Chapter 9,Layla's powers

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-Journal entry 9- December 9,2015-

Another day at school. Another day of being bullied by those around me. I'm tired of it all. I just wish I could stop it all. I guess I better just head to class.
(Tiempo de Salto)
Layla takes her seat and waits for the lesson to begin.
"*Sigh* I'm so tired of being here...All people are going to do is make fun of me for anything that I do." "And for what?" "I didn't do anything to them." "So why?" Layla thought

It was then that Layla's teacher had decided to call on her.

"Ah, Layla."

Layla's head snapped up with surprise evident on her face.


"Can you answer me what the first step is to solving a linear equation using algebra?"

"Uhh...Ask yourself what is in the way of your goal?" Layla said uneasily.

"No, your almost there though."
"What you first want to ask yourself is what do I already know?"


The entire of the class burst out laughing.
"Hahaha Layla doesn't even know  how to do math!!!" Shouts one of the students.

Layla puts her head down and cries silently to herself as the class continues to laugh at her.

"Why me?" "Why is it always me?!" Layla thought.

It was then that something deep within side Layla snapped.

"Why is it always me?" "Huh?!"
Layla stood up  and looked up with her tear stained cheeks and shouted;
"Why is it always me that you decide to make fun of?!" "Huh?!" "I've had enough of your mother f*cking stupidity!" "I'm done with it!"

Layla's eyes glowed red as she seethed in anger.

"I'm done with being made fun of!!!"

The class was silent and extreamly afraid of Layla by this point.

"Now, if you all don't want to die then I suggest all of you just shut the f*ck up and keep you mother f*cking mouths shut!" Layla shouted towards the class while releasing massive killer intent.

The class was frozen to their spots in fear of their classmate. They decided to just follow Layla's command and shut up.

"*Sigh* now I don't ever want to hear you making fun of me again." "Cause if you do I will kill you all without a single hesitation to do so."

Layla sat back down in her seat and calmed down.

"Now teacher, please continue with your lesson."

"Ehem...Right." "so as I was saying before you need to be reminded of what you already know..."

Layla zoned out and started to think about her little outburst.

"I wonder where this power came from..." "When I get outta here I should ask Kurama-san about it." Layla thought.

(Time skip)
It was now the end of the day and it was time to go home.layla packed up for the day and headed home.
(End chapter)
I hope you like it. Till next time my fellow readers~ 8)

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