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My head is pounding. And it hurts like a bitch.

The beeping of some random ass monitor isn't helping at all.

I literally wake up just so I can turn it off.

"What, where am I?" I ask.

This doesn't look like my bedroom. What happened?

I look around and see the hospital bracelet and I look up as I hear the curtain move. It's my mom.

Her face is tear stained and her eyes are red and puffy.

She sees that I'm awake and runs over to me and starts thanking God.

"Mom, why am I here?" I ask her.

"Baby, you were in a car accident. With Alessio and Benji." she replies (they're both speaking french don't forget).

I sit up, I immediately regret it as it makes my head pound even worse, "Where's Benji? He must be so scared! He's only twelve. Oh Benji no. IS HE OK?" I flood her with questions.

I start to cry when she doesn't respond, "Is he ok?" I weakly whisper.

"He's fine, they're both ok. You and Benji had it worse though. The car hit you guys straight on." She soothes me. She grabs my hand.

I see my dad walk in and I start to fade back into unconsciousness.

When I wake up again, it's just a nurse with me. "Can I have some water?" I ask, she looks at me and then nods her head.

Soon after she brings me my water, "You're lucky, you know. You got hit hard. You're a fighter, Penelope," she checks my chart as she speaks. "The doctor will be right in sweetie, she'll tell you what's going on."

I nod and let my head lean farther back into the pillow after I finish my water.

The nurse leaves and I sit and wait.

It seems like an awful long time before the doctor arrives, but in reality it was only about five minutes.

"Hey sweetheart, how're you doing?"

"If I'm being honest doc, not that great." I reply.

She nods, her eyes grow sad, "Ok, well that's normal. Especially since you got a concussion, whiplash, and you broke your arm. So it's completely understandable to not be doing good right now."

I look over at my arm, how did I not realize it was broken? Am I really that clueless?

The answer is yes.

The doctor starts telling me what to press when it the pain becomes unbearable, but that's not what I care about. "When can my friends visit me?" I ask.

"I don't know. You aren't in great condition, right now...we can start letting them come by tomorrow if you like."

"Sounds good," She starts to walk away, "Wait I have more questions. First, did my friends, who were in the car with me come here too? If yes, can I see them? And when can I leave?"

The doctor sighs, "Yes, your friends are here. You can see them, tomorrow! And I don't know when you can leave. Longest I'll keep you here is probably another two weeks. Now, get some sleep." She leaves and closes the curtains.

I frown and start thinking about Benji and Alessio. I really hope they aren't in bad condition.

Soon, I drift off with the thoughts of them swimming around in my head.

When I wake up I feel an immense amount of pain. I start to cry cause this shit hurts. I look around and press the button that the doctor told me to press if the pain got to bad.

The morphine moves into my body and I fall asleep again.

When I wake up the second time the pain isn't to bad. I want to see Benji and Alessio so I look around for a nurse to unhook me from everything.

The curtain is closed so all I can do is sit and wait.

Lucky for me it doesn't take long for a nurse to come into my little area. "Can I go see my friends? They're in the hospital."

He sighs and puts me in a wheel chair.

Bitch. I broke my arm not my legs.

Then I realize he has to take my medicine shit with me.

Sorry Mr. Nurse for calling you a bitch in my head.

"What're your friends names?" He asks.

I tell him and he takes me to one of the rooms.

It's Benji's room. He gets a small little space like me too.


Anyways, Mr. Nurse pushes me until I'm right next to the bed.

I grab Benji's hand and he looks at me, "Penelope! I missed you."

I smile at him, tears filling my eyes.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I ask him.

"Oh I'm fine really, I just broke my leg. No concussion or anything I don't really know how I got so lucky." Benji gives me the brightest smile.

"I'm so glad. I hope you can leave soon. I hope I can leave soon too."

I talk with Benji for a bit but he ends up falling asleep.

I don't blame him, the pain that I'm in is bad too. It hurts enough to make me tired.

The nurse takes me to Alessio.

Alessio is wide awake and arguing with the doctor, "I don't need to be here! It's just a concussion!" he yells at his doctor.

"Yes, but it's not a minor concussion. You'll only be here for another day or two."

Lucky bastard.

Alessio rolls his eyes, but when he does, he sees me. "Penny!"

I smile and the nurse rolls me over. The doctor and the nurse leave.

"How are you? Are you ok? Jesus you look awful! But you're still beautiful. Oh my god is this all my fault? I'm so sorry!" Alessio rambles.

"Z, Z. You're fine. This isn't your fault. It's the god damn other driver. I saw Benji and he's fine."

Alessio and I talk for about an hour.

"Hey, I'm tired so I'm going to go back to my room. I just need to find a nur-"

I don't get to finish my sentence.

I start seizing.

"NURSE! DOCTOR! HELP!" Alessio yells.

A nurse runs over, "She's having a seizure!"


Well that's some drama.

Hope y'all enjoy.

Follow me!!!!


Love you all.

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