An Art Designed Only For Me!!!..Part 1

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Boy's Pov

Walking through the passageway I walked towards the person who was supposed to be at airport to pick me up but instead  is standing there flirting with the lady instructor.

"Hello Mr.Shah!! I'm very much honoured to have you here escort me!!"

I sassed as my driver started picking up my suitcases kept beside.

"Oh Man so nice to meet you!!!" He embraced me as the lady who stood beside him mouthed me feeble thanks making me smile at this idiots usual behavior.

"I really expected you to get better than this Rohan!!" retreating from his hug I knocked his head a bit getting usual reaction from him..that is his sad puppy like face.

Rolling my eyes at his such behaviour I walked away towards my car.

"What's the special occasion for the almighty Neil Khanna to step on our land?!!" Rohan mocked as he made himself comfortable beside me while I nodded at Uncle Jason to drive us to the respected place I had a deal to take care of..

Scrolling through my cell phone I busied myself in checking through some files while answering him distractingly " There's one stubborn dealer who is not ready to sign the deal recommended by our firm! He thinks it's not beneficiary as the other party would be!" 

"Woah That should be News Headlines..'Mr.Neil Khanna on his way to crack deal with Mr. Malhotra, who refuses to budge on!' " 

Glaring at him through my reading glasses, I averted my gaze towards the mobile but one word stuck in my head said by Rohan..

"It's Miss!"

"Huh?!" I heard his confused remark and went on explaining to it further.

"It's Miss Malhotra!" Glancing towards my watch quick I looked outside the glass window to see the' Larchmont's Cafe' written in bold letter at the top.

"Dude are you sure it's only a Business meet and not a 'Date' ?!!"

"Shut up Rohan!!" 

Stepping out of the vehicle I made my way towards and inside the coffee taking into consideration number of youth couples sitting and having their brunch.

Sitting on our reserved Cabin I observed my surrounding a bit.

It's nice but too cozy to be a business meet.

"Man do you still think this as an official business meet?!" I glanced at him, he was holding the decorated jar close to his eyes scrutinizing it minutely.

Exhaling a deep breath I stared at him and one thought crossed my mind at that..

"It's a great threat for me to bring here!"

"Aww dude I know in my presence you both won't be able to romance much but I would Love to meet this lady who dared to turn down your proposal!!"

Glaring at him I seethed "Don't make it sound like that!!"

"What!! I was just-"

"Hello Am I intruding Mr.Khanna?!!"

Looking towards my right I saw Miss Malhotra taking her seat While I stood up to greet her.

"Sit Mr.Khanna, I should be the one welcoming you over here!!" Through her smile she nodded for us to sit while I complied.

"Damn She is so gorgeous!! You are lucky Man!!" Rohan whispered beside me while I continued doing the thing I was doing since I met him..that is glaring at him.

"Geez I know she is your's..No need to kill me in your head!!" he whispered again while I closed my eyes in exasperation.

"Mr.Khanna I suppose this is Mr.Shah you mentioned before in the call, right?" she spoke confidently while I nodded lightly at her.

"Hello there Mr.Shah, I'm Taneesha Malhotra!" 

"And I'm Rohan Shah...You can call me just Rohan, there's no need for becoming an oldie now right?!!"

Laughing at his comment Miss Malhotra smiled at me.. "There, you have a really funny friend!"

"Yes Indeed, he might get confused to a buffoon!" I smiled broadly in mockery at Rohan who was now sulking in the seat while I continued the discussion we had before through mobile.

 "Ah Finally we are gonna eat something!! I'm starving!!" My over dramatic friend dived at the food which arrived on our table while I started slicing my lasagne.

"Avni!" I looked up when Miss Malhotra called out a name..

"Any problem Ma'am?!" A waitress came while looking a bit concerned towards Miss Malhotra.

" Umm Well my order has been misplaced by mistake I guess!" Miss Malhotra smiled softly at the girl before her while I busied myself in eating my lasagne.

"I'm really very sorry to hear that Ma'am I'll replace it right away!!"

"Tanu How did you knew her name was 'Avni'?!" Rohan chimed in while I rolled my eyes at his nick name to the owner of Malhotra industries!

"Um A long story, I visit this Cafe regularly and let's say she helped me a lot at my worst times!"

"Please! I want to hear a story!! It's been a long time since I heard one, And I really love stories!! See I also have Wattpad app in my mobile!!" Rohan blabbered on while I excused myself as I finished my dish and wanted a room for myself.

Rohan is really a tough one to stay around but he makes sure to turn the surrounding more lively and bearable! And that's what I love of him the most.

Returning back from the gent's washroom I made my way towards the place where they were seated but my pace halted once a scene unfolded in front of me.

There was a lady shouting a worker of this cafe while whom I suppose is 'Avni' was apologizing for her friend's mistake.

"Avni why did you apologized to that old hag!! She was the one throwing her plate away just because she found her own hair in her dish!!" Her friend who was walking towards the green room covered in wet food flashed clothes spoke angrily while Miss Avni just listened calmly, a soft smile on her face.

"Rina they are our customers! Just think it as our parents! She is old and Lonely!! We should be the sensible one's here. Violence against violence will  make the situation more drastic, So instead try being silent and solve the problem!! " She spoke too calmly and wisely while I leaned onto the side wall and pondered over her thought!

Her words were true but always giving blind eye to such situations might leave untended scars on us.

Which would effect us later on if not now.

Now Neil, you have much more important deals rather than pondering over useless thoughts!

My phone rang as I began striding towards my seat, picking up the call I heard my assistant speaking about the upcoming appointments I have to attend as soon as I return to India.

Stopping before the door to enter in our divided cabin I scrolled through my mob screen as another call notification popped on my screen.


Why would he call me suddenly?

I turned around as to not bother anyone with my boring talks but was abruptly interrupted with someone dashing into me hard!




What the-" Mphhh!!" There laid the reason for the drastic fall!

Sitting in the puddle of wasted lunch and utensils was Miss Gyani..I mean Avni!

"Are you alright Miss?!" I forwarded my hand towards her as she tried standing but fell again due to the sticky floor.

She ignored my forwarded hand and tried again to get up while I waited calmly hoping she would clasp my hand.

"Miss I suppose you should take help once if given!! No one will wait to offer their help again!" I spoke sternly hoping she would understand, 

She forwarded her hand and I too did to grab it but in last second she retreated it back!!

What's with this childish behaviour?!

"Your clothes might get more dirty if you help me!" She spoke as she stared at my now devastated coat.

"Naah, it won't get more dirtier than it already is!!" 

I spoke and bent forward to take hold of her shoulder and carefully pick her up and away from the food puddle!

"Dude you just picked her up like a small kid, Aww that's so cut!!!" I groaned loudly upon hearing my friend's voice.

Why the hell was he here?!

I looked around and to my utter uncomfortability there were customers and staff, everyone gawking at the scene!

If they were standing there then why not help a little?!

These people nowadays!!

"Avni how much do you weigh?!" 


"Umm Hundred and twelve pounds?!" I heard Miss Avni's hesitant voice as  I looked at her in 'Are you serious look?' and then I turned towards the speaker who spoke before.

"Miss Malhotra I did not expect such words from you!!" I spoke unable to keep it in my mind.

Rohan is really a bad influence for others I guess.

"Everyone Back to work! And call Suzy to clean this mess over here, I'll be back attending to this Mr. over here!!" 

Miss Avni spoke while I looked on astonished at her such professional way of ordering!

 "Sir Please follow me to the green room!!" She motioned me to follow her while I obligated with a nod.


Standing near the faucet I cleaned my face and arms as I saw Miss Avni entering back this time in cleaned clothes.

I sat on the near by stool and observed as she washed my coat under the faucet I was cleaning  my self before.

I looked on as her hair strands came in between of her task by flying infront of her face..

"You should tie your hair behind Miss!" She looked towards me and then at the mirror she was facing at, she sighed while now cleaning her hands off of soap.

Walking towards her I spoke her to halt her movement and took my handkerchief out of my pocket and tied her long black hair into a messy ponytail

"There you go!" backing away quickly I sat again while she uttered a small thanks with a genuine smile on her face.

"Well, Are waitresses allowed to boss around in this Cafe?!" 

I asked straightaway as she now was done with the washing of my blazer.

She held the blazer under the heating machine while I waited patiently for her answer.

"Well here your blazer, it's not much dried but dry enough to wear it! And I need to get back to work! Once again Sorry for troubling you, your today's bill will be on us!"


After 3 months, In India

"Did you arranged my meet with M firms?!!" 

I asked as I got ready to depart from here, "Yes Sir it's after half an hour in Vile Palace Hotel!"


Entering the diner hall I walked towards the table where sat 1 lady facing her back towards me, "I hope you were notified about the reason for this urgent meet Miss.Mehra!"

Taking seat in front of her I looked up to get stunned by the presence of someone else.

Attired in a formal top and pants in blue sat "Miss Avni?!"

 "Nice to meet you again Mr.Khanna!" She smiled broadly at me while I sat confused.

"It's Avni Mehra, the firm owner! And the best one I mind you!!" She chuckled while I sat still on my seat.

"How come you build your own firm within 3 months and brought it under the top 10 in India?!!" I spoke baffled as she just smiled broadly.

"That's a secret Mr.Khanna!! Well let's begin discussing the important matters for now!1 Let's meet up later for other stuffs!!"

The beaming lady infront of me spoke cheerfully while I composed myself to go on through the discussion.

I walked Miss Mehra till her car "Won't you tell me how come a normal waitress became a firm owner within short span of time?!"

"Who told you Mr.Khanna that I was a waitress?!!"

Saying so her car drove off while I stood there speechless.


Hola guys...

There will be a second part to this short,

I know it was not much but I was unable to finish it off at once..

And I'm really sorry if I didn't replied back to any of your comments or messages..

I really am in a tough situation...

To release my stress I write stories..

And comments really does helps to ease my mind..

So do drop your comments guys...I won't be able to reply but for the time being, but later on when I'll be stable with the time I'll respond.

Adios Amigo's

Amor Seem.

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