Chapter 161

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Akuma (POV)
I get down on all fours and run at Dan. He puts his shield up and I ram right into it. With my force and unrelenting drive for violence, I drive Dan back.  He sticks his spear in the ground to try and bring us to a halt but it's of no use.
Dan- What do you think you're doing? Dude stop!
Akuma- Never!!!! Come on Dan!!! Make me feel alive!!!!
I start bashing relentlessly on his shield. With each hit, his eyes widen as he see's how crazy I really am.
Akuma- Blood Dragon: Rapid Fire!!
My skin around my hands open up a bit and my blood begins to  pool around my hands in a crimson aura. I cock my hands back and start punching the shield so fast like machine gun fire.
Like this

My blood aura continues to bounce off his shield and destroy everything in the vicinity.
Romeo- Ahhhhhh!!!! We gotta get out of here!!
I bring my fists together and I slam it down against his shield and cause an explosion.

The blast impact sends all of us back in opposite directions. We land in some area away from Coco and Dan. I somehow ended up landing with my head buried in the ground. Someone pulls me out by my feet and I'm staring at Tsukiko upside down.
Tsukiko- Really? You trying to cause a cave in or something?
I simply smile a tooth fillled smile and she stands me right side up.
Romeo- They're not coming after us.
Michelle- Oh I hope we were able to lose them!
Akuma- Heh. Exactly like I planned!
Tsukiko- (smacks akuma on the head) What plan? All you did was give in to your violent instincts and charge in like a animal. That was no plan at all.
Lucy- Lets just find what we came here for.
We all take off running in a random direction. Suddenly, Dan pops up from around the corner.
Dan- Slooow down. My lovely LuLu pumpkin. First you and I need to water our garden of love.
Lucy- That has got to be the craziest thing I've ever heard I my life!
Coco joins in as she lands next to Dan.
Coco- Hold on! First you and I need to find that clock piece. Have you already forgotten  that we were sent here on an important mission?
Dan- Did I forget my mission? No way. I remembered my sweet love!
Coco- That's kinda my point.
Dan- L....O....V....E!!!
Akuma- Would you stop and shut the hell up?!!! Eidolon Devil: Demonic Nightmare!!!!
I blast Eidolon Devil Slayer magic from both hands and they connect directly with his shield resulting in yet another explosion.

Dan emerges unscathed.
Dan- Now it's my turn. Now I'm gonna give you another taste of my magical spear and put you down like the dog that you are. Open wide cause here it comes!
He comes at me rapidly trying to hit me with his spear. I keep avoiding his strikes but just barely.
Michelle- You can't let that thing it you Akuma!
Happy- If it does, you'll go right back to shrimpy mode!
Akuma- Yeah no shit!
Dan- Good luck dodging this! Ha!
I duck his strike and it ends up hitting Lucy. She poofs in white smoke and is now tiny on the ground.
Lucy (tiny)- Hey wait! No...No....NO!!! This isn't happening to me!!!
Dan- Oh crap I missed! I'm sorry my love! I never meant for this to happen to you! I've gone and shrunk the love of my life! How could I?! There's no way you'd want me as your boyfriend now! (Anime cries)
Lucy (tiny)- You're right but turn me back anyway!
Dan- Why of course my dear.
He's about to turn her back but pauses.
Lucy (tiny)- Hey what's the hold up?
Dan- I kinda like this cute little version of you.
Lucy (tiny)- Huh?
Dan- You were smokin hot as a normal sized girl, but now you're like the cutest thing I've ever seen! I wanna carry you with me everywhere I go.
Lucy (tiny)- That is not happening!
Dan- I'm just gonna keep you like this for a little while ok? I've got a special place at home for you. Then I can look at you anytime I want.
Seth: Oh I know what special place he's talking about 😏
Indigo: (facepalms)
Lucy- I'm not some kind of action figure you weirdo!
Dan- I'll hang you right here and we'll always be together.

Seth: Right by his nonexistent dick? Of course he'd put her there. Nasty bitch.
Romeo- Whoa he turned Lucy into some kind of good luck charm!
Happy- Well she is a whole lot cuter like this.
Michelle- Oh gosh, I want a little Lucy too!
Tsukiko- I find this unsettling.
Lucy- Would you guys stop and help me out here?!
Dan- Now that me tiny beloved is by my side, I have the heart of a lion. I fear no man! And thanks to her my aim is true.
Akuma- Fear no man huh? (Charges magic aura up) How about a beast?
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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