First Impression....

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Gasping and huffing with my breathes, I supported my hands on my knees to calm my already risen heartbeats, after 7-8 laps in the park.
I relaxed myself on a wooden bench shaded under a tree, cooling down my high-ed nerves.
I closed my eyes and reminded myself about practicing and learning from my failures.
After 3 hours, I would face new opportunities, new challenges, which would be a step closer to my success.
' Naamkaran'  It will give me a new name, a new identity, for which I will live with pride.
I hope so I do my best in it.
I drank some water from my sipper as demanded by my dried throat.
I lifted my feet towards a new life which has been awaited for me by my fate..
I decided to walk back to my apartment rather than cab or taxi's, it will help me reducing some calories which were increased last night, pardon my nervousness and excitement.
Busy  counting on my calories gained last night, suddenly my eyes darted towards my right, soon I was at the middle of the road holding the small puppy in my arms hugging him towards me, hoping to calm his shivering self. I heard a loud screeching sound..
Boys view:

Today's day is veryuch important for me, as I have signed for a new show, and my excitement rises even more by the mere mention of playing the role of an IPS Officer.. My long last dream, so what if its not in real but it can happen in reel right? I can fulfill my lost dream in this show itself.
Being excited and happy by my thoughts I missed to notice a puppy at a distant distance from my car which I was driving, I applied a sudden brake resulting in loud screeching noise of the tyres, my eyes were shut instantly while applying breaks and when I opened, I saw a lady sitting at the place of that puppy, with her head bowed down being a barrier for my eyes to her face.
I quietly stepped out to apologize to the lady but to my dismay, my unsaid words died in my throat when she snapped at me with her fierceness.
" why the hell!! You drive when you are blind....such people must never get license before checking the owner of their eyes"
I was shocked would be an understatement, never ever in my life someone had shouted me in the sassy way.
Composing myself I replied with my attitude " listen madam,if I was blind, you would've been reached to hospital till now, you must thank me for applying the breaks at the correct moment" It was then I saw her arms holding him securely," Instead of being sorry, you are asking for a thanks to risk this puppy's and my are gone nuts boy" I immediately snapped my head towards her, " who told you to risk your life then?" I tried to intimidate her by looking around for someone and remarked by saying " Oh I thinj, thus puppy must've have told you right?" I saw her beautiful doe shaped eyes glaring at me are you even serious man, what are you saying ' BEAUTIFUL'   she is right I guess I have gone nuts
Soon I shrugged away my inner voice and saw air replacing that lady's clutch... " what the hell!! Why did you threw my car keys??" I asked her by being of ended by her act which aroused my anger and patience which I held till now..
" the person who doesn't knows driving must not drive the car!!!" Saying so she left the place within seconds with that small puppy....making me go numb and baffled at the same spot leaving my mouth and eyes wide.
Hii here is the first part of ' First Impression'
Hope you all didn't got bored
And yaa stay tuned to know what's stored in next part
This will be a two shot story which isy first try for it
Please support me...and I will know this by your votes and comments. So do vote and comment..
Bye guys
Love you all very
And yaa a warm welcome to the new readers and as well my known fellas...a warm welcome to you all as well ...I know I should've written this in start but what to do I was excited more to start the chapter rather than my speech.LoL
Pardon me guys..
Bubyeee lovelies
Seem aka seema here

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