My Bacchaa...

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Standing amidst rows and benches filled with heads looking at me, some thanking god for torturing me like this, while some having pity on me but most what i cared was a pair was moist eyes.. sitting behind me...I can sense in my heart very well..

Its all because of this old man standing infront of me continuously blabbering shit what I heard mostly was ' You are a zero'..' loser'..'duffer' and etc..kind of stuffs for which I payed zero attention as mentioned by this old man before....

What I saw next was his index finger darting towards the exit door, without wasting a minute I left the class with my own swag and attitude, you must be knowing ' Niel khanna waala Swag'

I sat down in the garden, waiting for that boring class to end as soon as possible...I kept glancing at my watch after every minute..

Restlessness the feeling screaming from each and every cell of my body which calmed down when the peace of my heart came and sat beside me, without wasting a second ...I took her in a bone crushing hug which reluctantly made her to open up everything which was bottled up in her since long time by her mild sobs...

I tried going backwards in order to see her face but her hold on my torso was more tighter as if I might disappear if left...Awwww my baby..

As her grip was tightening around me every second by heart was feeling more scrunched to see her in such state because of me..

Tears started dwelling in my eyes, but I restricted it to fall off my eyes, I have to be strong to make my chmall baby strong, she needs me now and i cant let her be like this.

Later, I was successful in drawing myself away from her only to witness a dreadful sight infront of me, her swelled up eyes, her wobbling and quivering lips with her throat tight, with her breathings uneven...I warmly embraced her and patted her back, soon I left her when I felt her a bit relaxed before detaching from her I placed a soft kiss on her forehead which rested there some long time...

I cupped her face...

'Bacchaa why are you know na your nielu is best then why are you crying for that big headed shorty alien..'  I soon saw her chuckling which sent some soothing vibes to my heart making my lips stretched to a small yet warm smile.

' How dare chay...something to my nielu....I will punish him.'  My bachaa is there again with her cute pout complaining ' nielu you always get good marks then why was he shouting at you..' Awww she is really my baby, she is looking choo adorable

' Avni bachaa he is jealous of me na so he removed his grudges by shouting at me..dont worry I dont care about him nor I got hurt by him, But I am hurt because of you' saying so I flicked her red nose with my index finger for which I got an irritated yet cute look.

' what did I do to hurt you' she said this by curling her lower lip looking adorably cute as possible.

She is giving a tough time to me now.

' I can never ever hurt you' she continued making me come out of my decent yet indecent thought. 

' Today you cried so much na which hurted me a lot' I turned the other side with my hands folded closer to my chest with fake anger sticking on my face.

I glanced at her through my corner of eyes..her both brows rose up in realization of the fact about hurting me with her mouth slightly open, soon she made a thoughtful expression and tapped her finger on her chin and a smirk appeared on her face confusing  me about her next action, before I could comprehend something I felt a pair of hands wrapping my waist as tight as possible and next what i felt was smooth touch at my left cheek, making my eyes come out of its socket with my mouth opened wide..

Avni kissed me on my cheek....

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