Chapter 194

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Seth (POV)
I power down and revert back to my regular form.

Romeo- We beat the last of the Six Demons!

Akuma- Good shit Akuma.

Elfman- How's Lucy?

Coco-......Oh no.

Happy- We're too late. What do we do now?

I look to where Lucy is being held and see she's no longer there. The Infinity Clock had absorbed her.

Happy- Lucy's completely disappeared.

Natsu- How'd that happen?! I mean, we got rid of all six of the seals! Where the heck did she go?! We ain't leaving til we get her back!

Suddenly Lucy's voice echoes everywhere.

Lucy (echo)- Huh? What're they talking about? I didn't go anywhere. I'm right here. Whoa, wait a sec. Don't tell me that I'm......You gotta be kidding me!!

Elfman- What was that?

Romeo- Is Lucy here somewhere?

Akuma- Her scent is filling my nostrils. Seth you getting any of this?

Seth- Yeah, it's all around us. Seems as though Lucy has finally merged with the Infinity Castle.

Happy- Wait so you're telling me Lucy turned into this humongous fish?

Natsu- So in a way, this is her body now, huh?

Lucy (Infinity Castle)- No!!!!!!! I can't believe this is happening to me. One minute I'm normal and the next I'm Happy food?

Happy- Don't worry, I won't eat ya!

Warren gets through to us using his telepathy.

Warren (telepathy) Listen up everyone! I've got some news from the team back at the guildhall. Jean-Luc and the others have figured out a way for us to save Lucy.

NA- Who is Jean-Luc?

Happy- He's the guy who always says "actually".

Jean-Luc (telepathy) If the seals aren't removed from the Infinity Clock before the merging process is complete, the person who has been merged can only be freed if they focus their mind and actually control the Real Nightmare spell.

Levy (telepathy) According to what us says here, the clock is remaining in this world because of the magic power it's absorbing from the Celestial wizards who are serving as body links.

Warren (telepathy)- They're stuck in chrysalis form. So we need to lift the curse that's been placed on 'em. Luckily it should be pretty simple.

Coco- Lucy's gotta alter their perception of time to one hundred years in the future.

Warren (telepathy)- Yep you got it. If she does that, then the clock will break apart and all the pieces will scatter themselves.

Seth- Alright that sounds all fine and dandy but you're missing one important thing. What about Lucy? How is this going to affect her? She's merged with this thing remember?

Jean-Luc (telepathy)- I wish I could tell you. All I know for sure is this will undo the merging.

Akuma - Yeah but it could also send her flying along with the pieces and earn her a one way trip straight to the gulag.

Indigo: God damn it. Did he really just say that Indigo fam? For fucks sake.

Romeo- What do we do?

Natsu- C'mon, there has to be another way!

Lucy (Infinity Castle)-.......I'll give it a shot. The other Celestial wizards need me. If I don't pull it off, they'll sleep for a hundred years. So what if I get sent flying off somewhere? I think that it's worth the risk! I'm not scared cause I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard. Jude and Layla Heartfilia's daughter. Lucy....Michelle's big sister!! I can do this!!

The spot where Lucy once was suddenly emits a blinding white light. It gets brighter and bright till it surrounds us all then everything goes black.

I suddenly jolt awake and I realize I'm not in the Infinity Castle anymore but instead in someone's arms. I look around panicked but the soothing voice of one particular woman calms me down immediately.

Erza- (smiling and cradling Seth) It's okay Seth. You're okay now. I've got you.

My eyes meet hers and I settle down an gaze around me. I see Ichiya, Grey, Mandy, Natsu, Elfman, Akuma, Tsukiko, Happy, Romeo, and Coco. It also dawns on me that we're atop the giant octopus of Byro's.

Ichiya- Man! I'm glad you're okay.

Natsu- Are we on top of an Octopus?! (Proceeds to barf)

Ichiya- There's no need to panic. Kanaloa and I are now bound by the parfum of eternal friendship.

Akuma- So guys are buddies now or what?

Happy- Hey Natsu, listen....

The realization hits smacks me in the face like a speeding eighteen wheeler on fire. I free myself from Erza's embrace.

Indigo: Oddly specific.

NS- Where's Lucy?! We gotta get out there and find her!

Erza- We're already working on it.

Grey- Yeah, Warren's team  is already looking for her.

Natsu- Well that ain't good enough!

Her scent comes to us Dragonslayer's noses.

Natsu- Guys, you getting this? I've picked up her scent! It's gotta be her! Take us that way octopus!

Ichiya- Very well then. If you would Kanaloa.

We bounded towards her scent and we see her amongst the shooting stars of the night sky. Natsu acts quickly and rushes after her as she falls. Thankfully, Natsu uses his body as a cushion as she landed. Lucy is safe and is finally back where she belongs.

Timeskip to the next day

Seth- Damn Erza, I knew you had a lot of stuff but this is way overboard.

I plop another one of Erza's boxes in our new living room.

Erza- (sarcasm) Oh is the big strong Dragonslayer tired from carrying boxes all morning and afternoon for our move?

I give her the "really" face

She chuckles and gets back to rearranging our furniture. Wendy and Mandy are busy taking the boxes I brought up to each person's respective room.

Erza- You're almost done Seth. Only a dozen my boxes to go.

Seth- (sighs and mumbles) Better be glad I love you.

Erza- What was that?

Seth- (scared) Nothing!

Elsewhere not too far from Magnolia,
The #1 guild in Fiore. Sabertooth's own,
Sting (POV)

I sit amongst some ruins not too far from from Magnolia with my best friend Rouge

Rogue (left/Shadow Dragon Slayer) Sting (right/ White Dragon Slayer)

Sting- Sounds like they're finally back.

Rogue- Who's "they"?

Sting- The Fairy Tail members who went missing on Tenrou Island seven years ago.

Rogue- I couldn't care less.

Sting- Don't try to play it cool with me. You used to look up to Natsu and Seth like crazy.

Rogue- You're right......I used to.

The crunching of leaves sounds as the footsteps of our fellow companions approach.

Zane (Sage Dragon Slayer)

Ari ( Toxic Fire Dragon Slayer)

Bjorn (Beast Dragon Slayer)

Zane- We all did, especially Alighieri. But now with the Grand Magic Games upon us-

Bjorn- We'll show Fairy Tail and their sorry excuse for Dragon Slayers-

Ari- Why Sabertooth is the top guild in all of Fiore.


Indigo: And with that, that is the end of the story. I've finally maxed out the number of parts I can put into one story unfortunately this is the end......of BOOK 1
You honestly think I was just gonna leave y'all hanging with a cliffhanger like that? Hell naw! We still have a lot more things to resolve like is Ezra finally going to get with Seth, who is Seth Alighieri and what exactly is he, Zeref and Killian's plot, Sabertooth's Dragon Slayers. That and more in Book 2!! Coming soon to Wattpad. But until then-
Seth: You guys be good. And hey, you might see me sooner than you think *wink wink*
Indigo: Later indigo fam. Peace.

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