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The next day
Evil Ezra
I walk to the cockpit of the ghost. It was finally time to destroy my good counterpart life. As I walk into the cockpit I saw hera.

Hey ezra how it going? She ask. Good but not for you. I said. What do you mean? You know what I mean. You left your family back on ryloth to fight in this rebellion of losers. Your pathetic. Ezra why are you saying these things? Because it's the truth. You weak excuse for a pilot and captain. I said and left. Now time for the jedi.

I walk into kanan's room and saw him meditating. Ah ezra come to do some meditating with me? He ask. No I think it's a waste of time and so are you old man. I said. What did you just call me? You heard me. I know your blind  and now your hard of hearing. Ezra stop this.

What's wrong with you? Nothing's wrong with me but I'm not as weak as you. You could have save your master that day but you choose to run. I know you see her in your sleep. Well you wouldn't have if you stay. Bye now. I left his room and started laughing. Two down two to go.

I went into my counterpart room and saw the lasat sleeping. Kid you wake me you die. He said with eyes still close. Why kill me when you should be crying about lost of your people.

What did you just say kid? He said getting off the bed. You should be crying over the lost of your people. Kid you know how I feel about my people. So I suggest you stop or is this going to get ugly. Yeah like your going to do something. That's it. Zeb charge at me but I push him back with the force really hard. That will teach you. I said and left.

Now for the mandalorian girl. I walk into the common room and saw her. Hey ezra you ready for our date? She ask. So you and I are dating? I ask back. Of course we love each other. Well to tell you the truth sabine. I never love. I was only faking it. What ezra this isn't you? This is me the real me. I been hiding this from you all for long it time to bring it.

So you never love me? Why would I ever love anyone like you? You mandalorian reject. Your breaking my heart ezra. She with tears. Good because we're done. I said and walk out. I can't believe my plan work. They all hate him now. Now to ruin the rest on the base.

One hour later
Ezra pov.
I waiting for sabine at the water fall on yavin 4. But for some reason she never showed up. I wish I can com her but we promise to leave them at the ghost so no one can bother us. Well let me go see what's taking her so long. I hope nothing bad happen.

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