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Time skip
Penny is 20 and Alessio is 21

Alessio and I had remained happy together. We lost and gained friends. We got into drama but we stuck with each other.

If I'm being honest, I can't picture myself with someone else. He's perfect for me and I'm perfect for him. We're just...perfect.

Tonight was our anniversary and Alessio had decided to plan a date for us. It was a picnic on the beach during the sunset.

As I was driving the phone started to ring so I answered it on the Bluetooth shit.

"Hello?" I answered.

"BABE!" Madi yelled at me, "I need you to come over right now."

"I can't. It's my anniversary with Alessio. I'm going out with him tonight," I stopped and checked the clock, "How long will it take?"

"Like...five minutes."

"Alright I'm heading over. See you soon. Bye." We day I love you and I hangout up.

I sigh and take a right towards where Madi's new house is.

When I get there I park and walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell.

I immediately hear pounding footsteps and the door opens to a shrieking Madi. "THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. COME IN COME IN!"

I scurry inside and she shuts the door. I look around for her boyfriend but I don't see him, "He's not here." she says as she leads me to her couch.

"What's up?" I ask as I sit down.

She bites her lip and smiles up at me, "I'm pregnant."

We immediately start screaming and I'm jumping around and congratulating her. "Does he know?" I ask.

"No! I need your help choosing something to tell him with."

She shows me two pictures on her phone. One of them is a picture of a box of donuts with a note that says, "Eat up I don't want to be the only one with a belly around here." and a picture of the baby. (what the fuck is it called?) And the other picture is of a pea in a box that says, "Soon our two peas in a pod will be three peas in a pod!"

"First one. One hundred percent the first one." I tell her.

"Ok ok! Now go to your date with Alessio! Have fun!" We hug and then I leave and start driving to the beach again.

As soon as I pull up I see Alessio sitting on a blanket, watching the waves.

When I shut my door he looks over and gives me a big smile. He stands up and kisses me.

"Hi babe."

We eat for awhile and then as soon as we finish the sun finally sets. I lean back so I'm laying down and I close my eyes.

"Penny." Alessio whispers to me.


"Penny open your eyes."

I open them and sit up. What I see is Alessio on one knee with a ring in his hand.

"Penelope Anastasia Macraesk, will you marry me?" (highkey forgot her name oops).

"I...I...uh...HELL YEAH!" I yell.

He laughs and slides the ring on my finger and then we kiss.

Time skip to the wedding

I've never been more nervous before.

My heart was pounding.

I looked at myself in the mirror again.

My long dress was beautiful. It had white flower decals on top of an almost sheer white mesh. It had a V-line neck and was tighter around the waist.

I sighed and walked out to the door. My dad wiped his eyes and then he took my hand and lead me down the aisle.

When I looked at Alessio I noticed he was crying. I smiled at him and he wiped his eyes and smiled back.

Time skip to three years

I was pregnant. For sure this time.

Alessio and I had tried for three years to have a kid to no success. The times we had been successful had ended in tragedy.

I had suffered four miscarriages.

They were tough on both of us.

And we stopped trying eventually, and adopted a little boy. He was no older than a week old. He was a hispanic baby but with green eyes, we had no idea how that happened but it did. We had named him Leo. After my brother.

We adored Leo and spoiled him rotten. He's now two years old.

And now I'm sitting in the doctors office while they check up on my baby again. Alessio's holding my hand.

We're both terrified, at this point in my pregnancies I had usually lost them.

"Looks good!" The doctor exclaims and we let out a sigh of relief, "Wait, hold on."

Fear rises in my chest again and Alessio asks, "Is the baby ok?"

The doctor smiles, "Yes. In fact, the babies are ok. Mr. and Mrs. Scalzotto, it appears you're having triplets.

Our eyes almost bulged out of our heads. We couldn't believe it.

After birth

We had two identical boys and one girl.

The boys were four minutes apart and then the girl made me wait twenty more minutes before she came out.

The oldest was named Blaire, the second was Dalton, and the baby girl was named Halo.

Don't judge we liked the names.

Now we had our perfect little family.

The end.


Sorry it took so long to update.
And sorry it's over.


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