Weirds are Rare-II (Continuation...)

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Dear Carino,

Wonderful thing for me is to always have you in my mind and heart. My day always brightens with your thoughts and kindness, You're a girl who is always in process for her employees, in actual I don't think you ever treat them as your employees but instead as a family whom you love with all your heart, but I hope you would love me as well but not only as a family but also as a special person, a better half which will be there for you my whole life and I promise I would never ever hurt your feelings intentionally but even if it did happen, I would do anything to gain your forgiveness, even if it means to stay locked up in a whole pink room, yeah a freaking pink colored room . Well let me tell you my allergy with pink's, Its my horrible nightmare I would say. Once my mom made me wear baby pink shirt, pink jeans and a pink cap along with pink and white shoes when I was a teenager. That day still horrifies me, That day I didn't dared to look anyone in the eye, so pretty much horrifying it is for me. See this is the speciality in you which I love and which makes me to be my own self, I never ever can lie to you now I guess.... ,  Adiós tener cuidado (Bye take care of yourself)

Love you...

Your Admirador

Mr. Winsome    (Winsome in vocabulary means attractive or appealing in fresh, innocent way.....) 

Placing the 1st letter in the box I took out another letter reading every letter one after the other in ascending way, Well you all must be thinking How did I knew the orders of these letters right well these 13 letters to be precise about it were  hidden in beautifully designed envelopes and the first envelope was in pink and the rest of it ended up with blue, red, green etc. I chuckled at his allergy of pink's.

And each letter's consisted the number cut out with their specific orders tied at the edge of the envelope. for example the 1st letter had number 1 on it and the 2nd had a number 2 on it and so on.

This guy literally hated color pink though the first letter was covered in pink envelope...great.

You all must be thinking what am I doing with these letters and reading them out??!! well its crazy to confess but I really missed Mr. Winsome a lot.

It's been 1 month since I got the 13th letter.... and there's still no letters yet, I really want to meet this Mr. Winsome now, it's very frustrating.

And Neil....I guess I am frustrated because I kinda miss him too but that's not a good thing for now to think.

I shook my thoughts and let my PA to come in.

"Ma'am here's the letter...and we searched for the person of this letter but it was just left on the receptionist's desk with your name. Sorry Ma'am!!" sighing loudly I nodded my head telling her to go while I grasped the letter which was resting on my desk few seconds before.

Dear Carino,

Earning your trust is the most prioritized thing in my list now along with making you smile and laugh, I so wish to see you laughing now in front of me, your gleaming eyes, your giggle's sounding music to my ears and your....

Wait!! Only this much... Why is this letter so small....

It's incomplete, I wanted to read more....

I surely will kill this man when I'll meet him....Urgggg

'But you don't even know his name!!!' my subconscious mind nagged me.

I rested my head on my folded hands which was resting on the desk while sighing deeply.

Why these love stuff is so annoying yet very interesting to explore!!!

I really can't tolerate my frustration

" hello Samuel, can you please send some Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream along with a cup of hot chocolate!!!" Ending the call I sat waiting for my love.

And yeah there they came exactly after 5 minutes of my PA's call as promised by her.

Waiting for the person -who I didn't noticed at all because of my two love of my life I busied myself in devouring every taste of my love.

They really are my love.......

chocolates and Ice cream...

My special moment was broken by few knocks on my cabin.

I am really not in mood of any work.

"Come In and it better be for good Samuel." I said in agitated tone while waited for Samuel to come in.

Samuel entered in with some pink box which had flowers on it along with a envelope on top,

The bell rang in my head and I without hesitating a second dashed to him and took the box,

"leave Samuel, Thanks"

there was the envelope resting on the beautiful box of pink.

Opening up the letter quickly I read the following.

I am really very sorry Amor, I left you hanging with the incomplete letter but I really wanted to write it so badly so that you can know my feelings which are already like an open book, but now I want to tell those whole bottled up feelings to you, in front of you, facing you. now It's the right time for you to come to meet me, so come to the address written at the bottom with all the letters and this box, and Amor Por favor wear the dress I chose for you.

Love you, Amor

Amor Valley across skygliding building.


Opening up the box I  wore that dress immediately and stood in front of the mirror admiring the reflection in it. I was clad in a beautiful gown in white  on top and blush pink color down, which in front stopped above the knees while from behind it flowed down till the floor. It was a sleeveless dress, with some crisscrossed threads designing the white top and the blush pink plain skirt cascaded down giving a ravishing look to me, I styled my hair sideways making sure to curl every single hair which were in dark brown, and applied some eyeliner, mascara, glittery grey eyeshadow and some nude lipstick. and wearing a white flats, Well also not forgetting to wear dangling earring where stars hung from the strings, also my wrist watch and mobile phone. I was off to the address but stopped abruptly and re-entered my spare room in my cabin and came out with letters the gift box and some important stuff.

I noticed something dangling off the gift box, picking the small paper I turned it only to find some Question marks!!!


What does this means??!! 


Exiting from the parking Lot I was heading towards the venue but someone tapped my shoulder to which I turned behind to find a man in his early 30's standing while bowing his head.

"Ma'am Sir has asked me to give you this!!" and here you go...

Another envelope, do this man, Oh his name is Winsome, does he really wants to meet me or rather let me die in curiousness....

Who is this Man??!!!

Was the only question swirling in my mind, yet no answers found from the every end and corners of my brain.

Dear Amor, I want you to blindfold yourself and come with Dominic-the one who handed you this envelope... I am waiting for you.

Love you, Carino. Your Admirador.... Mr. Winsome.

Folding the chit back and placing it in my purse I glared at the Dom...Or dominico..whatever his name was and gritted through my teeth through frustration.

"My eyeshadow better not get ruined by this stupid blindfold, or your boss will surely see his death today!!!" Warning the dom...aargghh that black suited man and let him lead my way.

Hearing his instructions he vanished away after 5 minutes, without saying anything.

"I will surely kill you..You black suited Dom, if you won't answer me now!!!" Still waiting for the answer Getting more agitated I removed the blindfolds only to get stunned by the person in front of me.

There he was kneeling in front of me chuckling in his Black jacket covering his white t-shirt paired with perfect ironed black jeans which was now into creases because of his kneeling down, and he held colorful flowers in his hand.

"Welcome Amor, I am glad you came, I thought you were going to ditch me, well I hope you missed me, did you??" He asked me flashing his innocent face which always made my heart swirl in anticipation.

" Hey Carino, speak something, You're making me scared Amor!!!" And there I bent down on my knees and hugged the hell out of him.

"You stupid, idiot, I will chop your head off your muscled body, How dare you to scare me so much. Don't you know How I felt when you never ever messaged me after my voice mail, I always tried to know about you but was never able to, and the thing about missing you, I didn't missed you at all. I missed My Mr. Winsome, where is he?!!"

I stood up and searched here and there pretending to find someone else but just admired the beautiful scenario In front of my eyes, the stunning red bows hung on the top of the wall with white curtains in a particular design making it look awesome, while the chandelier above my head was looking breathtakingly cute with its yellowish golden lights lightening the whole room, I turned on my heels only to get dazed out by so many Christmas tree's lined up.

All tree's glimmering in the colorful lights, the stars at the top of it making it look more enchanting, the ribbons and small candies hung on the tree's along with some glass balls, making its look completely perfect.

And that's when I realized about Mr. Winsome being vanished in the blue.

"Mr. Winsome??" I called out only to get silence as the answer.

" Hello Mr. Winsome??!" Sighing loudly I turned around only to get bumped by a strong wall, wait what is this Wall doing in the middle of the room, before there was No wall over here.

Opening my eyes I got the answer for my stupidest thought, there was No wall instead a huge hulk Man.

I mean Mr. Winsome!!!

This stupid will surely see his death today!!!

Suddenly something stroked my mind!!

" Please do you can show me the way to the washroom??"  I politely asked him to which he obliged easily and took me to the washroom which path was very much confusing for me.


 I Exited the washroom making sure of not forgetting anything behind while picking up the red dress which I was wearing in my hand I heard loud gasps around me.

Looking up I found Mr. Winsome with his mouth open and eyes balled out along with the Black suited men which stood in the corners to take care of everything.

Suddenly feeling self conscious I wrapped my arms around myself feeling a bit awkward.

" Amor didn't you liked the dress which I chose for you??!!" Mr.winsome asked me while I looked in his auburn eyes to find it a little dazed out.

"I-I actuallly changed because-" Looking into his eyes I found difficult to complete my sentence without stuttering 

"Because Amor??" ( Well guys Amor means love ) His voice huskier and deep than normal. I stared deep in his eyes to see admiration and love in it, his eyes became darker shade and then seconds later it turned to its original form making me doubt at the existence of it or to rather doubt at my delusional vision.

I was so immensely caged by his gaze that I didn't knew when he came so near me, enough for my body to feel the heat coming off his body.

Still looking in his eyes, I spoke dazed out in a small whisper, I doubt he heard it 

" Because you didn't loved the color pink!!!" When he caressed my cheek and gave me a heart warming smile and  I got to know that he heard it.

"You were away from me. Why??" Still not averting my gaze from his beautiful eyes I spoke, tried keeping my voice strong but at the end it cracked.

Which made him snap his head a little as if awakened from a daze.

I saw some emotions flashing through his face which I was unable to decipher.

Holding my hand firmly he dragged me from there to hall making me confused of the silence.

I wanted to know if he loved me then why...

I came out of my thoughts when he made me stand in the middle of the hall and covering me from his jacket.

"I am sorry Amor, but I forgot to tell you, How breathtakingly stunning you are looking!!!" He whispered near my ear making me shudder slightly at his warm breath on my cold skin. 

I didn't wanted to stop this moment ever, I just wanted to dive in the depth of his auburn eyes which were directly gazing at my jet-black eyes.

But he didn't let me explore his eyes but turned me around so that I came face to face with All the tree's, which confused me as hell.

"What ar-" I was unable to speak further as he pulled me towards his chest, my back touching his broad chest while his hands encircled around me covered safely in his jacket by the cold temperature.

" shhh Amor!!" He shushed me and led me to the first tree from the left.

"Amor just flip the chits resting on the tree according to its number and you will Understand Everything!!!" he said and ushered me further.

Flipping the paper which consisted number 1 there was written something.

Wonderful thing for me is to always have you in my mind and heart.



This sentence feels very familiar.

I turned towards right and stepped in front of the second tree, and read the paper after flipping it around which had number 2 written on it.

Innovative and irresistible so much you are, for my thoughts to wander always around you.


Loving you is the only thing which I can do now, you are my only strength and weakness now I guess..............


Laughing then suddenly with a angry pout you sue many hearts, I wish I could be with you always.......


Yearning for your love is the only thing I can do now, waiting for you is the only hope for me now..................


Opening my closed heart to you is the only thing I can do writing this letter, I am trying my hard not to come and meet you engulfing you  in my empty cold arms to make it alive again............



Unbelievable it is to believe myself now, I always find you In front of me but whenever I try to touch you, you always get vanished away making me feel crazy for you......



Magician you are to swirl my world from boring to joyful, Angel you are love for brightening my life...........



Amor you are always a lightening spark to my cloudy fogged life, A single best thing I could ever imagine..............



Royally I will always treat you my Princesa Amor, even if it means to be your slave or king.


Rising of my heartbeats is getting increased day by day, just by your single thought its getting difficult to exhale any breath.



Young and old I want to be with you, taking care and protecting you will be my priority ever.



My lovely charming girl, I always am head over heels for you, the way you smile even if you are always stressed or worn out....



Earning your trust is the most prioritized thing in my list now along with making you smile and laugh......



I stopped at the 14th Christmas tree, processing everything in my mind, every tree had the beginning sentence written on it as well the Initial letter were written boldly below every sentence.

stepping 3-4 steps back I looked carefully at all the tree's only to let out a small gasp.

W I L L   Y O U   M A R R Y  M E

" Avni I know whatever now I am going to speak is very cliché but that's the true feelings in my heart, I want to spend each and every moment of my life with you, I want to be the first one to die so that I won't ever miss your presence in my life and feel the pain of losing you, I want to have 5 kids with you and I won't ever force them to wear pink, I want to learn every new thing from you and with you from now on, I want you to team up with my mom and harass me with your cute banters and tantrums, I want to be the only man of your life apart from my father-in-law, I want you to accept me even with my all flaws, I won't ever leave you as I did these last few months Avi, But that's not my fault, the day I heard your mail, it made me hurt, but not with you but my ownself, I was unable to make you happy and feel loved, Am really very sorry for hurting you with silence these past months but I wanted to surprise my weird girl with a Weird surprise, Merry Christmas My Amor, I want you... No-No, I need you to be in my life, to make it weird as yours, to make it more lively and adventurous with your weird thoughts and cute little precious moments. 

Te amo, Amor

I love you, Avi from the moment I laid my eye on you, the only girl who made me to look at someone who is more than perfect for the world, for me.

The only one who can complete me, my life, my world.


There he was leaning on his knee in front of me with a box held in his hand which were slightly shaking.

Till now I can say my face was a mess, with running tears on my cheeks, my heart was currently throbbing in my chest as if it wanted to rip out of my body.

My palms all sweaty and clammy with my head being dazed out or dizzy.

Everything around me felt very dreamy.

Is this really a dream.

"Amor its ok if you don't want to marry me!!! I-" I jumped on him making us fall flat on ground, him underneath me.

I tightly caught him in my arms, not leaving him at all from my grasp.

" I love you too Neil!!!"

I confessed the thing which I always wanted but feared it because of being or getting rejected.

Neil tried detaching himself from me but I held him more tighter resting my face in his neck.

He again tried but I Didn't let him.

"Por favor Amor ( please love)" his voice had that urgency and desperation in it which let me loose my hold on him, but I still didn't let him go away much far.

Still being very close, he looked in my eyes which were inches apart our foreheads touching with each other.

"Please say that again!!!" his eyes were also moistured with the tears which escaped his eyes.

"I love you, Neil, and yes I will marry you!!!" I said and the next second I was crushed with his hug.

I chuckled and held him close to my heart, letting my heart beat get mingled with his frantic racing heart beat.

"Well don't you think it's weird just lying on the floor and weeping out of happiness!!!" I spoke and he chuckled heartily which led the vibrations off his chest making me shiver with the pure bliss feeling. Making me grin like mad seeing him laugh.

"Weirds are Rare Amor, Weirds are rare!!!!" 

And that's when I got to know that every single thing from now on is going to be Weird which would make me go crazy with happiness and joy, My life would be perfect with this man beneath me.

And that's for sure without any doubt. 


That's it's this part is finished...And thank you Anam anamafaq05 once again for suggesting this idea...hope this was beautiful and up to the mark.

Guys I am really sorry for tolerating those sentences

[ I mean the sentences beginning with the initials of WILL YOU MARRY ME, well actually whatever came in my mind I wrote]

so Very sorry that you all were  bearing so much.

And I think 'Weirds are rare' was the longest short story till now, right??

Well do tell me if you all ever want to see any of your ideas through me....

Adios fellas, por favor ignore the mistakes

bye lovelies, love you a lot.

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