Chapter 42

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Seth (POV)
Lucy- He called it the battle of fairy tail?
Cana- Laxus outdid himself this time.
Makarov- At any rate, it's over now. I played along with his foolish game because your lives were in danger, but I won't indulge him anymore.
Seth- Awh c'mon master. Can't I kick his ass just a little bit?
Mira- Master, Seth is right. We can't let laxus get away with hurting our friends.
Bisca- Yeah! If we don't teach laxus a lesson, then he'll never learn.
Makarov- Oh don't worry. I'm gonna give that boy a punishment he'll never forget. He should know better. You can mess with me, but you can't mess with my guild!
Natsu- Just a sec. I don't know about taking hostages but I don't mind finding out who's the strongest. I say we should keep going.
Seth- Yeah! Well said Natsu!
Natsu- In the end I bet he was just trying to have a little fun before the festival. Give him a break. So in other words, what are we waiting for?! We got enough people here! Let's start brawling!
Seth- Now that sounds like a plan!
Death God Slayer magic begins to swirl around me.
Girls- Wait!! Just hold on Seth!!!
Makarov- Don't you even think about it you nincompoop!!!
Seth- (powers down) Awh man. You guys are no fun.
The enchantment barrier glows red and the magical letters start to float off.
Seth- Oh lord. What does the idiot with a pole stuck up his ass wanna do now?
The letters form a skull.

Laxus (echo)- Can you hear me old man? The rest of you better listen up too. Especially you Seth.
Seth- What do you want douchebag?
Laxus- Looks like one of the rules has gone out the window. That's fine. I'll just add a new one. In other words, since I would hate to end the battle of fairy tail this early, I've decided to activate the thunder palace.
Seth- You wouldn't.
Makarov- Are you out of your mind laxus?!
Laxus (echo)- You have one hour and ten minutes. If you think you can win, you better get moving, unless you're ready to hand over the guild to me now, Master.
He laughs sadistically and the skull goes away.
Makarov- This game has gone on long enough boy! I won't let you drag innocent people into this!!
He clutched his chest and falls down to the ground.
Seth- Master! (Kneels beside him) Mira, get his meds!!
Mira- Ok!
Seth- You'll be fine Master. Just hang in there.
Mandy- Hey guys, you might wanna take a look outside.
I prop master in a chair and I go up to the balcony with the others.

Natsu- What in the heck are those?
Levy- They look like lightning lacrima to me.
Seth- Laxus did this. It's his thunder palace.
Lucy- They're floating all over the town.
Seth- They may look not that dangerous but they are in fact overflowing and radiating lightning magic. This is only going to get worse. Let's hope he doesn't detonate them sooner than expected.
Lucy- What will happen if he activates them?
Mandy- Everything within it's circle will be reduced to ashes. Lightning will rain down like the gates of Heaven opened and nothing will be saved at that point.
Bisca- I won't let that happen. (Pulls out magic rifle) Target locked on!
Seth- No don't!!
Bisca- Stinger Shot!
She releases a magic bullet and it destroyed a magic orb. The lightning came and zapped her for a couple seconds as she let out scream after scream until it stopped and she was on the ground out cold.
Natsu- Why did she get zapped by that thing?
Seth- It's because of it's body link magic.
Lucy- What's that?
Seth- Laxus cast a spell on all the lacrima. If you destroy one of them, then the magic energy used in an attack will be reflected right back at you. Basically, if we destroy them, we could be killing ourselves in the process.
Levy- What should we do?!
Mandy- You girls go and find laxus. Take him out if you can.
Girls- Right.
Seth- Lucy, I want you to evacuate the town. Mandy, Happy, go with her. Also, Bixlow and Freed are still out there somewhere. Be careful.
They all nod and take off.
I go to the railing and grip it. It begins to crack.
Natsu- Yo Seth, you good bro?
Seth- (hair covers eyes) This was all fun and games before. Now he's crossed a major line. He's bringing thousands of innocents into this when they didn't do a damn thing. And for what? All because he wants to be master? If he had any balls, he would've come and fight Master Makarov for it. He's nothing more than a pussy. (The sky darkens and the wind picks up as blue energy slowly comes into existence) Those girls better hurry up and beat Freed so I can get outta here. Because when I do....(Blue flames ignite around me and I lift my head to expose my eyes)
Indigo: Like this

Seth- .......I'll give him hell!!!! This is a fight to the bitter end!!!!! I'll kill him!!!!!
Indigo: Oh shit. Looks like Seth is about to unleash one of his forms in the death god category. Hasn't used this form since gildarts too. Laxus better pray because Seth ain't messing around. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the chapter. Love you guys and I'll see y'all later indigo fam. Peace.

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