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Penelope's First Period

I walk into math class, I mean what else was I supposed to do, and I pull out my notebook and pencil. The teacher, Mr. Midak, had already prepped the practice questions up on the white board so I started on them.

I looked up as laughing filled the room. I rolled my eyes and internally groaned. The world's most annoying person had entered the room. Bruno.

He was one of the most popular guys at school, but he was a shitty person and a fuck boy.

The laughter died down as his group started walking towards the back of the class, towards me. Bruno and his cronies had decided to sit right next to me. Bruno sitting at the desk that was connected to mine.


"Hey, you're Penelope right?" He asks.


He does a short little laugh, "Good." I look over at him and he has a weird sadistic smirk on his face. What the fuck?

The bell rings.

"Ok class today we will be..." Mr. Midak starts the lesson.

20 minutes in our 85 minute lecture I feel something on my thigh. DEAR CHRIST IS THAT BRUNO'S HAND. I look over at him and he seems completely focused on the lesson. I shift my legs, moving them away from him, hoping he takes the hint. To no avail. Bruno just grips my leg harder.

5 minutes later

I feel a buzz on my butt. Oh wait that's my phone.

I grab it out of my pocket and slyly open my phone.

1 new text message

unknown number: why'd you try to move? most girls wish my hand was on their thigh

I look over and Bruno is still into the lesson. I pick his hand up and move it. He just puts his hand back on.

Me: Because I don't like you. get ur hand off of me.

Bruno: what if i don't want to

me: then i'll tell the teacher

Someone's throat clears. I look up.

"Penelope, your phone," Mr. Midak's hand is outstretched. I start to protest but he gives me a look. I hand him my phone. "You can pick it up after school."

I look over and glare at Bruno. He smiles at me.

After school
I run to my locker and grab my backpack and hydro and then I speed walk to the office.

"Hi, my phone was taken in first period. It's an Iphone Xr and it's Black."

They give me my phone and I run out of there. I look at my phone.

2 new text messages

Dad: Hey sweetheart. Please ride the bus home
Dad: Never mind your aunt is picking you up.

Me: Ok thanks dad :)

I walk out to the front waiting for my aunt to pull up. As I walk out the door I run into someone.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." I gasp. I pick up the persons dropped things and I look up.

Mother of god he's hot. He's got dusty blonde hair and green eyes. "No, that was my fault I wasn't looking," he looks at me. "Hey, I know you."

"You do?"

"Yeah, we have AP English together. I sit in the middle of the class. I'm Ethan."

"Ethan...right," I laugh nervously.


"Oh, would you look at that. It's my aunt. Bye now Ethan!" I call waving to him.

"Penelope, who was that? He's a hottie." My aunt says.

My aunt Dahlia is pretty young. At 23 years old she always tries to give me dating advice or tell me who's cute.

She's more like a sister to me than an aunt.

"Dahlia! Hi. I missed you. And his name is Ethan."

"If I we're your age I'd definitely test him out," I glare at her, " but I'm not and that'd be weird," She starts the car. "Happy birthday."

I smile and plug my phone into AUX playing Zotto's songs.

10 minutes

"Hey. You just missed my neighborhood." I say while watching the neighborhood sign fly by.

"I know," I look over at my aunt. She's smiling.
"Since it's your birthday I thought it would be a nice surprise to take you to the mall. And I didn't get you anything anyways so perfect opportunity to make up for that."

I laugh in her direction. I know that she'll buy me anything cause her husband is hella rich. He just gives her his credit card and let's Dahlia have free reign.

At the mall

"Dahlia, would I look cute in this?" I ask.

She looks the dress up and down, "Go try it on." then she goes back to looking at the clothing rack as I walk to the dressing room.

Looking in the mirror, I smile. This is the first time I've felt pretty in awhile. The floral dress is white with soft pink and green flowers on it. It's tighter on my upper half and flows loosely once it reaches the top of my hips. It goes down to my mid thighs.

I step out of the dressing room and Dahlia looks me up and down, "Damn girl. All the boys will be on your body with that dress."

Laughing, "It's a simple dress. It's not like a clubbing dress, like the ones you used to wear before you got pregnant."

A glare is sent in my direction and I smile and blow her a kiss.


When we arrive at my house I have at least 15 bags from 12 different stores. I struggle grabbing them but when I do I walk inside with Dahlia.

"SURPRISE!" Is yelled from all around my living room and foyer when I walk in. All of my friends and family (that live in America) were here.

"Oh my god! What are you all doing here?" I'm immediately swarmed by hugs from all my friends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENELOPE!" My best friend Mia says. 

She grabs some of my bags and we lead everyone upstairs to my bedroom to put the bags down.

A/N OMG thank you all to the people who have read my book so far. even fits just like five of you I still appreciate you all! i honestly expected this book to get no reads. please be patient Alessio will be in a chapter that will be posted soon. i love you all


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