragon Slayer magic.
Seth- Holy Dragon: Light Wing Attack!
Spectral light wings appear on my back and I glide through a crowd of minions. Erza follows my lead my cutting down any minions that I didn't get.
Erza- Requip!
She requips into her fairy queen armor.
Erza- Circle of swords!
Seth- Holy Dragon Roar!
Our attacks combine and wipe out the remaining minions.
Seth- Aw man. You goes didn't even put up a challenge.
Erza- Seth, we got more of Lyon's minions heading our way.
Seth- How many?
Erza- Lots.
Seth- Then lets get to it.
Timeskip to nighttime
Seth- Death God: Orion's Reckoning!
A pillar of red energy shoots up from the ground below a big group of minions. Erza requips into her Black Winged Armor and slices another group of minions. Eventually we go back to back.
Erza- How are you holding up?
Seth- I'm still doing good but this has become annoying now. How about you?
Erza- I'm still good and I agree with you. This is becoming bothersome.
Seth- They just keep coming.
Minion- You'll never stop us or lord Lyon.
Seth- Try saying that to my face pal!
Suddenly the ground begins to shake and we hear a noise.
Erza- What's that noise?
Seth- I don't know but it ain't me.
I look around and see the pyramid is being tilted back up right.
Seth- So that's what it was.
Erza- What was it?
Seth (points to the pyramid) The temple untilted itself.
Erza- This is bad. Now the moon is gonna shine on deliora.
Seth- Then I better end this right now. I charge my death god magic into my hands and two red  energy spheres appear.
Seth- Death God....
Erza grabs me by my collar and we fly up.
The spheres grow really big and I combine them together to create one big one.
Seth- Leviathan's Temptation!
I send the energy sphere downwards and it hits all of the minions and it causes an explosion

Erza flys us back down.
Erza- Good work, now on to the temple.
???- Wait...
We turn around and see a few of the maskless minions get up.
Maskless minion- We won't let you stop the cold emperor.
Seth- Oh come on lady. Would you stop? I held back a lot in that last attack. You're lucky everyone is still alive.
Erza- Those headpieces. You're people are from the destroyed city of brago. And you want revenge.
We hear a massive inhuman roar come from the temple.
Seth- So it's been revived. I didn't want to have to destroy this island in a fight.
Erza- That doesn't sound too promising.
Seth- Well, let's go kill another of zeref's demons.
With that, Erza and I dash off towards the temple.
Author: Deliora has been revived. How will our heroes defeat it? Find out in the next chapter. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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