Chapter 36

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Erza (POV)
Erza *mind*- It's been so long since I've seen him in this form. And that's not even his dragon force form and he still overpowered Jellal with ease. Scary.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Erza *mind*- He was able to defeat Jellal. I can't believe that after all these years, the nightmare is over. And he was the one that saved me no less. Now Sho and the others can can finally be free.
He powers down and changes back to normal. He spits up blood and begin to collapse.
Erza- Seth!
I run to him and catch him in an embrace before he falls.
Seth- I did it.
Erza- You did and I am very proud of you. You were amazing. Thank you.
Seth- It was no big deal.
Seth (POV)
The tower begins to glow and shake. Crystal begin falling and beams of ether nano begin shooting out from everywhere.
Seth- Ok, I think that's our cue to get the hell out of here.
Erza- Yeah, let's go!
We get and start booking it outta here as more ether nano beams shoot out and cause mini explosions everywhere. One of em comes outta nowhere and nails the both of us causing us to fly and hit a crystal pillar. We land hard on the ground.
Seth *mind*- Damn that one hurt.
We begin to get up.
Erza- Even if we made out of the tower, we'd still get caught up in the explosion. It's over.
She looks at me then at a big pile of etherion then back at me.
Erza- Seth, you've done so much for me and you saved me from my nightmare. Now it's my turn to save you.
She gets up and goes to the etherion.
Seth- Wait Erza, what're you doing?
She presses her hand into the etherion and she begins to get absorbed.
Seth- Nonononono.
I get up and go to her.
Seth- Stop this right now!
Erza- I don't have a choice! It's the only way I'll be able to stop it. I'll fuse my body with the etherion and I'll be able to stop it.
Seth- I'm not gonna let you do that! I'll find another way just wait a minute!
She yells out in pain as she gets absorbed more.
Erza- I promise I'll stop it. I'm determined to save all of you!
Seth- No!
I grab her by her shoulders and I meet her face to face.
Erza- I have too. (Grabs Seth's face) I can't even imagine what my life would've been like without fairy tail, the others, and you. I probably wouldn't be here today. You know how important you are to me. I care for you so much. That's why I'm willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Seth- (sheds tears) Well, if you're so adamant about someone dying then, (uses death god afterlife punch to destroy the etherion around Erza and rip her out) let me be the one to do it.
I step into the etherion and it quickly absorbs me.
Erza- Wait Seth! Please don't do this!! (Cries) I beg of you!!!
I sad smile as tears continue to flow from my face.
Author: Like this

Seth- Don't look so sad. You don't need me anymore. Live on and become the greatest person you can be. Never give up the fight.
Erza- Seth!!!!!!
The the etherion completely absorbs me and I go deeper into as Erza pounds on the outside of it.
Seth *mind*- So this is how I die huh? It's kinda fucked but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. I've had so many great memories of fairy tail. My only regrets is not finding mom or Orion and never telling Erza how I really felt. Damn this sucks.
The white light begins to take over
Seth *mind*- I'll always be by your side Erza.
I close my eyes as the white light fully envelopes me.
I open my eyes and I see the night sky and the shoreline to the resort. I see the others running towards me and shouting my name.
Seth- Ok wait a minute, there is no way in hell that I'm alive.
Erza- You are.
I look to see Erza and she was carrying me. We both fall in the water.
Seth- Looks like you finally saved me.
Seth- Oh no here we go with the silent treatment again.
Erza-........Shut up will ya?
She looks at me with tears coming down her eyes.
Erza- You're wrong you know that? You said that I don't need you anymore. That's the farthest thing from being the truth. I need you in my life. There would be no Erza Scarlet without Seth Alighieri.
Seth- Erza...
Erza- Shut up! I'm not finished! I meant what I said earlier. That I can't imagine my life without you in it. (Grabs Seth's face with both hands) So I want you to promise me something. Promise me that you won't ever do somethings like that again. Promise me that you'll live on......with me.
Seth- Ok.
Erza- I said promise me!!
Seth-........I promise.
She starts bringing my face closer to hers.
Erza- Seth....
Seth- Erza.....
Erza- I just want you to know....(closes her eyes as she's about kiss Seth) I.....lo
Natsu- Hey guys!!!!!!
We get interrupted by Natsu and the others as they all tackle us and hug us and stuff.
Seth *mind*- Was Erza about to kiss me or was I seeing things? I'll have to ask her about that later. For now let's just enjoy the comfort of being alive.
Author: That's the end of this chapter. You guys thought there was gonna be a confession here but Natsu and friends ruined it for ya. Sorry. Gonna have to wait😁 Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Check out my Naruto OC story if you can. Peace. #Road to 1k

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