This Is Very Bad

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One week later.
Evil Ezra pov.
I walk into the comman center and told everyone to leave. They left and I kneel in front of the holo table and my master pop up.

Apprentice we got information on the where abouts of your good counterpart. My master said. Where? I ask. He on the jungle planet amazon. He's using the jungle to cover his self from his friends. He won't be
expecting you. Take your team and destroy him. Yes sir. The transmission ended and I called my team. Team meet me in the hangar. We got a mission. Yes sir. They said and I left.

5 minutes later.
I made it to the hangar and meet up with up them. Where are we going ezra? Evil sabine ask. We're going to to the jungle planet amazon to kill that coward ezra bridger. I will be the only ezra in the galaxy and soon your be the only ghost crew in the galaxy but we will not working for the rebellion. We will be working for the empire. I said. Yeah. They all said as we bored and took off into hyperspace.

Phantom ship in hyperspace
Ezra pov.
Did they take the bait? Dex ask. Yes they did. I can feel them moving away from the star destroyer. Jason said. Look let's get there before they come back. I said. No need. We're already there. Dex said as the ship drop out of hyperspace space. Turn on the invisible mode before they detect us. He turn it on and we got no transmissions. Ok let's dock in the hangar. The ship landed in the hangar  and we ran out to the prison cells.

6 minutes later
We finally reached the cells. It took longer because of the stupid stromtroops we had to deal with. Ezra I feel 3 life forms this way. Devin said. We ran down the hallway to the door and open it. We saw hera, kanan, and zeb lock to tables. They were unconscious. And chopper was deactivated. We got to get them back to the ship. Ok I'll get sabine. I ran out to sabine cell

When I got there and open the door. What I saw was most devastating. Sabine had been torture in the worst way as possible. She had cuts, bruises, and blood all over her face. I see shots all over the floor. So that tells me that they been injecting viruses into her. She was unconscious too. I can feel that she's barely hanging on.

Sabine if you can hear me I'm going to get you out of here but I need you to hang on. I unlock her from the table and curry her in my arms.

2 minutes later.
I came into the hangar and saw the other. Ezra everyone is on board. Wait what happened to sabine? Johnny ask. Long story but need to get her back to the base fast. I said. Why? Because she's dieing and we need to save her fast. We got on and took off.

2 hours later.
Evil Ezra pov.
We arrive back to our star destroyer angry. Well that was a waste of time. Evil kanan said. Yeah all we did was search jungle for 2 hours and found nothing. Evil zeb said. The information we got was false. I have to contact my master about this. I said. Then the commander came up to us.

What is it commander? Lord ezra the prisoner have escape. He said. What happened. Their too weak to move. Sir it was group call the phantom warriors. The who? There a group who shows up out of nowhere and disappears like the wind. There ghost. I got so angry I push him back with the darkside and he went flying. Who ever these phantoms are. They will pay for lose my led on find ezra. It will not be pretty.

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