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It landed on...me?

The goddamn bottle had to land on me. I looked up and everyone was staring at me. Alessio's face was red, "You don't have to if you don't want to." Alessio murmurs.

"Yes, she has to fucking kiss you." Mia says.

I stare at her wide eyed and she just stared at me, sending me a message through her eyes.

I let out a shaky breath and I started to crawl across the floor over to Alessio. When I got to him I whispered, "Well this is awkward."


I lean in and so does he. Our lips meet.

Holy fuck.

I mean I've kissed guys before it's just this time, this time it felt different.

Alessio pulls me closer to him.

"Ok! Well that's enough!" Someone says. Alessio and I pull away. And I crawl back to my spot, blushing like a bitch.

The next person spins and I touch my lips and remember the kiss. His lips were so soft and he was the first guy I've kissed that's kissed well.

When it's Alessio's next turn it lands on a guy so they let him skip.

When it gets to my turn, I spin the bottle. I hope it lands on Alessio but it doesn't.

It lands on the same guy the girl next to me kissed. I crawl to him, give him a quick kiss, and crawl away.

I glance at Alessio and he's staring at me, but I quickly look away, embarrassed.

After the game we all sit down and watch as Jake and Brayden try and beat each other on an Xbox game.

I'm laughing as Brayden becomes flustered as he starts to lose. I look over at Alessio and watch as he gets up and walks over to where the snacks are.

I get up and follow him.

"So... are we gonna talk about what happened?" I ask.

He looks at me and back at the food, "Nothing happened." he starts to walk back but I grab his wrist.

"Z, something happened."

"Can we talk about it later?" He asks. I let go of his wrist and nod. He walks back and my shoulders droop.

1:43 am

Everyone has started to slowly leave. Mia, Brayden, Alessio, and I all pack into Brayden's car. Being one of the last people to leave.

Mia sits in the front. Cutting Alessio off from sitting in passenger.

When we start to get on the road I text Alessio.

Me: i'm sorry.
Me: i don't know why, but i'm sorry that i made you mad

I look over at him. He looks at the notifications on his lock screen but doesn't reply.

My parents give me permission to stay the night at Mia's so Brayden drops me and Mia off at her house.

We say goodbye and head inside.

Once in her room Mia starts to gush about Brayden, "Oh my god. He is so cute. Like when he was driving he reached over and grabbed my hand. And of course we fucked the night we stayed over at Alessio's house. We both expected it to be one night stands but today, at Jake's he said he really liked me. I think I like him too. Penelope, are you even listening to me?" She asks.

"Yeah, thats so cool." I respond. Not paying attention.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"Hm?" she gives me a look. "Nothings wrong." I lie.

"What's wrong? You can't lie to me. I've known you since first grade." She says, suddenly sympathetic.

"I don't know...It's just Z has been acting really weird. When we kissed I thought that maybe he liked me but after the game he was so distant to me. And I texted him when we were in the car and he didn't even reply."

She starts to say her rounds of apologies and 'It's okays' when she suggests texting Brayden, "I know they aren't spending the night with each other so just text him."

I shrug and Mia goes to sleep after talking about Brayden.

Me: hey. it's Penelope

Brayden: hey
Brayden: whats up?

Me: what's up with Z? why is he acting so cold after we kissed?

Brayden: idk man
Brayden: i mean he has mad trust issues. the last time he liked a girl she played him real bad. broke his heart

Me: but i'm not her

Brayden: yeah. i know that. but does he?

Me: idk should i talk to him
Me: he isn't replying to my text

Brayden: talk to him soon
Brayden: let's all meet at my house tomorrow

Me: ok
Me: send me your address

After he sends me his address I shut off my phone and fall asleep.

9:29 am

Mia starts moving around so I wake up. I look over at her and she's still asleep. I push her covers off and I walk down to her kitchen. Her mom is in there, "Hi Willow." I say. I've known Willow since I was a first grader. She's basically my second mom so it's ok that I call her Willow.

She looks up at me, "Hey Penelope. Is Mia awake?"


"Ok. Well when she wakes up I'll make you guys some breakfast." As she says that Mia walks in the room, rubbing her eyes.

"Mom, what's for breakfast?" Mia asks, pestering her mom.

"I can make you guys some omelettes."

Mia and I nod and walk into the living room. Turning on the TV and watching some cartoons.

We sit and watch the cartoons until Willow says the food is ready and we go grab the plates and sit back in the living room.

When we finish I grab Mia's plate and wash it in the kitchen.

"Mia, Brayden wants us to go to his house." I remember.

"Ok." she says still yawning.

We go back into her room and she puts on a yellow, pink, white, and blacked striped cami with high waisted jean shorts.

I steal her plain white cami and some black shorts.

Mia grabs her car keys, cause she got her license two days ago, and we hop in her white Jeep.

I give her the directions and we pull into Brayden's driveway. We walk up to his front door and ring the doorbell.

His mom answers the door, "Oh hi! Are you guys waiting for Brayden?" she asks.

"Yes we are." Mia says, smiling warmly at his mom.

She invites us inside and takes us upstairs to Brayden's room. Him and Z are just sitting on his bed when we walk in. Brayden pauses the video game that him and Z are playing and gets up and hugs Mia.

"Hi," I say to Brayden. I glance over at Z. Hoping he's looking at me. He's not. I walk over to a chair that's near Z. "What game are you guys playing?" I ask.

"A way out." he says.

Brayden and Mia sit down on the bed and Brayden starts the game again. I sit and watch for a little bit.

"Hey, Mia wanna go get some food with me? Anyone else hungry?" he asks.

I say no and so does Z. Mia and Brayden leave the room.

"You said we can talk about it later. Later is now," I say. "What's going on with you?" I ask.

"Nothing." He says, shrugging it off.

"Alessio! Stop lying. What's going on?" I ask, more forcefully this time.

He sits there, silent.

"Did I do something wrong?" I softly question.

He looks over at me, "No. It wasn't you, trust me. It's my ex-"

"You're still in love with her I get it." I interrupt.

"No! Don't you get it? I hate her. She ruined everything for me. That's why I'm being so cold to you. She broke my heart and I was so unprepared to start liking someone, I was scared. Until you came along. With your amazing personality and you being so beautiful. And your smell is so addicting. I got scared. Because I started to catch feelings. And I'm still catching feelings." He explains.

"Oh, I just thought-"

"You thought wrong."

"Z..." I bite my lip. "Um..." instead of saying anything I move closer to him and kiss him.

He doesn't kiss me back, but then he puts his hand behind my head and pulls me closer to him.

I pull away after some time. "I'm not her."

"I know."


God damn. Lmao. tell me what you think, comment, vote, follow me.


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