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When the Sun finally set we decided to go the extra mile.

I ran to the beach, tugging off my clothes and then jumping in the water, it was cold as fuck.

I laughed as Alessio struggled to swim over to me, "Why did we do this? It's so cold!" he kept complaining.

"Because it's fun!"

Alessio finally reached me and he started to splash me with water. I splashed him back and we had a splash war, it was filled with me laughing a lot and screaming.

"Hey!" We heard a voice on the beach yell, we look up to see a flashlight pointed at us. "You kids can't be here, the beach is closed."

We look at each other nervously, we didn't expect to be caught. "I'm sorry sir!" I yell as we start swimming back.

When we get back to the shore the officer, or whatever you call him, starts to lecture us. "You kids can't be here. It's trespassing and illegal. I'll let you guys off with a warning...just don't do it again."

We nod and pick up our clothes. I run up to the back of my car and close the back of it after grabbing two blankets. I go into the front and hand Alessio a blanket, he wraps it around himself, shivering.

His hair is swooping across his face making water droplets drip on him. I turn on the heater and butt warmers and we drive to a 7/11 (we don't have 7/11 where I live) and we sit in the parking lot to warm ourselves.

"Here, it's your clothes. Thank god we didn't jump in the water with them on." I hand Alessio back his sweatshirt, pants, beanie, and shoes.

Ok, to clarify we did jump in in our underwear.

I grab my clothes and slip them on. I put my hair in a messy bun so it's out of my face. "Can I put your hair up?"

"No...fine. Only because you're giving me puppy dog eyes."

Alessio's face contorts into a pout but I smile and move over so I can put his hair into a bun.

"Ow ow ow!" Alessio complains.

"You're fine. Besides I'm down now." I roll my eyes, boys can't even deal with a tug on their hair.

He looks in the mirror, "Oh! I'm just so pretty!" he exclaims in a British accent.

I giggle.

We wait for a minute to warm up and then Alessio starts driving again. He's in my car so we have to drive him back to his house.

When we get there we both get out. I hop up onto the hood of my car and Alessio stands in between my legs.

"Are you going to come inside, or...?" Alessio looks over at his house.

"Nope. I have to head home. Besides, maybe you can swing by the roof." I smile, kiss him, and hop down from the hood.

"Goodnight Penelope."

I stop my door from closing, "Goodnight Alessio."

He winks at me before he walks up his porch and into his house.

I roll my eyes to myself and then drive back to my house.

I check the clock right before I go inside, 12:09, I should be fine.

I step inside and notice all of the lights are off. I swear to god if they turn on a light and do the movie thing I'm going to be genuinely disappointed in them.

They didn't do that means they're probably asleep. I sigh to myself and lock the door behind me.

I creep up the stairs and into my room. I take a quick shower to get all the ocean scent off of me and then I go back to my room.

I grab a sweatshirt and some shorts, the usual sleepwear, and then I climb into bed once I have them on.

I open my laptop and start watching YouTube videos when I hear a tapping on the window.

I look up and Alessio is sitting there. I smile and get out of bed to open the window for him.

He tries to get inside but falls on the ground. I start laughing but cover my face and shush Alessio because I'm not trying to wake my parents up.

We both wait to hear feet coming up the stairs but we hear nothing so we let out the breath that both of us were keeping.

"I didn't actually expect you to come!" I whisper/yell at him.

He raises an eyebrow and pulls his lips up into a smirk, "I'm slightly offended. Besides I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to hang with my girl."

I smile and look away, "We hangout with each other 25/8, you know. It wouldn't kill us to hangout with our other friends too."

Alessio climbs back out the window and onto the roof, disappearing for a second, but then I see his head pop through the window, "I know. But you are my favorite person. And besides my friends can't do all the things we do." he winks at me and then his head disappears again.

I mentally groan and then I climb out of the window too. I see Alessio at one one of the flat areas of my roof so I walk over to him.

"God, I love the view up here." Alessio looks up at the stars.

I look at him, "Yeah...me too." I bite my lip for a second and then I close my eyes and start to smile.

I open my eyes and see Alessio staring at me, a sparkle is in his eyes. I start to blush.

Alessio walks over and kisses me, my face in his hands and my hands on his shoulders.

Not the most romantic placement, but I'm still kissing him and that's all I want.

And the most movie thing starts to happen, it starts raining on us.

We pull away and start laughing at the circumstances.

I grab his hand and we go back inside.

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