Chapter 87

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Seth (POV)
Edolas Natsu is still on the ground shaking like a baby.
Seth- Nah man. You can't get all scared now. You gotta keep up that same toughness energy you had back in the magic mobile.
Edolas- I'm sorry but people say I'm a whole different person behind the wheel.
Happy- This Natsu is a total wimp.
Seth *mind*- He needs to stop acting like a pussy.
Edolas Natsu- You guys are freaking me out. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry but this as far as I can take you guys.
Natsu- How come?
Edolas Natsu- Because my Lucy said that I had to. She told me to take you this far so I did.

Lucy- Is that the place?
Happy- I think it's the Royal City.
Mandy- It has to be.
Wendy- It's so big.
Seth- Well well well. Looks like I get to kick the king's ass sooner rather than later.
Natsu- Yeah and we'll have our friends busted out in no time.
Lucy- They're all down there somewhere trapped in a giant lacrima.
Carla- We mustn't waste time.
Seth- Alright, later Edolas Natsu.
Edolas Natsu- Wait. You're really going to fight the kingdom?
Seth- Well we know they're not just gonna step aside and let us just take our friends so yeah, we're going to fight.
Edolas Natsu- I hate to say this but you can't beat them.
Seth- Hah. Just watch me.
With that, I leave and catch up with the others.
We made it to the city and we're walking around looking for any sign of the lacrima holding our friends.
Lucy- The people here are so happy.
Wendy- It's not what I expected. I thought this place would be dark and scary.
Lucy- Not what would I call a dictatorship.
Seth- And the weird thing is that we didn't have to fight to get in here.
Lucy- Compared to the other towns we've been to, it's like a fair here.
Carla- It's probably because they steal magic from everywhere and horde it all here.
Seth- (gasps and stops in his tracks) You can say that again.
I point at what I'm looking at and we all see it as crowds of people are cheering and applauding.

Wendy- No. That's the lacrima.
Happy- Our friends are in there.
Carla- If you look more closely, you can see that there's a missing piece.
Someone comes onto the podium and the crowd erupts into cheers.

Seth *mind*- Who the hell is this guy?
Guy- Children of Edolas, it brings me great joy to my heart to tell you that our anima program has produced enough magic power to last another decade.
Seth- *mind*-Ooooo you bitch. You must be the king then.
I didn't pay attention to the rest of his speech until he drove his staff into the lacrima and made a small chunk of it break away. I could feel my anger swell up inside of me and the people cheering made it ten times worse.
Seth- (seething) Wux bastard. Nomenes re hesi thurirli vur wux bevi krar astahi batobot idol?
Me and Natsu begin to walk forward but Lucy holds us back.
Lucy- You have to be strong.
Seth- He's hurting them! He's treating them like nothing!
Natsu- Those are our friends! We have to get them outta there!
Seth- Give me back friends! Give me back my Erza!
Lucy- We will. You'll get her back. We'll get them all back. Just wait.
I can feel my eyes so to dragon slits.
Indigo: like this.

Lucy- Please. I promise you'll get her back.
I stop struggling but I'm still fuming. We take our leave. We hunkered down at a local hotel. As day gave way to the sunset, I was still pissed. I had already punched a couple holes in the wall and now I'm sitting in a chair staring at the view of the castle from the window with my dragon eyes.
Natsu- I can't just sit around like this forever. I'm storming the castle. You with me Seth?
Carla- That won't do either of you any good.
Natsu- Oh yeah? And why not?
Mandy- Without a solid strategy and no magic, neither of you don't have a chance in hell.
Wendy- But still, they were turned into that crystal and we don't even know how to change them back.
Carla- Hmm. The king will just have to tell us that himself.
Wendy- But he'll never tell us that.
Seth- He will once I beat him within an inch of his miserable life.
Lucy- Do you really think the king knows how to reverse the spell?
Wendy- Probably.
Lucy- Then we still have a chance. If we get clues to the king, we can pull this off.
Wendy- But how do we save them?
Seth- Use Gemini. They can read the minds of the people they pose as. If they turn into the king, they can tell us everything that little shit knows.
Lucy- Precisely. Timing is gonna be a major issue for them though because they can only transform into someone no more than five minutes and they can only remember a couple of the people at a time. The real question is though,
Seth- How in the hell are we supposed to get close enough to him to pull this off?
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.
Wux bastard- You bastard.
Nomenes re hesi thurirli vur wux bevi krar astahi batobot idol?- Those are our friends and you dare treat them like that?

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