Chapter 67

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Seth (POV)
Zero- Don't ignore me and quit wasting my time!
He fires another magic blast at us and Jellal escapes my grip and takes the hit.
Seth *mind*- Just like Simon.
Jellal then falls to his knees.
Seth (Drakô voice)- You stupid shit! Why'd you get in the way?
Jellal- I'm torn and battered. I am of no use now. You said Erza likes me? No. I don't deserve it. Just kill me but before you do, let me give you the power to stop Zero. Please.
A golden light appears in his hand.
Jellal- This is the Light of Restoration. It's gonna give you a power increase but only for a short time. I'm not asking for forgiveness. All I want is to grant you strength because I believe in you. Despite what you think, Erza trusts you more than anyone else in this world. That being said, I shall as well.
I hesitate but go ahead and shake his hand. The golden light envelopes me and I begin to eat it.
Jellal- We're counting on you.
He blacks out.
Seth (Drakô voice)- I gotta admit, that was good ass food but that doesn't mean you're forgiven just yet.
Zero- You made a grave mistake eating the light of restoration. You now share the sins of your mortal enemy, your nemesis.
Seth (Drakô voice) If only you understood. I may be the light but I am also the darkest of all darkness. I live and breath sins and prayers. Sins like that is just another story of my life. I know I've got a long list of sins. Everyone in fairy tail has their fair share. However, the real sin is turning a blind eye to someone when all they wanna do is help. Especially when they give you the power to beat someone like you!!! Arggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
I charge up my Holy Dragon Slayer magic to the point where my magic aura has filled up the entire room.
Seth (Drakô voice) Natsu, get outta here. This gonna get a bit messy.
Natsu- Alright. Beat this fool and blow the lacrima.
Seth (Drakô voice) As you wish.
In the blink of an eye, I drilled Zero with a punch to his gut. His eyes go wide from the pain. I squat then leap up and headbutt him in his jaw. He stumbles back and I sweep his legs out from under him and proceed to stomp a mud hole in his chest. My stomps were hitting him so hard that the ground split more and more with every stomp. I stop and grab both his legs and throw him into the wall leaving a hole. He bursts out of the hole a couple seconds later looking pissed off and he fires his magic at me with both hands. I watch as the blast comes towards me and I simply put up my left hand and catch the blast. He has a look of shock as I smother his blast into nothing as I look at him with a blank stare. With any warning, I rush him and start laying into him with the punches.
Indigo: Like this

He gets a lucky hit in by kicking me in the face. I retaliate by kicking him in his stomach while doing a kip up. He backhands the shit out of me and it turns me around only for me to pull off a pele kick right to his forehead. I get up and grab him off the ground by his jacket.
Seth (Drakô voice) Holy Dragon: Roar of Heavenly Dragon Queen!!!!
I unleash a devastating roar right into his face that blasts him into the ground and it sends him deeper and deeper and deeper into Nirvana. I jump down the hole and land on the lowest level. Zero is on his back as he's inches away from completely falling out of this thing and down to the earth below. He sits up and fires a dozen or so green energy beams at me use the holy magic power in my feet to blast myself back into a backflip to avoid them. I skid to a stop but he's already coming at me through the smoke. He throws a punch to my jaw that causes me to stumble.
Zero: Zero Switch!
A green reddish whip forms in both hands and he brings them down on me. He goes for another round but I look up and release another Holy Dragon: Roar. It seems as though I got him but he dispels it. He leaps into the air and dives at me looking for another punch. I get up and swing as well and our fists collide causing an explosion. I come leap back out of the smoke and he comes out with another magic spell at the ready.
Zero- Dark Delete!
He sends a dozen or so green orbs at me and I turn right around and begin to run. They begin to explode behind me as I run but one gets me and leaves a nasty mark on my body. I didn't have time to see his next blast as it hit me directly in the face and sends me flying. I crash into the wall and get pelleted with more of his magic orbs. I fall from the crater I created and land on the ground with a hard thud. Zero comes over to me and starts to stomp on my back.
Zero- Is that it?! I want more! Get up you pathetic travesty! (Stops) You cannot defeat the master of the Oracion Seis. I am more powerful than a lowly guild member like yourself could ever hope to be. It's a shame your friends aren't here to help you because you stand no chance against me on your own.
I begin to move and I get to my knees and stare directly at him.
Seth- Would you cut your bullshit? As far as I can tell, I'm still breathing. You haven't killed me yet. You're nowhere close. So why don't you just close that nasty ass mouth of yours and hit me with your best shot.
Zero- Hmph. If you say so but you brought this upon yourself.
Seth- Whatever, just bring it pussy.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Y'all, we hit 2K views the other day so I want to thank y'all for reading this and I hope you can continue to support me, this story and any other stuff that I may do. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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