Chapter 153

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Seth (POV)
He keeps going on about Lucy and how he loves her now and it's super cringy.
Seth *mind*- Ok I'm gonna kill him now.
With his back turned to me, I deliver a roundhouse kick to the side of his head that makes him crash through a table
Dan- How dare you! No comes between me and my love!
Erza- Lucy, Michelle. You two make a break for it. They must not get their hands on that book.
Lucy- Right.
Erza- The rest of you cover them girls while they escape.
Wendy- Uh I just blanked out.
Grey- We got too overwhelmed by that craziness.
Akuma- I had no idea what just happened.
Tsukiko- That display was god awful.
Samuel- Well your egos sure seem to be healthy.
Dan- You shouldn't underestimate us.
Natsu- Let me beat up this jerk.
Erza- Your job here is to keep Lucy safe. So get moving now!
Lucy- Lets go.
Michelle- Okay.
Dan- But Wait. I wanna finish talking!
Grey, Akuma, Natsu, and I immediately let this dude have it as I've combined with our Dragon Roars blasted into his shield. With our attacks being redirected, it causes dust to kick up leaving a smoke screen for Happy and Carla to grab Lucy and Michelle and get the hell out of here. Mandy goes along with them for protection. Natsu, Wendy, Grey, Akuma, and Tsukiko take off out of the library.
Samuel- Taking in consideration of the layout of the estate such as this one.....yes. Dan, I trust that you'll neutralize Titania?
Dan- Yeah I got her.
Seth- Uh no, you have no chance against her by yourself but when I enter the fray, your chance are impossible.
Erza- I told you to go with the others.
Seth- And leave you by yourself? No way. Plus yhey have Tsukiko who is basically another you.
Erza- You have a point. So are you ready to do this?
Seth- Hell yeah.
Erza- En garde!
Dan and Erza leap starts each other while I use my speed to dash to the back of Dan. Her sword strikes his shield while he blocks my fist with his lance. His shield glows redirects her attack right back at her.
Erza- What? It has the same effect for physical attacks?
Dan pushes me off his lance and rams the end of his shield into my abdomen and sends me crashing into a bookcase.
Erza- Seth!
Dan turns his attention back at Erza. She tries to hit her with is lance but Erza blocks it with her two swords. Suddenly her swords glow green and shrink.
Erza- But how?
Dan strikes the ground and dirt spikes rises up and drives Erza in the bookcase.

He then pokes one of the shrinked swords and makes it grow gigantic and tries to stab Erza in the head with it. She tilts her head out of the way at the last second and screams.
Dan- Wow that was kinda cute.
Seth *mind*- Cute. He called her cute........
Dan- You are really attractive in your own way.
Seth *mind*- (blood boiling) He said Erza was attractive. MY ERZA.
Dan- Unfortunately you're nothing but a teacup compared to the ocean of loveliness my lulu is.
Erza- What is wrong with you. You know what, I suddenly feel bad for you.
Dan- And why is that?
She points to me and Dan turns around to see me who has a crazed stare on my face.
Like this.

Azazel: If I didn't know any better, I'd say that's a rape face.
Indigo: You sack of shit. Damn you.
Azazel: And we're all tied at one apiece.
Dan- Oh shit.
Seth- Cute he said...........Attractive he said........turns right around and basically calls her not good enough..............
I disappear and then reappear behind him and in front of a trapped Erza. He sees be out of the corner of his eye but it's too late as I palm him by his face and drive his entire body into the ground causing the ground to cave in. From there I beat this bitch's face in never stopping. Not even as my right fist is covered in his warm red blood. I then grab both sides of his face and open my mouth as I prepare a Dragon Roar. Right at it's completion, he headbutts me in the mouth causing head to rear back and my mouth to close. My face ends up exploding and everything goes black.
Erza (POV)
Seth's face just exploded due to his roar releasing inside his mouth and now I can't see his face through the black smoke.
Erza- No Seth!!! Seth!!!! SETH!!!!!!!!
I struggle to get out but I'm stuck. Dan gets up and pokes a big bookcase next Seth and makes it grow even larger. He proceeds to push the bookcase onto Seth.
Erza- You bastard!!!!
Dan comes back over to me.
Dan- Calm the hell down. You starting to get on my nerves with all your banshee screaming. So what if he was your boyfriend or something. You'll find another one. A girl with those looks probably has no problem getting dudes to come and smash.
Seth: Did this bitch just call my girl a slut?
Indigo: Yes, yes she did. I'll go ahead and make his grave.
Seth: There ain't gonna be anything left to bury.
Erza *mind*- This Dude just called me a slut.
Before I say anything, he covers my mouth with his hand and pokes the books on the bookcase that I'm trapped on.
Dan- Stay right there for now. Until we meet again Titania. Haha.
He books grow large and they topple on top of me and everything goes dark.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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