chapter 1

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hi, I am chara it is nice to meet you, I known you know me as that evil girl who wanted to kill everything, but that all changed when I meet him, Frisk. so let's get stared shale we.

It all stared a few year back, the same thing happing over and over nice frisk's ignoring me and bad frisk's letting me control them but then one day another one fell. but this time this one was crying and calling for people that I didn't recognize. I was some what happy because something had change but also there was something that was telling me not fell this because it was wrong. so I walk up to it and said "are you alright you must of had quit a fall by the way name is chara what is yours" I said creepy. but when I said this it was not tariffed in fear then it said in the sweetest voice you ever heard "i am allright good thing these golden flowers by the way names frisk". When they said this I was scared because I felt that is was one of the bad ones.

so I said "well let's get going frisk you want to go home don't you" he agreed with a nod. so we keep going then we meet the flower my betray of a best friend, but some thing was different he ran into the "friendless pellets" which normally a bad frisk wouldn't do but he said some thing that confused me "well this be the end chara and I just made a friend and maybe a another". I was confused by this because he was acting so nice but only the evil ones talk to me and just made no sense at all.

then we were save by mom aka. torial when she did that you could see his eyes lite up with happiness so she showed us the way of the ruins and he asked the most ridicules question "do you think we will be good friends with torial?" so this what I responded but I regret saying it "no because you can't trust her actually you can't trust anyone didn't you hear what the flower said "in this world it's killed or be killed" no he said in denial "it is actually loved or be loved" (by the way it is the acromion for love in the game just in case you peps where wondering)

and that is for Ch. 1 I you like it and sorry for the spelling I am just a really bad speller by the way you are the peps so by                                         

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